One of the most common types of lumber is edged board. It is made by sawing out of a single log. In this case, the edges are cut in such a way that there is no bark (wane) on them. In some cases, a similar defect is present in a small amount. Most often, its value is regulated by GOST standards. This type of lumber is widely used in construction.

In Russia, edged boards are sold in several standard sizes. So, the product is produced with a thickness of 22, 25, 30, 40, 50, 100 or 150 mm, a width of 100, 150 and 200 mm, and the length can be 3, 4 or the most common option - 6 meters. When performing work, the most optimal variant of dimensions is selected, which allow the most efficient use of edged lumber, while ensuring the necessary reliability of the structure. It is also worth noting that it is possible to manufacture boards on an individual order in case a certain size is required.
In addition to size differences, edged boards are also characterized by wood species, surface cleanliness, and the number of completed processing processes. In the aggregate of all theseindicators determine the grade of lumber. And it is this criterion that mainly forms the cost of the product and, of course, the quality.

Edged board is divided into five grades, namely: selected (the best) and 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th. The indicator is assigned to lumber in accordance with GOST 6564-84.
In construction, boards made of pine, spruce, larch, birch, etc. are most often used. Each of these types of wood has its own specific pros and cons. The choice largely depends on the scope of lumber, operating conditions, construction.
In many ways, the quality of edged boards is determined by the conditions of their storage. Most often they are stacked. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure good air circulation, in particular, its inflow inside the laid lumber. Thanks to this, the wood is dried and the boards do not rot.

In addition, in order to preserve the original appearance and quality, the edged board is treated with special antiseptics that protect against decay, fungal attack, and wood-damaging insects. Manufacturers usually carry out such processing under high pressure, as a result of which a deeper penetration of the composition into the material is ensured. Which, accordingly, leads to better protection of the material. A product treated in this way will last a long time and reliably.
Edged board is widely used in construction both for certain works and for creating specific structures,for both interior and exterior finishes. Most often, edged boards are used in the construction of floors, as well as in the construction of roofs, the manufacture of ceilings, frames for partitions, rough flooring and much more. Lumber finds its use in the manufacture of furniture. Lower-grade boards are selected for rough finishes, and better quality lumber is used for important building elements.