Unfortunately, hedges made of various types of plants in the CIS countries are not as popular as in Europe. But such plantings protect the plot from dust and street noise.
Hedges can be grown from various types of plants, but the most durable are those that consist of cotoneaster, wild rose, chokeberry, sea buckthorn, hawthorn. All these shrubs tolerate pruning well, which makes it possible to form hedges of any shape and size. Another big advantage of using such plants is that they perform not only an aesthetic function, but will also bring tasty and he althy berries. Since birds like to nest in these plants, your site will be reliably protected from various pests.

The hedge plays its decorative and protective role only if it is properly organized and well cared for. Such plantings of shrubs and trees are multifunctional and very diverse. The hedge can be one-, two- and three-row, forming and not forming, grown from non-thorny or thorny plants. Prickly plants in planting reliably protect the sitefrom the penetration of strangers and various animals. For such hedges, both deciduous and coniferous species are used, which can be both deciduous and evergreen. Plants are selected based on several rules: for hedges, plants with small foliage, rapid growth of shoots are needed; the height of mature plants should be equal to the height of the fence. You should not use plant species that are prone to intensive formation of root shoots, since in this case this is a negative property. As a rule, flowering shrubs are used for non-cut hedges, since when shearing, the vast majority of flowering shoots will be removed. When choosing plants, one should be guided by their resistance to local climatic conditions.

A do-it-yourself hedge can be of various heights. So, trellises above 2 m are considered high landings, medium ones are those that have a height of 1-2 m, and the lowest borders reach 0.5-1 m. Tapestries are planted around the perimeter of the site and very rarely inside it. They are two- and three-row. In such plantings, pyramid-shaped thujas look great, junipers, which do not require regular haircuts, since they themselves have an excellent shape. Spruce, cedar, pine, larch, yew, and thuja are also used for trellises. The disadvantage of such hedges is the long growth of these plants. A full-fledged hedge in this case will turn out only after a few years.
Along with conifers for high trellises, birch, willow, poplar, hornbeam, beech are used,elm, maple, linden, chestnut, mountain ash, viburnum. Medium-sized hedges are created from barberry, honeysuckle, shadberry, spirea, hydrangea, juniper, mahonia, lilac, dog rose, hawthorn, blackberry, barberry, blackthorn. Low-growing plantings are made from mock orange, boxwood, almonds, holly mahonia, raspberries, currants, felt cherries, undersized spirea, common barberry, gooseberries, roses.

The hedge is formed by regular pruning, during which it is given the selected shape. In the first years, pruning is done 3-4 times a year, and then - 1 time in 6 months. Before planting plants, planting lines are marked with stakes and rope. A trench 0.5 m wide and deep is dug along them, into which the selected plants are planted. The number of trenches depends on the number of rows in the hedge. Planting is carried out taking into account the rules for planting specific types of shrubs and trees. The surface of the soil on which the plants are planted must be covered with ground cover materials to avoid drying, weathering and freezing.
A hawthorn hedge can be created even by an inexperienced gardener. This plant is beautiful throughout the growing season. All its types and varieties are very decorative and give delicious, healing berries. They are suitable for creating dense, impenetrable hedges. Young plants (3-4 years old) are planted in trenches in spring. The distance between them is 0.5-1 m. First, the plants are watered once a week, and after rooting - once every 2 weeks. A hedge is formedregular pruning. Hawthorn is resistant to pests, diseases, drought and frost.