Stamp roses: planting, growing, pruning and care

Stamp roses: planting, growing, pruning and care
Stamp roses: planting, growing, pruning and care

The standard rose is a chic tree that combines an elegant trunk and an incredibly lush flowering crown. This plant has a truly exotic appearance, which is why many landscape designers prefer this form of growing roses. In this article, you will learn everything about planting a standard rose in your area. We will tell you the main features of the choice of planting material, site preparation and the process of caring for this amazing plant species.


standard roses
standard roses

Some beginner gardeners consider the standard rose to be a separate garden group. In fact, this is the result of the work of skilled breeders of rose crops, who were able to emphasize the beauty and sophistication of these flowers. A flowering tree fits perfectly in almost any area, combined with bush forms and looks amazing as a single plant. One rose garden can contain several varieties of roses, forming a kind of cascade.

Experienced flower growers know how to make a standard rose from almost any variety, be it hybrid tea, English "Austinka" or floribunda. This form of cultivation is pricelessan exotic decoration for any garden plot.

Features of the choice of seedlings

Standard rose seedling
Standard rose seedling

The future development of the plant directly depends on the condition of the seedling upon purchase. Before purchasing, it is important to conduct a thorough inspection of the planting material, therefore it is undesirable to order standard roses by mail, because you do not know which particular copy will get to you. You should buy seedlings in trusted stores and nurseries.

Be sure to ask the seller the age of the seedling. The most suitable for planting is a two-year standard rose. She has already formed a strong trunk and a developed root system. It is important to pay attention to the garden group of the selected variety to clarify the rules for further care. The characteristics of the rootstock also play an important role in creating a flowering tree. Cinnamon rose and rubiginose are unsuitable for rootstock, which provide too dense greenery and numerous spiny processes.

A quality seedling should have a uniform crown, the base of which consists of two or three powerful shoots. Be sure to have at least two grafts and lignified shoots. A smooth trunk should have a diameter of about a centimeter and be absolutely smooth, without spots and sagging. In addition, the seedling must have a closed rhizome, which provides better survival after transplantation.

Place for landing

standard rose
standard rose

Standard roses prefer areas open to sunlight, protected from drafts and stagnant moisture. Undesirable for boles andclose proximity to groundwater. Tender plants do not tolerate prolonged exposure to direct sunlight, which leads to burns of the petals and young shoots. However, it is not worth growing roses completely in the shade - the shoots are unnecessarily stretched, and the flowers lose their attractiveness. It is worth giving preference to penumbra on the south side of the site.

Date of planting

The best time for planting a standard rose is, of course, the spring period. It is necessary to wait for warm weather - the temperature of the soil should be at least +15 ° C. Experienced gardeners advise planting roses at the end of April or the first half of May.

Purchased seedlings already have a developed root system, so they can be planted throughout the warm period. This is especially true for regions with a less favorable climate, such as Moscow. A standard rose planted in the summer season requires additional moisture. It is worth remembering this when delaying the landing process.

Site preparation

Soil preparation
Soil preparation

The basis of the preparatory work falls on the fall. It is necessary to plow deeply and fertilize the soil well for planting roses. Preference should be given to loose and light soil, with a rich nutritional composition. Roses take root best of all on loams, to which river sand, compost, peat and organic fertilizers are added. Not in all areas the soil meets the above requirements. But any soil can be adapted for planting boles. For example, clay is introduced into the chernozem, and soil with a low phosphorus content is enriched with mullein, boneflour and superphosphate preparations.

The acidity of the soil is also important. In a too acidic environment, roses feel uncomfortable, you can neutralize the soil by adding bone or phosphorus flour.

Sandy loamy substrate is not the best choice, because such soil has too loose structure and excessive air permeability. You can dilute such a substrate by adding fine clay, soddy soil and humus. It is this composition that will have the necessary amount of trace elements.

Planting scheme

Planting standard roses
Planting standard roses

Standard roses do not tolerate crowding. The most comfortable distance between them is considered to be at least a meter and a half. This distance is also relevant when combining stems with spray roses. With a closer planting, low-growing varieties are lost against the background of high ones, and the overall appearance of the composition is less accurate.

For planting, dig holes with a depth and width of at least 70 centimeters. The dimensions of the pit may be different - it all depends on the variety of rose, the main thing is that the roots in the hole should not be crowded. A support is installed in the center of the hole, the height of which should be slightly less than the trunk. A layer of expanded clay or other drainage material is poured onto the bottom, after which a mixture of sod and leaf soil, peat and humus is added.

Only after that, a standard rose seedling is transferred to the prepared hole, keeping the earthen room in which it grew before transplantation. From above, the seedling is sprinkled with earth and rammed a little. The root neck should be deepened by 4-5 centimeters. Then the young plantcover with a film for better engraftment, which is removed after the final rooting.

Water, weeding and loosening

Irrigation organization
Irrigation organization

After planting a standard rose, care is required quite unpretentious. Roses are a moisture-loving crop, and therefore it is important to ensure regular watering throughout the growing season. Immediately after planting the bole, a moist environment is organized. Do not wait for the top layer of the near-stem soil to dry completely - constantly keep it moist. At least 20 liters of water is poured under each plant. However, it is possible to significantly simplify the irrigation procedure - to build drip installations. Watering is carried out exclusively at the root, protecting the shoots, leaves and flowers from moisture.

When creating a rose garden, you should carefully monitor the development of parasitic plants and remove them immediately. Weeds not only destroy the aesthetic appearance, but also consume all the nutrients intended for roses. You should also loosen and mulch the soil to provide a light structure.

Garter to support

The main answer to the question: "How to grow a standard rose?" - is the presence of good support. Moreover, as the plant grows and develops, the support is periodically replaced by a stronger and more powerful one, able to withstand the weight of an adult bole.

Make a support out of wood, metal or durable plastic. The installation is carried out at a distance of 10 centimeters from the trunk, on the opposite side from the slope. In the case of potted roses, additionalprops that protect containers from falling in strong winds. The branches are tied to the support with a soft cloth, foam rubber or electrical tape, that is, materials that do not damage the shoots. Moreover, it is important to attach the branches tightly enough so that the garters do not rub against the shoots. To do this, the fixing tie is formed in the form of a figure eight.


During the entire period of cultivation, standard roses require no more than two fertilizations. The first top dressing is carried out in early spring, and the second - after flowering. Young seedlings are fertilized immediately after planting.

Decomposed manure, humus and complex mineral preparations are used as fertilizers. Organic top dressings are usually applied every year in a thin layer around the trunk. Adult stems require at least six kilograms of organic matter per square meter of land. A good growth of greenery will be provided by nitrogenous and magnesium supplements, and a sufficient amount of potassium and phosphorus is responsible for abundant flowering. For better absorption of fertilizer, the soil is pre-moistened.

Pruning a standard rose

rose pruning
rose pruning

Care for this flowering plant requires pruning. This procedure is carried out in order to remove the shoots around the stem, cleanse the plant from dry, damaged and diseased shoots, and also to form a neat crown. It is important to use only a clean and disinfected tool and cut the shoots 0.5 cm above the bud. Branches whose thickness exceeds 1 centimeter are treated with garden pitch after pruning.

Pruningcarried out in early spring and be sure to take into account all the features of the cultivated variety. For example, floribunda and hybrid tea roses do not require too short a haircut - at least 6 buds are left on each shoot. If this rule is violated (shorter pruning up to 2-4 buds), you will get powerful side shoots that violate the overall shape of the bole.

When pruning a climbing rose, last year's skeletal shoots should be cut, and young ones are only slightly shortened. If the young shoots have not yet formed, do not remove the old ones completely - just cut the tops on the side branches.

Disease and pest control

Love for standard roses is fed not only by flower growers and landscape designers, but also by various harmful insects. The sap and young stems are attractive to pests such as aphids, scale insects, earwigs and caterpillars. As a preventive measure, roses must be treated with insecticidal preparations at the earliest stage of the growing season. For this, drugs "Aktara" and "Bi-58 New" are used, which are also effective in the initial stages of infection.

In addition, roses are susceptible to fungal and bacterial infections. To protect the garden beauty from chlorosis, spotting and viral mosaic, it is important to constantly carefully inspect the plant and immediately remove the affected parts. This measure will not allow the disease to spread to he althy areas. However, it is impossible to completely get rid of viral diseases - the plant must be destroyed. Therefore, it is important to keep the garden clean.tool and disinfect it before each cut.
