Moonshine still "Domovenok": customer reviews

Moonshine still "Domovenok": customer reviews
Moonshine still "Domovenok": customer reviews

Moonshine in Russia has a long tradition. Back in the days of the USSR, the most demanding part of the population in terms of the quality of alcohol produced their own strong drinks in apartments, dachas, private houses, etc. Today the pattern is repeating itself. Permissiveness, the lack of strict control over the regulations, the fight against counterfeiting, which is being carried out, we will call a spade a spade, carelessly, leads to the fact that alcoholic products not only do not meet the needs of the population, but sometimes also pose a threat to he alth and life. But if in the days of developed socialism on gas stoves in the homes of moonshiners there were handicraft devices made from milk flasks, containers of portable milking machines, cast irons, etc., today their place is slowly taken by handsome stainless steel, equipped with thermometers, dry steamers with factoryregistration. Moonshine still "Domovyonok" is an example of this.


What should the right moonshine still be made of?

A good "tool of labor" is already 50% of the moonshiner's success. The moonshine still "Domovenok" is made of food stainless steel. This is not the cheapest material, but the costs are fully justified.

Moonshine still "Domovyonok"
Moonshine still "Domovyonok"

Moonshine is a product that does not tolerate a careless approach to the choice of packaging. Cheap plastic, rubber, raw iron, technical copper, as well as other “wrong” materials, can easily cross out all the efforts of a moonshiner. The distillation process has one peculiarity. After condensation in moonshine, as in the photo after developing, the smells of everything that the product came into contact with during the production process emerge.

That's why moonshine produced at forest underground mini-factories does not differ in fragrance (fermentation in plastic or nylon containers, the distillation cube is an iron steel barrel without an internal coating).

Moonshine still "Domovyonok 1"
Moonshine still "Domovyonok 1"

In order for homemade drinks to have the smell and taste of real moonshine, and not burnt plastic, the Domovenok moonshine is made only from proven, GOST food materials.

Elementary options necessary for a moonshiner

Only Russian vodka sold in our stores is of rectified origin. And even then, as you know, the name of the aforementioned drink is undeserved. Real Russian vodka isnothing more than double distillation refined grain moonshine.

In order for moonshine to please with taste and pleasant aroma, the moonshine still must have:

Good cooler

The product from the serpentine should not drip hot, continuing to evaporate - it should flow cold. The design of the coolers of this model is built in such a way that cold water through thin walls very effectively takes heat from alcohol vapors, condensing them and eliminating losses.

2. Sukhoparnik.

Thanks to this simple device, moonshine is stronger and cleaner. Part of the water with a small amount of alcohol in the form of condensate settles in the steamer and is used as raw material for the next race. The sukhoparnik excludes the entry of mash, which sometimes foams strongly when boiling, into the finished product.

The first model of the device "Domovenok"

According to the logic of things, the Domovenok-1 moonshine still, as the first in the model range, should be the simplest in design. It wasn't there. For novice moonshiners, we can recommend the third model - a classic moonshine still that has no options other than elemental distillation.

Moonshine still "Domovyonok 5"
Moonshine still "Domovyonok 5"

It should be noted that under certain conditions, it is a simple technique that is optimal. When, for example, moonshine is made from excellent quality raw materials (m alt, fruit mash, etc.), and you want to preserve the entire bouquet of aromas as much as possible, excessive cleaning will be harmful.

Moonshine still "Domovenok" of the first model is a real mini-distillery. Designthe steamer resembles a distillation column in miniature. Combining and directing the flow of vapors from the distillation still, it is possible to work both in the mode of simple distillation and obtain raw alcohol with a strength of up to 80%.

Change the shape of the alembic

An important part of the moonshine is the evaporator (alembic). Producers of elite spirits attach great importance even to the shape of a cube. It is believed that even a small dent on the body of the distiller brings its subtle notes to the bouquet of the drink.

"Domovenok 2" moonshine still
"Domovenok 2" moonshine still

It is the shape of the evaporator that distinguishes "Domovenok-2". The moonshine still is equipped with a compact distillation cube, which will work great even in the cramped conditions of an ordinary small-sized kitchen. In all other respects, the second model repeats the first one, it allows you to make both simple moonshine and a rectified product.

For a big company

It is worth dwelling in detail on the fifth model from the "housekeeping" line. This classic distiller is essentially a distillation column thanks to simple yet effective performance solutions.

Moonshine still "Domovyonok 5"
Moonshine still "Domovyonok 5"

Moonshine still "Domovenok-5" is made according to the classical scheme dephlegmator-refrigerator. Thanks to the modified form of the reflux condenser in the form of a distillation column and a volumetric refrigerator with a 50 mm high sump, the fifth model produces raw alcohol with a strength of about 70-80%.

Impressive and cleaning quality of the product: nasty spiritthere is no cheap moonshine.

What they say about the devices

What do they say about the device "Domovenok"? The moonshine still receives different reviews - it all depends both on the specific model and on the experience of the moonshiner and the type of alcohol produced.

Lovers of good grain moonshine (with a specific smell) give excellent reviews about the Domovenok-3 device - this is a moonshine in its purest form. There is nothing superfluous in the design. It is easy to use and familiar to old moonshiners of the Soviet school. I especially like the simplicity of the device and the maximum ability to preserve the flavors of the raw materials.

"Domovenok-3" is purchased mainly by residents of cities, who praise it for its small dimensions, which allow storing the product in a city apartment. The ability to organize production in a small kitchen is also important.

I must say that the first and second models are more often bought by people who have achieved some success in moonshining, who want to slightly raise the bar of their skills, diversify the possibilities and varieties of products. As already noted, the design of the cooler and dry steamer, the ability to combine vapor flows make it possible to obtain pure moonshine and raw alcohol.
