Violet Tristan: description with photo, breeding, cuttings, watering and care

Violet Tristan: description with photo, breeding, cuttings, watering and care
Violet Tristan: description with photo, breeding, cuttings, watering and care

Violets, or saintpaulias, are the queens of window sills. With proper care, they bloom profusely all year round, beautifully decorating the room. The beauty of the flowers of this plant always pleases the eye and warms the soul, besides, they are not demanding in care. Everyone who has ever tried to grow a violet before flowering continues to cultivate it constantly and often becomes fans of this plant.

A little about violets

In nature, the color of violets is limited mainly to blue, light blue and purple. Breeders offer a choice of plants of any color range and more than 20 thousand different varieties. Among violets, popular indoor flowers, there are many different types:

  • standard - amaze with a variety of shapes and shades;
  • chimeras - stunning with a special flower color;
  • ampel - have several points of growth:
  • wasps - distinguished by a special flower shape;
  • miniatures - called gnomes for their tiny size.
Flowering plant
Flowering plant

These small but touching flowers, standing on the windowsill,give the home a special cozy atmosphere.

Care and maintenance of violets

When caring for violets, the following conditions must be observed:

  • Bright light is the main thing for the maintenance of a flower. The abundance of flowering and the brightness of the color of the flowers depend on the illumination. But at the same time, violet does not tolerate direct sunlight. Burns appear from them, which are expressed in the appearance of yellow spots on leaves and flowers. Plants that bloom with white flowers are most susceptible to burns.
  • Place on the windowsill. Violet Tristan will grow on any window sill, but it is preferable to choose windows from the north side. It should be noted that the evening rays of the setting sun will not harm the violet. If it happens that you have only south and west windows, then you need to make shading. To do this, stick a sheet of tracing paper on the bottom of the glass or hang a curtain from thick tulle. It will let in enough light and protect the plants from direct sunlight.
  • Flower all year round. To do this, it is necessary to use artificial lighting for at least 12 hours during the day. The air temperature should be at least 18 degrees, and the plants should not be exposed to drafts. Violet Tristan will not be affected by lighting if the temperature drops below 15 degrees.
  • Keep away from the cold. In winter, on cold windowsills, it is advisable to overlay pots with plants with any material with thermal insulation, while slightly limiting watering.
Beautiful flower
Beautiful flower

After evaluating all the conditions in the apartment, you can place violets insuitable place for them. And they, in turn, will thank you with the beauty of their flowers and will bloom all year round.


Violet Tristan (pictured transplanted) requires changing the potting medium twice a year to make the most of its nutrients.

Plant transplant
Plant transplant

The best time to transplant is autumn (September to November) and spring (February-March). Transplantation is done in order to give the opportunity to grow new roots. The root system of violets is rapidly aging and therefore needs to be updated. New roots appear only from the fresh part of the trunk above the ground. When transplanting, old leaves are removed from the trunk, and it is placed in the soil. The emergence of new roots will cause the growth of fresh leaves and strong flower stalks. Sometimes flowering plants are also transplanted. With proper care, this procedure will not harm the violet, it will only stop flowering a little.

You should not increase the volume of the pot when transplanting. Violet variety Tristan feels great in small pots. They stimulate flowering, and large ones contribute to the rapid growth of leaves and the delay in the formation of buds. When transplanting, you should make good drainage in a pot, violets do not like stagnant water.


Violets are very unpretentious, they are propagated by leaf cuttings. The best time for rooting leaves is early spring and summer. Each he althy Saintpaulia leaf is a mature organ and is able to create its own roots, which will serve as the beginning of new plants that repeatparent properties. To root the leaves, water, a substrate, a humus tablet or moss are used. Leaves root the fastest in the ground.

Reproduction by cuttings
Reproduction by cuttings

Tristan violet cuttings, which are described below, are planted in small plastic pots and covered with a plastic bag on top until the babies appear. Periodically received greenhouses are ventilated. Grown up children are transplanted into ready-made soil.

Air humidity and watering

The increased temperature in the apartment when growing violets leads to overdrying of the air and soil, which adversely affects the plants. To maintain normal humidity, from time to time they spray near the flower or put a container of water filled with pebbles. Watering is carried out as the soil dries, only warm water is used. Sufficient water for the root system of the plant guarantees its he alth and active growth.

The appearance of children
The appearance of children

During the growth period (all spring and summer), the need for violets in water increases. It is necessary to water the plant when the topsoil dries out by 1.5 cm. In this case, the saintpaulia will never experience stagnant water, which adversely affects the condition of the plant.

Violet Tristan: photo and variety description

Tristan is one of the varieties of indoor violets, which has an unusual and delightful look. Many growers manage to successfully grow this variety. The plant has white flowers with the edges of a corrugated structure, on which strokes are located.purple and hot pink. Small outlet. The flower looks great, you can hardly take your eyes off it. Leaves with slightly wavy edges of a light shade. Their surface can be semi-double or regular structure. To maintain a violet in a constant flowering state, as mentioned earlier, it needs bright light, a constant temperature of at least 18 degrees, normal air humidity, proper watering and timely transplanting twice a year.

Violet variety and sport

Often when growing violet Tristan, the photo and description of which this article is devoted to, surprises arise - the plant does not bloom according to the variety. The color of the flower, and sometimes the leaves are different from the original. Breeders have bred many magnificent violets that perfectly transmit their varietal characteristics by inheritance. But there are also options for sporting when grown children do not retain all the varietal properties of their parents. In this case, plants are called sports. This often happens in fantasy varieties, to which the violet Tristan belongs. Some sports look better than their parents and are even registered as new strains.

violet seedlings
violet seedlings

Some varieties are not prone to sporting, especially plain Saintpaulias, but even in this case there are exceptions. There are also those that bloom differently every season and are always beautiful. Some violets, especially those with two-tone flowers, change color over time and become darker in color. This may be due to the conditions of detention - high aciditysoil at elevated temperatures. This situation is corrected by returning the previous conditions of detention. But if Saintpaulia has bloomed as a sport, then it will never become a variety again.

Violet LE-Tristan. Photo and description

This Saintpaulia is a very special color. The flowers are like luxurious white stars. The wide edge of the extremely ruffled petals contains strokes of dark blue and pink tones. Experts note that the variety is difficult to repeat. The flower should look simple or semi-double, and have a lush ruffle along the edge with multi-colored strokes of pink-blue tones. The leaves are variegated and wavy, the rosette is neat. Everything else is sports.

home flower
home flower

Violet care is not difficult, it is important to follow the basic growing conditions listed above. For flowering in winter, special attention must be paid to additional lighting using artificial lamps, as well as proper watering, avoiding waterlogging and drying out of the soil.


Magnificent and beautiful violet Tristan. Everyone can grow the variety they like on their windowsill. A flower can be purchased at a flower shop, which is better to immediately transplant into a new soil at home. When buying, you should pay attention to the color of the leaves of the plant. The lighter their color, the more likely the violet will bloom in accordance with the variety. If the leaves are dark or have dark stains, then most likely its flowering will not coincide with the flowers of the selected variety. But if you're just an amateur, then in this case tooviolet will please with its beauty.
