Grapes "Catalonia": photo and description

Grapes "Catalonia": photo and description
Grapes "Catalonia": photo and description

In the autumn period, it is necessary not only to harvest a ripe crop, but also to take care of planting new crops. This type of delicacy, like grapes, is very popular. Breeders annually work to develop new varieties of this plant, achieving an improved sweet taste and aesthetically rich bright color. One of the best, unpretentious and well-bearing crop varieties is the Catalonia grape, which bears its first fruits next summer.

History of Breeding

The breeder who created the Catalonia grape variety is Alexander Burdak. By crossing two types of culture, such as "talisman" and "burgundy mantle", the scientist brought out this hybrid, which received such a romantic name. The oblong shape and bright, thick burgundy hue of the berries were acquired from the "burgundy mantle" grape, and the rich, sweet taste - from the "talisman" variety.

Burdak A. V. classifies the grapes "Catalonia" to varieties of red-violet hues. The breeder also positions this product as a table product. What does"ready to eat fresh". Alexander Vasilyevich claims that "Catalonia" is one of the best hybrids due to its unpretentiousness and productivity.

The variety is early, so already in the last days of July you can harvest a good harvest.

Appearance of the berry

Catalonia grapes are distinguished by large fruits weighing up to 18 grams and about 3.5 cm long, which acquire a burgundy color during the ripening period. If the berry hangs longer than the harvest time, then after a while it will acquire a darker shade with a transition to a blue-black color. At this time, there is a risk of grapes losing moisture, and therefore the berries dry out and their surface wrinkles. Oblong-shaped berries with a fresh and bright taste form a bunch weighing up to 1 kg. Ripe-fruited grape clusters are large and dark in color. This variety of berries has a very fleshy juicy pulp with a fragrant taste, which is typical of a table type of culture. The peel of grapes is strong and dense, thanks to which the fruit retains its visual appeal.

grapes catalonia photo description
grapes catalonia photo description

Despite the heavy loads experienced by the vine, it is quite strong and hardy. Thanks to these properties, shoots can have up to 3 bunches of grapes.

Culture characteristics

In the description of the grape "Catalonia" it is indicated that this variety begins to bear fruit early enough. The full ripening period is no more than 100 days.

Therefore, in early August, you can harvest a good harvest. In the first year after planting, you can remove 1-2 grapebunches.

This variety is frost-resistant and tolerates air temperatures down to -23 degrees. In case of lower temperatures, it is recommended to insulate the roots of the plant and the lower stems.

Catalonia grape variety description
Catalonia grape variety description

Tips for growing Catalonia grapes

For planting grapes of this type and getting a good harvest in the future, an important condition is the right place. The plant loves sunny areas with good access to light and does not perceive drafts well. These features must be taken into account, so it is recommended to plant "Catalonia" on the south side of the garden or on the northwest. Before planting, it is necessary to prepare and enrich the soil. It is also important to determine the period of planting the plant. Experts advise propagating and planting shoots in mid-autumn. And in the spring, after the end of frost, seedlings can be grafted. Some time before planting, the shoots must be prepared by keeping them in a solution with a small amount of potassium permanganate.

grapes catalonia description
grapes catalonia description

Planting a plant

An excellent option for planting Catalonia grapes, the photos of which are available in this article, is fertile soil enriched with various minerals. It is prepared from a mixture of humus, phosphate fertilizers containing nitrogen and potassium impurities, and turf. Then they dig a hole of 1 cubic meter and lower the seedling with the root system down. In this case, the plant should be immersed carefully and carefully, since the roots of the vine are very fragile. Furtherthey fill it with prepared mixed soil by two thirds and fill it with water for tamping, filling the voids formed in the soil. After that, the hole with the seedling is covered with dry earth to the surface. The topsoil is covered with mulch to retain moisture and reduce the risk of ground freezing. Also, this method helps to avoid the growth of weeds. At the last stage, it is recommended to mulch the soil surface with a layer of dry straw around the seedling at a distance of at least half a meter and fill it with water to prevent the dry stems from scattering.

Crop diseases and pests

When describing the Catalonia grape variety, it is worth noting that due to the strong skin, the fruits are practically not attacked by insects. Due to the tough skin, pests such as wasps cannot extract the juice from the grapes, so they do not attack the plant.

Felt mites are dangerous for this grape variety. Which lives on the underside of the leaf, feeding on the juice of the plant. The pest, in the process of life, produces saliva, as evidenced by a fluffy white coating on the leaves of grapes.

catalonia grapes photo
catalonia grapes photo

Also, pests that destroy the plant include such fungal diseases:


This is a powdery fungus called vine downy mildew. It lives and develops well in drops of liquid. Often it can be found on the reverse surface of the sheet in the form of a web. Subsequently, yellow or brown spots form on the side of the sheet.


Disease belonging to the genusfungal, another name is ashtray. The pest acquired this name for its similarity to scattered wood ash. It is found on the outer surface of leaves and grapes in the form of a gray coating. It is dangerous because it causes drying of leaves and cracking of berries.

Grey Rot

Also a fungus that develops in the ground and attacks the planted plant. On the infected areas of the culture, dry brown zones are formed. Over time, the place becomes watery and covered with gray fluff, which means the beginning of the process of development and maturation of spores.

All these diseases will not harm a mature and fruit-bearing plant for more than a year. If the seedling is young, then it would be advisable to protect the grapes from fungal pests by carrying out soil prophylaxis.

Pest Protection

To prevent damage to the plant, copper sulfate is introduced into the soil with the addition of potassium sulfate. In order to protect the grapes from the harmful attack of caterpillars, it is necessary to spray the plant with diluted Bordeaux mixture. This procedure should be carried out in the spring at a temperature of 12 degrees and above.

spraying grapes
spraying grapes

In the fight against fungi, experts use acaricides and preparations containing sulfur. Trichodermin, a solution based on fungi that destroy pathogenic microorganisms, has also proven itself well. Periodically flowering plants are pollinated with tetramethylthiuram disulfides.

Do not forget that the culture can have diseases such as anthracnose, chlorosis, bacterialcancer and bacteria. In order to avoid damage to plants by fungi, preventive work should also be carried out.

Plant care

The yield of the Catalonia grape variety, the photo and description of which are given in the article, depends on proper care. Even such an unpretentious hybrid needs certain conditions:

  • plant requires watering in spring and dry season;
  • grapes will give a good harvest if the bush is pruned annually;
  • requires regular replenishment of organic and mineral fertilizers;
  • in the first winter, it is recommended to warm the young seedling;
  • do not forget about the preventive treatment of the plant by spraying with special protective preparations.
catalonia grapes
catalonia grapes

Using advice and getting the necessary information, you can get a great harvest. By planting Catalonia grapes, you will enjoy its extraordinarily sweet and juicy berries the very next year.
