Azalea indica: home care

Azalea indica: home care
Azalea indica: home care

The azalea indica houseplant is quite whimsical, though surprisingly charming. Many beginner flower growers hesitate to grow it because of the difficulties in care. In fact, knowing about the characteristics of the plant, the requirements that it imposes on soil, watering, temperature conditions, it is possible to ensure that the azalea will delight with its flowering throughout the winter period.

azalea indica
azalea indica


Rhododedron is the second name of the plant. The birthplace of this amazing flower is India, Japan, China. The first mention of azalea dates back to the 4th century BC. During the conquest of Colchis, after the battle in one of the apiaries, the Greek soldiers tasted honey, as a result of which they lost consciousness for a certain time. As it turned out, the bees collected nectar from the wild rhododendron, the descendant of which is the modern azalea.

In Europe, this honey flower was first recognized in the early 19th century. The plant quickly gained popularity, many clubs formed,cultivating azaleas. The flower was delivered to Russia as a present to the royal family and at first was kept only in court greenhouses. Gradually, azalea cultivation began to be carried out outside the palace.

azalea indica care
azalea indica care


Plant height does not exceed 50 cm. Medium-sized flowers - up to 3.5 cm in diameter. Petals are white, red, pink, sometimes speckled. They can be both with terry and with smooth edges. Small dark green leaves are almost invisible because of the inflorescences. The superficial root system is quite delicate; when transplanting, the most careful attitude is required. Almost all winter, the plant pleases with surprisingly beautiful flowers decorating the windowsill.

No less luxurious is the indica standard azalea, which no one can pass by indifferently.

Choosing a seat

Overseas guest prefers plenty of sunlight. However, it should not be very bright, better diffused. Putting a flower pot on the south window, it is recommended to fence it off with a thin translucent curtain.

But azalea indica does not tolerate heat well. Therefore, keep it away from heating appliances. If this is not possible, a protective shield in the form of a sheet of foil should be installed to protect against warm air coming from the radiator.

In winter, when the window sill gets too cold, a sheet of foam is placed under the pot.

azalea indica home care
azalea indica home care


For growing azaleas, this parameter is especially important. The plant prefers coolness. The most comfortable temperature for him is from 10 to 15⁰С. It is more difficult to observe such a regime in the summer. Many flower growers Azalea Indica at this time is exposed to fresh air in a shaded place. Others dig the pot into the ground. At the same time, a nylon stocking is pulled over it, designed to protect against the ingress of pests through the drainage holes.

An important period is the laying of buds. In order for them to form full-fledged and in large numbers, the plant needs an even lower temperature. In autumn, before the onset of frost, you can leave the flower in an unheated room or on a loggia. In order to lower the temperature, the pots are covered with pieces of ice. Spray the plant periodically with cold water. Sometimes a pot with it is even placed in the refrigerator, which helps to quickly restore a weakened plant. Just before the start of flowering, the temperature is raised to 12–15⁰С.

azalea indix mix home care
azalea indix mix home care

Water and humidity

For the successful cultivation of a plant such as indica azalea, home care involves maintaining adequate soil moisture. This is one of the reasons why the flower is considered capricious and demanding. Both excessive watering and overdrying of the substrate are equally unacceptable. Azalea reacts to care mistakes by dropping foliage and flowers. The roots, flooded with water in excess, begin to die off, and the plant dies. The earth ball should beadequately hydrated. Overflow should not be allowed when the water begins to drain through the drainage, as well as the drying of the topsoil.

Water for irrigation should be used soft. To do this, you can add a little lemon juice or apple cider vinegar to it - about 10 drops per liter. The best option is melted snow or rain water, which does not contain chlorine and other heavy impurities. Watering is done twice a day on hot days and less often on cool days. It is recommended to alternate the top with the bottom when using the drip tray.

azalea indica standard
azalea indica standard

Another important condition for caring for indica azalea is to ensure air humidity. It must be maintained at a sufficiently high level. For this purpose, it is necessary to regularly spray - several times a week. Water is needed melted or distilled. During the procedure, it is recommended to cover the flowers with the palm of your hand to prevent drops from falling on them. Otherwise, delicate petals may lose their beauty. The sprayer should be selected so that the drops are as small as possible. Otherwise, the leaves may become stained.

Besides spraying, there are many ways to humidify the air for a plant. Pebbles, expanded clay are poured into a wide and deep pallet, pieces of moss are laid. A pot is placed on the top layer and water is poured. It must be ensured that it is always in the pan. At the same time, the bottom of the pot should not touch the water, being located on wet moss and expanded clay.

How to transplant azalea

A rather delicate matter is andtransplant capricious beauty. It differs significantly from the procedure performed with other indoor plants. Azalea roots contain a unique microflora: if it is disturbed, the flower will die. An earth lump together with a plant is immersed in water, leaving it for a while to soak. Change it 2-3 times until about a third of the earth remains. Water should be used soft and settled. As a result of the procedure, space is freed up for a fresh substrate and the necessary microflora is preserved. Soil is better to buy ready-made, specially designed for this plant. It has the right amount of organic matter, has the right acidity and water permeability.

The pot is selected wide, great depth is not required, because the root system of the azalea is superficial. Be sure to lay a layer of drainage on the bottom. It is necessary to ensure that the root collar remains on the surface.

Until the plant reaches the age of three, transplantation is carried out annually, then every 2-3 years. Signs indicating the need to change the “housing” for a flower are the appearance of moss on the surface of the substrate or dense entanglement of the roots of an earthen coma.

azalea indica photo
azalea indica photo


The fertilization process for a plant such as Azalea Indica Mix is quite specific. Care at home requires fertilizing during each watering. Special complex fertilizers for azalea are used. They begin to make them 3 weeks after the purchase of the plant in the store.

Classic top dressing is recommended during the period of growth, bud formation. The plant needs mineral fertilizers. Superphosphate is diluted at the rate of half a tablespoon per 10 liters of water and applied to moist soil.

In the summer, when the flower is in its dormant phase, fertilization is stopped.


Azalea indica is propagated in three ways: seeds, cuttings and layering. The first method is quite complicated and is the prerogative of specialists. With the help of other methods, you can get new flowering plants in 2 years.

For propagation by cuttings, it is necessary to cut off last year's lignified shoots. Young ones are not suitable for planting. Using a pruner, cut a stalk up to 10 cm long at an acute angle. After removing the lower leaves, it is placed in a growth stimulator for a period of 8 hours. The cuttings are planted in a small container with a pre-prepared substrate, which consists of peat, coconut fiber and perlite. After planting, young plants need to be properly watered. A year later, the seedlings are ready for transplanting into separate pots, and after the same amount they will please with their flowering appearance. Cuttings are cut only from he althy plants, no more than once a year.

Propagation of azalea by shoots is even easier. The strongest of all is selected, bent close to the surface of the soil and pressed with an ordinary hairpin. The soil in this place must be sprinkled and wait for rooting. After 2 months, the shoot will be ready for transplanting into a separate pot. In order for the bushes to grow lush, the top of the flower shouldpinch.

Diseases and pests

Only by knowing how to care for Azalea indica mix, and by showing a little diligence, you can get a beautiful plant that can become a home decoration. Problems start to arise when care technologies are broken.

Yellowing and drying of the leaves is the result of exposure to direct sunlight.

Falling leaves and flowers due to lack of moisture. The plant needs abundant watering to recover.

With excess moisture, the leaves wither and turn yellow, the shoots begin to dry. In this case, the flower needs to be transplanted into another pot.

When growing an indica azalea plant, caring for it includes pest control. Of these, the spider mite is the most dangerous. Its appearance is also associated with errors in caring for the plant. Spraying with a soapy solution or fungicide will help get rid of the pest. No less dangerous is the strawberry mite, which penetrates inside the plant. Shoots, inflorescences as a result of its invasion become shapeless, the buds become smaller. Only special fungicides can save the flower.

how to care for azalea indica
how to care for azalea indica

Azalea indica, the photo of which is presented in this article, has extraordinary energy, helping residents relieve nervous tension and restore strength.
