The drywall frame is mounted from a special galvanized metal profile, which can be of three types: guide, rack and ceiling.

In the recent past, the basis for drywall was assembled from wooden bars. Some still prefer this type of building material for the construction of the frame, but this is wrong. The wooden frame for drywall, by its properties, cannot meet all the requirements for the durability of the structure.
Due to the absorption of moisture by the tree, it deforms when it dries, first of all it concerns the timber, which was initially oversaturated with moisture (not completely dried), which, unfortunately, is very common. When the beam dries, it warps and, accordingly, the drywall screwed to it repeats these warps. This, in turn, is the cause of the appearance of cracks and generally leads to the curvature of the entire structure. The wooden frame for drywall has another important "minus" - the lack of perfectly even dimensions. This leads to insufficient evenness of the entire structure in the end result, which cannot be said about the metal profile, usingwhich creates perfectly even frames for drywall, as the profile has perfectly accurate and identical sizes.
The first step in solving the question of how to assemble a drywall frame is markup. Since the installation of any frame structure begins with the perimeter, it is first necessary to draw the outline of our frame. To do this, we draw a line on the floor, which will serve as a guide for attaching the guide profile. Then, using a plumb line, draw the same line on the ceiling. Next, we draw vertical lines on the wall with a step (600 mm), along which the rack profile will be mounted, and on these lines we drill holes for dowels, with which we fix the metal plates.

On the floor and ceiling we fix the guide profile, into which we insert the rack profile and fasten them using metal screws. And the final step will be the connection of the rack profile with metal plates, which will give the structure rigidity. That's it, the drywall frame is ready.

It remains only to attach drywall sheets to it, but this procedure also has a number of its own characteristics. Let's briefly dwell on them. It is necessary to mount the GLK only vertically. For quick and high-quality installation work, it is necessary to pre-prepare the sheets, adjust the dimensions, cut, if necessary, a hole for switches and sockets, etc. Cutting sheets is carried out with a hacksaw orstationery knife, you can also use a jigsaw. Vertical edges must be cut at a 45° angle. Fastening drywall to the profile is carried out using screws with a flat head, while they should be slightly recessed and have an interval of 200-250 mm.
Given the foregoing, we can conclude that there is nothing complicated in installing a drywall frame, you just need to study some of the nuances of this type of construction work.