Enamels for the floor are capable of providing additional gloss and surface protection. They dry quickly and are resistant to moisture, chemical detergents and abrasion. Application of formulations is possible using conventional techniques using a brush or roller.
Wood surface finish formulated with solvent, alkyd lacquer, permanent fillers and pigments, and performance enhancing additives.

A film is sometimes formed on the surface of the floor enamel, which must be removed, after which the composition is thoroughly mixed. If it is too thick, you can solve the problem by diluting with white spirit or turpentine, followed by filtration. For application to a painted floor, preliminary preparation is required, which includes the removal of the exfoliated layer and dirt, cleaning from dust.
Coating concrete surfaces
Such compositions cover not only surfaces with a wooden base. Today in stores you can find enamel for concrete floors, whose task is toproviding a protective coating for structures in any premises, both residential and those with a high level of mechanical stress (shopping centers, industrial premises, car workshops). Specialized composition based on wear additives, synthetic polymers and resins ensures no damage under significant mechanical stress.

Enamel is a modern type of paintwork that is resistant to UV radiation, moisture, has a convenient distribution of the composition and a sufficient degree of hiding power. This type is designed for a specific surface and provides protection from environmental conditions.
Compositions are classified according to their basis and connecting elements into the following types:
- nitrocellulose dry quickly, unaffected by atmospheric conditions and moisture;
- perchlorovinyl floor enamels are not destroyed by alkalis and acids;
- pentaphthalic is mainly used for outdoor work, as well as for painting wood and metal parts, regardless of the environmental conditions in the room;
- oil is more common in the processing of wooden elements.
Letter and numeric values that can be found on the packaging indicate the characteristics, features of work and composition.

Alkyd enamel PF for the floor is the best option for applying to plank surfaces,forming a shiny coating with sufficient hardness and wear resistance. Among the positive aspects, it is worth noting good adhesion to any type of base, including painted ones, and resistance to mechanical damage.
Surface imperfections are easily hidden due to high hiding power. Imported weather resistant pigments ensure lightfastness.
An important property of a material lies in its composition. Due to the presence of a solvent and desiccants, the enamel is not affected by active chemicals and mechanical damage. Epoxy-based concrete coating paint has similar characteristics.

What to look for when choosing
Distinctive technical properties provide fast and high-quality distribution, no consequences when exposed to detergents and some types of solvents. It is worth noting a small palette of colors, which reduces the possibility of application. The paint has two shades: light brown and red-brown. Because of this, 266 floor enamel is used as a protective compound in rooms that have a different decorative finish.
Relatively rare acquisition by private consumers explains the packaging of this material, which is represented by steel cans of 40 and 30 liters. It is mainly used by large construction companies, whose profile is the decoration of premises in enterprises and dormitories.
Also, before purchasing, you should pay attention to the time allotted for the fulldrying and consumption. The coating, consisting of two layers, is ready for use in a day. The average consumption, subject to pre-treatment of the surface, is 160 g/sq. m.

Features of use
Floor Enamel PF 266 is able to provide all these properties only in the case of special preparatory actions that will prepare the composition for work.
The paint should be thoroughly mixed until a uniform consistency is achieved using a paint nozzle or an electric tool. To dilute the enamel, a solvent or white spirit is used in an amount not exceeding 10-15% of the total mass. The material is then filtered through ordinary gauze rolled up in two layers.
Surfaces that require painting should be cleaned of dirt and dust with detergents, followed by rinsing with clean water. Next, the base is polished, cleaned of the resulting dust and washed again. After all these manipulations, you can begin to work. At the same time, you need to remember about some rules that require mandatory compliance. The application of the material is carried out using a roller with a pile of medium length, or a paint brush. To form a high-quality coating, floor enamels are applied in at least two layers. This will ensure performance and long life.