The making of moonshine has become a real tradition for some nations. This drink can be attributed to the cultural values of specific ethnic groups. In addition, it affected the political situation in the country. At the same time, it must be said that the refrigerator for moonshine, which plays a leading role in the manufacturing process, has undergone many changes and modifications throughout its time that have affected the final quality of the product.

This device is necessary in order to cool the mash vapors, which turn into a liquid state. This is how you get the finished product. Given this, the refrigerator for the moonshine should be made in such a way as to increase the performance of the entire device and at the same time not spoil the quality of the liquid. It should be noted that there are a lot of designs of such products, and when choosing them, it is worthbe guided by personal preferences and the availability of available materials.
Design features
It makes no sense to describe all the options for the manufacture of such components of the moonshine still. The fact is that there are so many of them that it is sometimes very difficult to decide on a specific model. Therefore, when creating a refrigerator for a moonshine still with your own hands, you should pay attention to the most common designs that are not only effective, but also easy to manufacture. The easiest way is to use a conventional coil, which is placed in a special container with a supply of cold water. It is these products that are used by professionals in this field, and they have proven themselves not only in our country, but also abroad.

Advantages of this design
First of all, it is worth mentioning that when creating a refrigerator for moonshine with their own hands, people try to get the most efficient device that will last for many years. This is exactly what this product will provide.
- This cooling system is the most efficient and makes it possible to increase the yield of the finished product.
- This design can be used both horizontally and vertically. This allows you to make changes to the technological process right at the time of brewing, using both vertical gravity flow of the liquid and supply under pressure in a horizontal position.
- Small dimensions of such coolers make the device compact and convenient both for storage and forshipping.

Materials of production
It is believed that it is best to make a refrigerator for moonshine from copper. This material has the best thermal conductivity and practically does not affect the quality of the finished product. Some experts claim that copper coolers can change the taste of the final product due to the oxidation process. However, it is this material that will make it possible to obtain environmentally friendly moonshine, since it does not enter into chemical reactions and behaves perfectly in this environment.
You can also make a refrigerator for moonshine from stainless steel. However, then the product may have a specific aftertaste and showed a significant decrease in heat transfer.
Some experts recommend using glass coils. They do not oxidize, they remove heat well, but they are rather fragile and impractical. However, it is precisely such devices that are used in production.

Typical drawings of a moonshine still are usually designed for a certain volume of product. This is important to take into account when choosing a specific model. You should not take sketches of different nodes from other projects, combining them. Each specific device is a fully balanced device that has optimal parameters and is ready to go.
When creating drawings for a moonshine still, the refrigerator should be given special attention. It is important to correctly calculate the diameter and length of the coil, so that not onlyto avoid excess release of valuable vapors, but also to prevent mash from getting into the finished product. Experts in such cases recommend using standard calculations, according to which the length of the coil pipe should be about two meters, and its diameter should be six millimeters.
Required Materials
- First of all, you need a copper pipe 2 meters long. Its diameter should not exceed 6 mm, and the wall thickness - 1 mm. Some craftsmen advise purchasing a product made of special metal, which is designed to work with food products. If a glass refrigerator is being made for a moonshine still, then the necessary material can be bought at a special store.
- You will also need a piece of stainless pipe 200 mm long and 17 mm in diameter. The body of the refrigerator will be made from it.
- Two threaded connections that will be mounted on a copper coil. The device itself needs to be connected to them.
- Two threaded connections for mounting on a stainless steel case. Water will be supplied through them.
- Two stainless steel metal circles that are needed to create covers for the refrigerator. Therefore, their diameter must be at least 75 mm.

When deciding how to make a moonshine still with your own hands, you need to understand that work may require a special tool and skills in handling it. Wearing parts to specialists is usually not accepted, since such work can raise a lot of questions. For the manufacture ofyou will need the following:
- welding machine;
- drilling machine or drill;
- drill with a diameter of eight millimeters;
- pipe bender or template of required diameter.
Creating a serpentine
First of all, you need to twist the copper pipe into a coil. In many instructions on how to make a refrigerator for a moonshine still, it is recommended to use special tools for these purposes, which greatly facilitate the work. It is necessary to create a spiral of such a diameter that it fits into the pipe for the cover, and there is space between the product and the walls.
Regardless of whether a direct-flow refrigerator is made for a moonshine still or a device of a different design, it is necessary to create such a number of turns that the spiral fits into the housing. Considering that in our case its length is 200 mm, the number of turns should be such that the finished coil does not exceed 180 mm.
Production of the cooler
When making a refrigerator for a moonshine still from stainless steel, it is very important to choose the right electrodes for the welding machine. The fact is that it is necessary to insert the coil into the body, which involves fixing with copper.
- In the case itself, it is important to make two holes from different sides. This is necessary to ensure that the supply and removal of water is carried out evenly. Threaded connections are welded to them, on which hoses with coolant are subsequently put on.
- When the coil is inserted into the housing, it is fixed with the help of endcovers. Holes are pre-drilled in them along the diameter of the spiral pipe. It is best if they are not located in the center, but slightly shifted to the side.
- The covers are welded along the perimeter to the body, and the coil itself is soldered using a welding machine or a soldering iron. The result should be a sealed design with a copper coil inside.
- At the final stage, threaded connections are attached to the copper pipe, one of which will be connected to the moonshine, and through the second the finished product will come out.
- Before using the cooler for cooking, it should be tested in advance using hot water. Don't put too much pressure on this as it won't need to work.

Expert Tips
- It is best to use steamers and refrigerators for moonshine in pairs. This improves the quality of the finished product, and when using additional ingredients, you can give the finished product your own special taste or aroma.
- Do not make a coil from materials that have already been in use. Typically, copper pipes are used to work with harmful chemical elements, and a specific deposit may remain on them. It is believed that new water pipes, which are sold in almost all hardware stores lately, will work just fine.
- When making a cooler, you should immediately think over the model of a dry bag. This product allows you to clean the product, and in manyin the production of alcoholic products, it is simply irreplaceable.
- Some craftsmen prefer to make a metal cooler case with threaded caps that have special seals to hermetically fix the coil pipe. This approach allows you to get a beautiful and complex product, which, however, does not justify the costs invested in it. In vertical flow-through refrigerators, there is no top cover at all, and they cope with their task one hundred percent, not inferior to more modernized units.
- In some countries, the manufacture of moonshine is considered a violation of the law and threatens both with a fine and imprisonment. Therefore, before starting work, it is worth clarifying this point and assessing the risk.
- Usually, the coil cooler is considered the most important part of the moonshine still. At the same time, it can be the most expensive node in terms of manufacturing cost. It is he who is most difficult to find in free sale. In some families, such devices are passed from parents to children and have already become a real relic.
- It is important to mention that, if desired, the proposed design can be significantly simplified. However, it is copper that should be used for the coil, although the body material is practically irrelevant.

Having studied the material on how to make a moonshine still with your own hands, you can come to the conclusion that such products do not differ in great complexity and intricate design. Howeverthis process must be approached very responsibly, having studied in detail the different models and methods of cooking. A poorly prepared product will not only not meet all the necessary requirements, but can also greatly harm human he alth.