The heating point is the main element of the heating system, the efficiency of which largely determines the quality of hot water supply and heating of the connected object, as well as the operation of the central system. For this reason, a thermal unit, a scheme of a thermal unit must be designed individually for each object, taking into account technical features and nuances.

The heat point is located in a separate room and is a set of elements designed to distribute heat that comes from the heating network to the heating and ventilation system, as well as hot water supply for industrial and residential premises, in accordance with the parameters set for them and type of coolant.
The thermal unit (the scheme of the thermal unit below) allows not only to distribute heat among consumers, but also to take into account the costs of its consumption, as well as to save energy resources. It maintains comfortable conditions in the building while using resources economically by automatically controlling the heat supply toheating, ventilation systems, as well as hot water supply in accordance with the established schedule, taking into account the outdoor temperature.
Standard equipment
To ensure reliable operation of the heating point, it is important that it be equipped with the following minimum set of technological equipment:
- Two plate heat exchangers (collapsible or brazed) for hot water and heating systems.
- Pumping equipment for pumping coolant to the heating devices of the building.
- Water treatment system.
- Automatic control system for temperature and heat carrier quantity (flow meters, controllers, sensors) to take into account heat supply loads, control heat carrier parameters and flow control.
- Technological equipment - regulators, instrumentation, check valves, valves.

It is worth noting that the complete set of the thermal unit with technological equipment depends largely on how the heating networks are connected to the heating system and hot water supply.
Main systems
Heat point consists of the following main systems:
- Heating system - maintains the desired temperature in the room.
- Cold water supply - provides the necessary pressure in residential premises.
- Hot water supply - designed to provide the building with hot water.
- Ventilation system providingheating the air that enters the ventilation system of the building.
Heat unit: independent scheme of the heat unit
Such a scheme is a set of equipment divided into several nodes:
- Supply and return pipeline.
- Pumping equipment.
- Heat exchangers.

Depending on the type of circuit, the equipment that makes up the thermal unit will differ. The scheme of the thermal unit, developed according to an independent principle, will be equipped with a system of heat exchangers used to regulate the temperature of the circulating liquid before it is supplied to the consumer. This scheme has a number of advantages:
- Fine tune the system.
- Economic heat consumption.
- Due to the regulation of the temperature regime at different outdoor temperatures, more comfortable conditions are created for consumers.
Dependent schema
This scheme for connecting a heat point is simpler. In this case, the coolant enters the consumer directly from the heating network, without any transformations.

On the one hand, this method of connection does not require the installation of additional equipment, respectively, and is cheaper. But during operation, such an installation is uneconomical, since it is not regulated at all - the temperature of the circulating liquid will always be the same as that set by the supplier of thermal energy.
Operation principle
The coolant from the boiler room is supplied through pipelines to the heaters of the heating system and hot water supply of the apartment, after which it is sent through the return pipeline to the heating networks, and then to the boiler room for reuse.

Through pumping equipment, the cold water supply system supplies water to the system where it is distributed: one part is sent to the apartments, and the other goes to the circulation circuit of the hot water supply system for subsequent heating and distribution.
As mentioned above, the thermal unit consists of a large number of elements - inlet and outlet pipelines, collectors, heat exchangers, pumps, thermostats, instrumentation and more. This is a rather complicated system, so the maintenance of thermal units should consist of the following main steps:
- Inspection of elements of the heating system (instrumentation, pumps, heat exchangers). If necessary, these units are replaced or repaired, as well as the heat exchangers are cleaned and flushed.
- Inspection of the ventilation system (control valves, automatic control devices).
- Inspection of the hot water system.
- Checking the recharge unit.
- Control of coolant parameters (flow rate, temperature, pressure).
- Inspection of hot water thermostats.
- Inspection of other devices that involve the installation of thermal units.
Properly designed project documentation is of decisive importance. The design of the heating unit can be useful in case of any technical questions from the organization supplying the heat supply, as well as in case of repeated annual approvals.
After all, even at the design stage, it is determined what devices will be installed, how the thermal and hydraulic regime will be regulated, where the equipment will be installed, and what will be the cost of installing a thermal unit at the facility as a result.