Rotary cut veneer: production technology, application

Rotary cut veneer: production technology, application
Rotary cut veneer: production technology, application

What is veneer, not everyone knows, but only those who deal with this material. This is the name given to very thin layers of wood, which are obtained by sawing, planing or peeling wood logs.

Scope of application

Today, veneer is most often used to veneer wooden furniture. But this is not the only area where it is difficult to do without this material. This is the manufacture:

  1. Doors.
  2. Skateboards.
  3. Cases for musical instruments.
  4. Delta wood.
  5. Plywood.
  6. Match straws.
  7. Car interior trims.

Comparative characteristics

Rotary cut veneer
Rotary cut veneer

To better understand the features of each type of veneer, you need to look not at the features of its manufacture, but at the difference in consumer characteristics. A comparison of the thickness of different types of veneer will help to understand this:

  1. Sawn - 0, 1-1, 0 cm.
  2. Sliced - 0.2 to 5mm.
  3. Pulled - 0.1-10 mm.

Thus, peeled veneer is different in thickness from similar materials and is much cheaper. Since among all the listed methods for obtaining veneerpeeling is the most affordable, so we will talk about this method below.

Distinguishing Features

birch veneer
birch veneer

The following features will help you distinguish peeled veneer from analogues of other types:

  1. Lowest thickness. In other words, this kind of material is the thinnest.
  2. If curly wood is used, the decorative properties of the material increase significantly.
  3. There are large gaps between late and earlier wood.
  4. Cost. It is the lowest precisely because of the peculiarities of production. If more expensive raw materials are used (cedar, larch), then the cost will be higher. But when compared with other production methods, the price will still be lower.

Production Features

Rotary cut veneer production
Rotary cut veneer production

Why is peeled veneer considered the most cost-effective? The answer is very simple: because its manufacture requires a minimum of devices and materials. It happens like this:

  1. Prepare blanks from wood of a certain length. To do this, the cut trunk is cleaned of branches, branches, and various growths.
  2. The prepared wood blank is placed on the lathe. You can use any wood for this - dry or raw. Importantly, it is easier to peel not dry, but raw wood. The main thing is to adjust the cutting element of the lathe as accurately as possible so that it removes the top layer from the workpiece in a spiral, giving suchway, solid canvas.
  3. Produce rough and then primary processing of the workpiece. This is necessary to remove the bark of the tree and level the surface - it becomes smooth, even.
  4. The final stage is the removal of a layer of wood of a predetermined thickness. The layer is removed along the entire length of the workpiece at the same time, which allows you to get the maximum width of the material.

But the finished tape is still a semi-finished product that needs to be further processed. The main document for the production of peeled veneer - GOST 2977-82, prescribes the following actions: finished canvases must be sorted, taking into account the quality of the product, its appearance, wood species, texture, then - mark, cut into segments, joint the edges, and only after fasten each pack. Moreover, not ordinary packaging materials are used, but special devices.

Rotary veneer production technology
Rotary veneer production technology

Most often, peeling is used to make ordinary matches - prepared layers of wood are crushed into thin strips and cut into small pieces, as you might guess - the length of the matches. The material for the production of match blanks is usually aspen, as the most affordable material in terms of price and availability.

If birch is processed into veneer, the material is obtained with higher aesthetic values. In addition, the production of rotary cut veneer comes from the following types of wood:

  1. Buka.
  2. Oak.
  3. Ash.
  4. Limes.
  5. Elms.
  6. Cedar.
  7. Larches.

The more expensive the raw material, the higher the cost and, accordingly, the aesthetics of the resulting material. In addition, the further use of the resulting material depends on the type of wood used.


Despite the low price, rotary cut veneer is not so popular for cladding in cases where beauty, unusual design and decorativeness of the finished surface are required. To eliminate this drawback, it must be decorated, which allows the canvases to be fully used as a facing material.

To enhance the decorative effect, peeled veneer can be subjected to surface dyeing, hot printing (pyrotype), opaque finish. But the original look does not interfere with its use for other types of work.

Crowded wood

Rotary cut veneer
Rotary cut veneer

The exception is curly wood. Although pilus is considered a vice for gardeners, it is of particular value for the manufacture of woody sheets. What is it? This is the name of the trunks (or branches) of trees, in which the fibers are not located evenly inside the trunk, but are intertwined in various directions, forming knots, bundles, bundles and other shapes. During the removal of layers on a lathe, the fibers do not fall under the knife in the same way. So, at the same time, the layer is removed across, along, at an angle. On the cut surface, a mixed texture is obtained, which emits a mother-of-pearl shimmer. Curl occurs in all breeds, but in some it is rare, while in others it is often, or rather, constantly.

The most sought-after species from which veneer is made are birch, but not ordinary, but Karelian, and also sugar maple. Moreover, the birch has a more unusual curl due to the fact that it grows on the Kola Peninsula, the conditions there are quite severe, and the annual rings of the trees do not lie in a circle, but look like wavy rosettes.

Sugar maple wood is covered with knotted fibers that have dark centers. But since this type of wood is not found on the territory of the former Soviet Union, with the exception of the Crimean Botanical Garden, only birch is used for the manufacture of veneer material with high aesthetic indicators. The technology for the production of peeled veneer from Karelian birch is the same as from other species, but the cost, due to the special value of the material, is somewhat higher.
