Unpleasant smell in the microwave appears for various reasons - soup spilled, pizza burnt, sauce splashed during heating. As a result, the corrosive aroma discourages any desire to use the device. But the most depressing thing is that reheated dishes absorb this smell from the microwave. How to remove the unpleasant smell of burning or fat? It is not difficult to do this, because almost all the ingredients for the procedure are in every kitchen.

Why is there an unwanted smell in the microwave oven and how to avoid it?
Today, the microwave oven is often used to prepare new dishes, and even more often to quickly heat up cooked food. Sometimes the active use of the device provokes the appearance of sharp and unpleasant odors, which, spreading, fill the whole house. To an unpleasant odorfish, grease and burnt smell from the microwave is not a problem, knowing what steps to take to eliminate it quickly and effectively will help.
The persistent smell in the oven appears due to repeated violations of the rules for cooking and operating the appliance. The main causes of the problem:
- food leftovers sticking to the inside of the appliance, which heats up again and again;
- burnt food;
- Foods with a strong specific flavor (such as fish) that are cooked.
So that a stale or rancid smell does not spoil the air in the house, it is advisable to clean the microwave oven regularly, use special protective covers during heating. After use, the appliance must be left open to allow it to cool completely and dry its internal surfaces. But if trouble has already happened, it is recommended to thoroughly wash the microwave oven using the detergents preferred by the hostess and leave it open for a long time.

How to clean a microwave with lemon and citric acid?
Food citric acid and lemon are a panacea in the fight for the cleanliness of many kitchen appliances. They are worth remembering first of all, because these ingredients successfully cope with a variety of problems: they clean, disinfect and neutralize odors. Lemon juice or a solution of citric acid will soften and remove impurities, leaving behind a light, pleasant aroma, which, gradually weathering, will create an aura of purity. cookcleaning solution uncomplicated:
- Dissolve 10 g of citric acid or the juice of half a lemon in a bowl of water.
- Boil the mixture for about five minutes, setting the maximum power of the stove.
- At the end of the procedure, carefully wash the walls of the device and allow it to dry.

Acetic solution is the best "fighter" against odors and dirt
Vinegar can be used to clean and refresh various surfaces, including the smell from the microwave. How to remove unwanted odors, which are caused by mustiness and dampness of closed areas, with the help of this acid, without damaging the technique? When using acetic acid in the fight against unpleasant odors, it must be remembered that such a solution cannot be heated or boiled strongly. The chemical reaction that will be triggered by the rise in temperature will damage the inside of the machine.
Recipe for how to clean the microwave with vinegar:
- Composition of the solution: half a glass of 9% acetic acid per liter of water.
- The inner walls of the device are thoroughly wiped with the resulting solution.
- The vinegar solution is washed off with clean water. If necessary, the procedure can be done several times.
After these manipulations, the microwave oven must be left open until completely dry. When the sour smell of the applied solution disappears, unwanted aromas will also disappear with it.

Alternative recipes
There are many products that havestrong specific odor, intensifying during heat treatment. This category includes, for example, fish, cabbage, sour-milk products, dishes cooked with a lot of garlic and other spices. After heating such fragrant food, even a perfectly clean microwave oven will be saturated with a smell that can remain quite strong throughout the day.
How to get rid of the smell in the microwave?
With the help of several natural odor neutralizers and flavors that every housewife has at home, you can reliably eliminate unpleasant odors in the microwave:
- Table s alt: two tablespoons left in a covered appliance overnight will make the bad smell disappear.
- Activated carbon. The drug has the ability to perfectly absorb odors. Approximately seven tablets are recommended to be crushed into powder and placed in the microwave. If you do this procedure in the evening, then in the morning you can use the device, forgetting about recent problems.
- Natural coffee is a wonderful flavor. The ground grains effectively eliminate the stench and leave behind a fragrant plume. One tablespoon of ready-made powder in an open container, left overnight inside the oven, will cope with the trouble.
- Toothpaste, especially whitening, toothpowder, or mouth fresheners can help clean up dirt and freshen up your microwave. Mix toothpaste with water (and even better with lemon juice) and wipe the walls of the appliance with the resulting mixture. After an hour, use a damp sponge to wipe it off the surface.walls.
- Orange peel will eliminate the smell from the microwave. How to remove an obsessive aroma if there was no lemon at home? The peels of one orange will successfully replace it if you dry them for three minutes in the microwave.
Fragrant decoction. Boil a container with water and medicinal plants with a fragrant aroma in a microwave oven for ten minutes. Thyme, mint, lemon balm, lavender will help to cope with the problem. The door of the appliance should not be opened until the broth has cooled down.

Microwave smell: how to remove plastic smell?
A new electrical device made of good quality plastic does not usually smell. But if you are still unlucky and the purchased copy has a stable spirit, you should try to neutralize it. The method described above with citric acid and lemon will help to cope with it most quickly. In the fight against trouble, you can try all the above methods. But the most effective is to use a cup of baking soda, which must be left in the appliance all night. And after that, the microwave oven door should be kept open more often, in which case the smell of plastic will disappear completely.
An easy way to clean a heavily soiled household appliance
How to get rid of the smell in the microwave if it is thoroughly stained with dried food residues? In order to get rid of this problem easier and faster, you need:
- Fill a plate with water with a few drops of dishwashing detergent.
- Place the container in the microwave for three minutes, setting the power to maximum.
- Contaminants will soften, and now they can be easily removed by wiping the walls of the device with a damp cloth.
The above folk methods allow you to defeat sharp unpleasant odors with the help of simple improvised means. Their significant advantage is that they do not contain chemicals and do not have technical odors. That is, they are harmless and safe