In recent years, one and a half bricks have been especially popular in the construction market. This demand is due to the high reliability and durability of products. After reading this article, you will learn about the main features of this material.

Varieties and properties of one and a half bricks
Thanks to the dimensions of this material, which is 1.35 times larger than standard parameters, its use allows you to save time and material resources spent on work. So, cement consumption can be reduced by almost half compared to using a single analogue.
Today, several different types of this material are produced. Depending on the purpose, it is divided into one-and-a-half building and facing bricks. The side faces of products belonging to the second type can be textured, corrugated or smooth.
Depending on the production technology, the brick is ceramic and silicate. They differ not only in the method of manufacture, and the raw materials used for this. In the first case, products are molded from special clay mixed withvarious additives, and then fired.
A standard one-and-a-half full-bodied brick weighs about three and a half kilograms. It has a high fire resistance. Therefore, it is often used for laying fireplaces and stoves.

Silicate brick one and a half
This material has a relatively small weight, so it is very convenient to use in construction. Partitions and load-bearing structures of buildings are often constructed from it. It has through and non-through voids of a cylindrical shape. Their presence helps to reduce the mass of the brick and increase its heat and sound insulation properties.
Today, unpainted or colored products can be purchased in stores. The first variety is produced in white. In the second case, the material is subjected to additional processing, during which the necessary pattern is applied to its surface.
Silicate one and a half brick has a number of undeniable advantages. It has low thermal conductivity. It perfectly withstands exposure to sub-zero temperatures. It is also important that in the process of its manufacture only natural, environmentally friendly components are used that do not have a negative impact on human he alth.
It is interesting that the red brick is different from the white counterpart. It is characterized by higher strength and versatility in terms of application.

Hollow thickened brick
In construction, this material is calledconditionally effective. Water absorption of such products is 20-30% less than that of full-bodied counterparts. They are characterized by higher density and thermal conductivity. As for the frost resistance and strength of this material, these indicators largely depend on how accurately the technological standards of its production were observed.
The holes in the masonry ceramic bricks allow for a significant improvement in sound insulation. In addition, walls built from such building material will be much warmer.
The only difficulty that often arises in the process of laying such a brick is the likelihood that the mortar will clog into the holes. To avoid such trouble, it is recommended to use a special grid.

Features of use
Red brick is successfully used not only for construction, but also for facing buildings. It is important that the surface of such a product is even. It should not be cracked or chipped.
Thickened hollow material is often used in the construction of outbuildings, fences, country mansions and high-rise buildings. The effectiveness of its use is to reduce the consumption of building materials and the timing of the work. Thickened bricks are not recommended for the construction of foundations, basements and plinths, since in these places there is an increased likelihood of material contact with moisture. The thickness of the outer walls must exceed one and a half bricks, otherwise the heat will go beyondbuilding limits. Subject to all technological standards, a house built from this material will last at least a century and a half.

What affects the cost of products?
In the modern construction market, prices for one and a half bricks fluctuate in a fairly wide range. The final cost of this material largely depends on many different factors, including the type of molding. So, plastic will cost an order of magnitude more expensive than manual. Such an impressive difference is explained by the fact that the brick made by the second method is more massive. In addition, its surface loses its smoothness, which makes it difficult to work with it. Therefore, before buying, it is necessary to determine as clearly as possible why you need this material. For example, products with a perfectly flat surface are not relevant for the construction of a foundation. In this case, strength characteristics come to the fore.
Also, the cost of a brick depends on indicators such as water absorption and grade. The less moisture the product absorbs, the higher its price. The marking indicates the strength of the material, expressed in kilograms per square meter.
Stowage and transportation conditions
As mentioned above, a one and a half brick differs from the standard one only in size. It is produced using the same technology and from identical raw materials. When stacked on a regular pallet, an average of 360 units of a single product, or 270 units of a one-and-a-half product is placed.
Bricks can be laid in several different ways. The most popular of which are herringbone and butt-to-butt. In the first case, the products are stacked in one row. In the second, pallets can be stacked on top of each other.
Bricks laid end to end can be transported by rail over long distances. When transported by road, they can be folded in a herringbone pattern.