Many owners have encountered a situation where, for some reason, the cat did not go to the toilet, but, for example, to the carpet or shoes. If you do not remove the unpleasant odor in time, it will become even stronger over time. The four-legged pet, if you do not find out the reason for this behavior, will repeat his "feat" again. How to remove the smell of cat urine with folk recipes or special means will be discussed in detail later.
Causes of the problem
If a four-legged pet went to the toilet in a place not intended for this, you need to find out the reason for this behavior. Cats and cats often live in houses and apartments. However, their owners in most cases have no idea how to properly care for their pets. As a result, the question arises as to whether the smell of cat urine can be removed.

It is quite possible to cope with an unpleasant smell. For this, there are many special and folk remedies. However, getting rid ofunpleasant smell, you need to establish the cause of this behavior of the cat. There are many reasons for such misconduct.
Maybe the cat's litter box doesn't like it. It may not be spacious enough. The length of the tray should be 1.5 times the length of the animal. It may also be installed in an inappropriate location. The toilet for the cat should be in a secluded place. Also, the cat may refuse to go to the toilet intended for her if the tray is not properly cleaned. Do not use fragranced detergents. Otherwise, the cat simply will not perceive the tray as its own toilet.
If an unfamiliar smell has appeared in the apartment (for example, the guest's shoes), the cat perceives this as an encroachment on its territory. Having gone to the toilet in the wrong place, the four-legged pet means that this is his home, and he is the owner here.
Stress, anxiety or resentment can also be the reason why the animal refuses to go to the toilet in the place intended for this. If the owners mistreat the cat, punish him, or are simply absent for a long time, he can be seriously offended. So he expresses his protest against injustice to himself. You can not show your dissatisfaction with the wrong actions of the cat. This can only make the situation worse. A stable, good attitude towards yourself will be appreciated by the cat. You need to show your pet more often that he is loved. However, you should not rush to extremes. In this case, you just need to find out how to remove the smell of cat urine. By removing the stain in time, you can avoid further occurrencebad smell.
More reasons
Sometimes a cat goes to the toilet in the wrong place because of illness. In this case, you cannot punish him or show your displeasure. If the cat began to go to the toilet often, urinates in front of the owners, this may be due to poor he alth. In this case, you need to take the cat to the vet. Especially often this happens when the animal is already in old age. First you need to find out how to remove the smell of cat urine from a sofa, mattress, flooring.

Neutral cat owners can watch their pet marking territory. It does not leave a puddle of urine, but just leaves a few drops on different surfaces. So he marks his territory, shows that he dominates here. On the street, this smell attracts females.
Cat marks have a strong, pungent odor that is several times superior to the "fragrance" of urine. They contain a specific secret. For this reason, the smell intensifies several times. To solve the problem at the root, you need to castrate the cat. It is advisable to do this when the cat is still small (up to a year). However, adult pets tolerate this operation well.
You can also just let the cat out. In some cases this will solve the problem. However, the character of all four-legged pets is different. Someone will be able to fend for themselves, and someone can return home with torn hair and a torn ear. If the cat is domestic, it is better to castrate it.
If not found and eliminatedthe reason for such unacceptable behavior of a pet, you will have to constantly face this problem. When exploring options on how to remove the smell of cat urine from a sofa, shoes or clothes, you need to choose the most suitable method.
General recommendations
So, how can you get the smell of cat urine out? It is necessary to take measures to eliminate puddles on a sofa or carpet promptly. The faster the owners react to the appearance of a wet spot, the more likely it is that the “aroma” will not spread throughout the apartment or house. You also need to establish the reason for such actions of the cat.
The choice of remedy depends on a number of factors. It is necessary to consider on which surface the stain appeared. It is also worth considering the statute of limitations. It happens that the owners learn about the tricks of the pet after some time, when the urine has not only been absorbed, but has already dried up.

If a puddle has just appeared, you need to take paper napkins as soon as possible. They need to get wet "crime scene". The better the wipes absorb the liquid, the easier it will be to clean the surface.
The reason why the smell of cat urine is difficult to remove from the surface is the presence of uric acid crystals in it. They are not removed with water or alcohol. They dry out and become invisible after wet cleaning. These components of urine emit an unpleasant odor. Therefore, you need to know how to remove the smell of cat urine from carpet, linoleum or other surfaces. Conventional means are not suitable for this.
What not to do?
Choosing the way howto remove the smell of cat urine from shoes, from a sofa or floor covering, you should pay attention to methods that will not give the desired result. In doing so, they will only exacerbate the problem.
If a pet has marked a corner or made a puddle in the wrong place, it is absolutely impossible to use fragrances to mask an unpleasant odor. These include essential oils, ground coffee, speci alty deodorants, or scented herbs.
Such substances can mask an unpleasant odor only for a short time. Then, mixed with uric acid crystals, such substances increase the stench. In this case, the smell can be much more disgusting than it was before. Therefore, you should not treat the stain with such compounds.
Not knowing how to remove the smell of cat urine from the floor, sofa or fabric, some owners use chlorine-based detergents. Under no circumstances should this be done. Chlorine can increase stench. It should be borne in mind that such products can damage the fabric of the sofa or carpet. Light spots may appear on them.
It is also worth considering that chlorine can cause irritation on the skin, redness of the mucous membranes. All the inhabitants of the apartment will suffer from this. Therefore, it is worth choosing the right product that can effectively deal with pollution without harming the surface and he alth of the inhabitants of the house or apartment.
Folk remedies
There are many recipes that allow you to quickly and effectively remove stains and odors from different surfaces. There is a simple recipe for removing the smell of a caturine from linoleum, soft surfaces and clothes. This will require vodka. It treats the stain. Vodka does not need to be diluted. This simple tool will quickly remove the smell of cat urine from various surfaces (including carpet, upholstery).
The disadvantage of this method is the persistent smell of alcohol. After surface treatment, it will need to be cleaned additionally. To do this, use cold water and napkins.
Another effective remedy is potassium permanganate. You will need to prepare its cool solution. They wipe the surface. This method is more suitable for hard surfaces. If potassium permanganate crystals remain in the solution, they can damage the tissue and leave marks. Do not use this method to clean a sofa or carpet.

Another remedy that can completely remove the smell of cat urine is lemon juice. You will need to prepare a solution. The juice of one lemon should be dissolved in a glass of warm water. The stain is treated with this product. The smell of citrus will also prevent the puddle from reappearing on the carpet or sofa. After surface treatment, leave a cloth soaked in the solution in place of the former stain. When it dries, the lemon flavor will be qualitatively absorbed into the surface. The cat will not like this smell. He will no longer go to the toilet here.
There is another effective way to remove the smell of cat urine from clothes or fabric surfaces. You need to use vinegar for this. To do this, prepare a weak solution. Mix three parts water with one part vinegar. The water may be warm. The agent is poured into a spray bottle. It must be sprayed over the surface, and then blotted with a dry cloth. If the stain is on a machine washable fabric, you can apply the solution directly to the stain. After 5 minutes, it is washed off with warm water and washed in the usual way.
Some more folk recipes
There are several more techniques that allow you to quickly remove an unpleasant odor from different surfaces. It is quite difficult to decide how to get the smell of cat urine out of a mattress. If the pet went to the toilet on the bed, the tissues must be treated with a solution of water and vinegar. But with the mattress, the situation is more complicated. Urine is absorbed into it, penetrating into the deeper layers. If the owners did not immediately notice that the cat went to the toilet on the bed, you need to use the following recipe.

Spread a thick layer of baking soda on the stain. Then it is watered from above with hydrogen peroxide. This will remove uric acid crystals even from deep tissue layers. After applying hydrogen peroxide to baking soda, the product will begin to emit a strong ammonia smell. It fades fairly quickly. The mattress can be taken out to the balcony or left in the next room with the windows open at night. In this case, the product should remain on the surface.
In the morning, the remnants of the product should be cleaned off with a dry cloth. This method effectively removes the smell of urine even on those surfaces in which it has been absorbed.
Can be used for cleaningsurface iodine. This tool is suitable for dark materials. If the question arose of how to remove the smell of cat urine from the carpet, this recipe should be adopted. Dark material is treated with a solution. To prepare it, 20-25 drops of iodine are mixed in 1 liter of water. The agent is applied to the stain. The solution should remain on the carpet for several hours. After that, the treated area is washed with warm water.
This recipe is not suitable for light fabrics. Unsightly orange spots may remain on such surfaces. Therefore, this method is used exclusively for dark materials.
Special tools
Specialized products are on sale to eliminate unpleasant odors from different surfaces. They differ in composition and cost. How to remove the smell of cat urine from a sofa, carpet or other surfaces should be considered in detail. Not all products on the market are effective. Some of them only temporarily mask the stench.
In order for the composition to remove the cause of the unpleasant odor, it must contain enzymes. They are also called enzymes. Such substances destroy uric acid crystals. This allows you to effectively deal with unpleasant odors.
Special products of domestic and foreign production are on sale. Customer reviews help to find out which formulations are the most effective. Among the foreign products that effectively fight stench and urine stains on different surfaces are Urine Off, Pet Stain&Odor Remove, OdorGone, 8 in 1 Complete PetStain & Odor Remover. These tools are of good quality. If you need to remove the smell of cat urine from the skin, delicate fabrics, these compounds should be paid attention first of all. Processing must be carried out strictly in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.

Domestic manufacturers also produce effective remedies against the smell of cat urine. These compounds include "DezoSan", "ZooSan". When choosing a product, it is necessary to consider for which surfaces it is intended. Failure to do so may damage shoes or upholstery.
Reviews of popular products
When learning how to remove the smell of cat urine from shoes, from a sofa or other surfaces, you need to consider customer reviews of special products that are on sale today. The most popular compositions in our country are ZooSan, DesoSan, as well as foreign-made detergent OdorGone. They differ in cost and composition.
OdorGone is a product based on natural ingredients. This avoids the appearance of allergies. This is an effective tool, the cost of which is about 350 rubles. (100 ml). It is used when processing a small room (up to 15 m²). The unpleasant smell disappears quickly.
ZooSan is a domestic product. It does not contain harmful substances such as phosphates, fluorine and chlorine. It applies to almost any surface. Buyers note that this compositionis efficient. However, it lasts for a long time. A bottle costs about 600 rubles. (400 ml). This is enough to process many times. You can also clean the tray with this product.

Many owners of four-legged pets are interested in how to remove the smell of cat urine from the sofa. In this case, you can use a special tool of domestic production "DezoSan". This tool not only removes the stench, but also completely eliminates uric acid crystals from tissues and from different surfaces. The cost of this substance is acceptable to all buyers. A bottle with a capacity of 500 ml can be purchased for only 300 rubles. In the process of its use, you can clean it with a washing vacuum cleaner. This makes the job much easier.
According to customer reviews, the funds listed are the most effective. At the same time, the cost of such cleaners remains acceptable. This allows you to get rid of urine odor quickly and effectively.
Special equipment
There are more radical ways and means. How to remove the smell of cat urine? This issue can be resolved very simply. There is special equipment that helps to deal with the problem not only quickly, but also as efficiently as possible. No traces of contamination remain after such treatment.
To be sure that there is not the slightest smell left in the fabric or on the surface, you need to use special lamps. They are black. Such devices are called Wood's lamps. In this light it willtraces of even the slightest contamination are visible. The lamp emits ultraviolet light. Metabolic products will glow under such conditions. Urine in this case emits a yellowish glow. Finding the source of the stench will be much easier.
The cost of such a lamp is quite high. You can purchase it at a price of 5 thousand rubles. and higher. However, this method of detecting contamination can be used by owners for many years. Deciding how to remove the smell of cat urine, in this case, will be much easier by finding the place where the four-legged pet went to the toilet.
Expert Tips
Knowing how to remove the smell of cat urine, you need to pay attention to preventive measures. First of all, you need to understand the behavior of your pet. There is no need to punish him severely for such tricks. Perhaps the animal is not feeling well. Additional punishment can only aggravate the situation. You will need to observe the behavior of the cat. There is always a reason why an animal won't urinate in a designated litter box.
Strange things need to be put away in the closet. This is a guarantee that the cat does not go to the toilet on shoes. The tray should be cleaned regularly. However, you should not use products with a strong odor. This will discourage the cat from even approaching the tray. You just need to keep the contents of the cat litter dry.
Don't scold the cat too much. If the cause of this behavior is stress, it will only exacerbate the situation. The cat may be offended by the owners for the fact that they mistreat him. Therefore, you just need to love your pet. Not worth itpamper him. But periodically stroking the animal, paying attention to it is still worth it. This will help build a relationship with the cat.
Having considered how to remove the smell of cat urine, you can quickly and effectively deal with the problem. Prevention will help to avoid such troubles in the future.