Decoration of flower beds - create and admire

Decoration of flower beds - create and admire
Decoration of flower beds - create and admire

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Decoration of flower beds is the final stage in landscaping a summer cottage. The composition of the territory looks complete only after the arrangement of flower beds. At the same time, it is also the most time-consuming type of landscaping.

decoration of flower beds
decoration of flower beds

The right choice

Before you decide on the range of plants and the type of flower decoration, you should evaluate the illumination on the site, as this is the main factor that affects the choice of plants. Flower gardens near the house should be designed so that the plants bloom continuously throughout the season.

Early flowering perennials and bulbs bloom mainly in spring. In the first half of summer, biennials (daisy, forget-me-not, viola) and perennials (iris, peonies, aquilegia, etc.) bloom. The second half of summer is decorated with annuals (petunia, alyssum, marigolds) and perennials (delphinium, roses), and in autumn dahlias, roses, asters, geleniums bloom.

flower gardens at home
flower gardens at home

When creating compositions, it is necessary to take into account the height of plants: place high ones in the background, and plant low ones closer to the edge. So the flowers will not cover each other. It is important to choose the right color of plants in order tothey did not irritate people.

Decoration of flower beds is planned in advance. Regular compositions are flowerbeds, rabatka, tapeworms and borders. The landscape designer will offer mixborders, arrays, groups, rocky areas.

Types of landings

Solitaire is considered a single planting of ornamental deciduous and floral species or closely planted bushes that create a uniform color scheme. The background is a lawn, conifers or deciduous shrubs.

Group planting is the close planting of several plants on a carpet or lawn of ground cover plants. They decorate the lawn, the entrance to the cottage or the house, a corner of the garden, emphasize the turn of the path.

Decoration of flower beds is performed using ridges in the form of a long rectangular structure. They are unilateral or bilateral, and usually use several types of plants. The short ones are planted in the foreground, and the tall ones are in the background. Ribbons blend beautifully with the border.

When designing a flower bed, the correct geometric shape is maintained, rising to the center and being observed from all sides. Annual and perennial plants are planted in the flowerbed.

landscape designer
landscape designer

Rockery is a rocky garden. This is a hill or wall, a horizontal section framed by stones in a tray, a miniature garden.

Designing flower beds in the form of a rocky hill is effective if there is a reservoir or a pond nearby. At the same time, plants choose undersized and compact - perennial, conifers, dwarftrees or low shrubs.

When building rockeries, you can use natural limestone, sandstone, dolomite rocks, but rounded river stones are not suitable. It is undesirable to use granite and stones with sharp edges. It is important to select boulders of the same variety. The placement of stones is one of the most responsible, tasteful work, because they are the basis of a future flower bed. Created in the form of rockeries, the flower beds near the house are a true decoration of the backyard.
