Often in construction and repair there is a need to attach any materials to building bases. An excellent replacement for manual installation is a mounting gun. It is customary to distinguish between powder, gas and pneumatic mounting guns (staple guns, for example, a construction stapler).

The gunpowder gun functions thanks to the energy of expanding powder gases. With its help, dowel-nails are driven into metal, concrete, expanded clay concrete and brick bases. For the implementation of stationary fixation, nails with a classic hat are used. For installation of structures to be dismantled - dowels-screws. Such a construction and assembly gun does not need electricity and thus stands out from other tools.

It can be used to carry out installation work away from electricity, for example, in a house under construction, on the street, etc. Energy is produced by remoteless cartridges with charges of different capacities. The strength of each charge depends on the type of building base. Cartridges, depending on the power, are divided intoseven groups, and each group is painted in a different color. To have such a mounting gun, you need the appropriate permission. Caring for it comes down to cleaning it from powder deposits, but it needs to be done quite often. The fragility of the pistol and piston, as well as the difficult selection of charge power, are serious disadvantages of this type of tool.
The gas mounting gun has a simple principle of operation. A gas mixture (propane-butane) is supplied from the cylinder to the combustion chamber. There, with the help of an electric fan, a gas-air explosive mixture is formed. The battery gives off a spark that ignites it, causing a mini-explosion.

The kinetic energy resulting from this explosion pushes the piston with the force necessary to drive a nail. In this case, the density of the surface practically does not play a role. However, the strength of the attachment still depends on it. So, in a wooden base, the nail will sit less firmly than in a metal one. The advantage of such an apparatus, of course, is that it can be used to zero in on steel. Consumables in the gas mounting gun are small-caliber nails that have undergone special heat treatment. Also, for each individual type of material, nails are selected in a certain series. It is easy to care for a gas pistol: for 30 thousand shots it needs to be cleaned and lubricated only once. Such pistols of various modifications are produced, which allows them to be widely used for electrical installation, for roofing and carpentry, for sighting.drywall guides.
Mounting gun is produced in a wide range by various companies. Among them are Ramset, BeA, Hilti, SPIT, Bosch, Skil, Paslode, Tula Arms Plant OJSC, etc. Prices for models vary depending on the functional purpose and type of tool and range from 2 thousand rubles (household staples) to 30 thousand rubles (gas pistol for electricians). Therefore, it is important before buying to determine exactly for what work the mounting gun is purchased and by whom it will be used.