Not all sports equipment has to be professional, expensive and from well-known brands. You can easily make a barbell with your own hands! We will offer you a choice of some of the simplest and most successful ways. Shall we begin?
First of all, we will take care of the barbell neck. After all, it is on this part that both the uniform distribution of the load and your safety depend. You need to select an element according to your capabilities - the thicker it is, the heavier the whole projectile. The neck for the barbell can be the following:
- steel reinforcement;
- scrap;
- iron pipe;
- strong wooden handle.
The length of the element must be at least 120 cm.

"Pancakes" - sand bottles
A load (popularly known as "pancakes") for our bar, in fact, can be any heavy object that can be put on the bar. These are bottles, and concrete products, and tires, and metal structures.
Considering what to make a barbell (namely "pancakes"), first of all we will analyze the simplest option - plastic bottles:
- Take eight containers of the same size and fill them with gravel or sand.
- Now groupthere are four of them - two in a row.
- Fix the bottles firmly with several layers of tape.
- When we have two "pancakes" of 4 bottles ready, it remains only to hang them on the bar. To do this, simply insert it into the middle between the bottles from the side where their corks look.
The design is convenient because, making it up from bottles of different sizes, you get "pancakes" of different weights.
How to make a barbell yourself, the video will additionally tell.

Concrete pancakes
The cargo will be more serious and monolithic, but it will take more time to make it. Do-it-yourself barbell is done here like this:
- First of all, we make a form for concrete pouring from plastic material - according to the outlines of an ordinary "pancake". Don't forget to install a cylinder in the middle, equal in diameter to the neck used.
- It's a good idea to stock up on various iron inserts to make the structure more durable. Lay some of them on the bottom of the form, add some as the concrete is poured.
- Wait for material to set.
- Following the outlines of the first concrete pancake, make a shape for the second. For the effectiveness of sports exercises, they both must be equal in weight.

Wooden pancakes
First of all, you need to get at the sawmill or make yourself two solid wooden circles, the thickness of which is at least 10 cm. You can choose the diameter yourself - based on which "pancake" you liftmore convenient. Naturally, in terms of weight and shape, these elements should be the same. Using a drill in the middle of the circle, make a hole for the neck.
How to make a barbell with your own hands next? And now your task is to use a hammer to drive as many metal objects as possible into these "pancakes" - iron debris, old nails, staples. It’s not bad to buy slate nails especially for homemade products. The main thing is that the weight of the "pancakes" be uniform.
Maybe not to score all the iron you find. Weight your "pancakes" as your workouts require more and more serious weights.

Brick "pancakes"
The advantage of such home-made "pancakes" is that the weight of the bricks is not heavy even for a novice athlete. Therefore, you can use several of these weights at once, making the load on the muscles heavier.
In order to make a barbell with your own hands in this way, you need to spend a little more time, have the skills to work with a grinder. Here, in fact, what will come in handy for us:
- A dozen bricks.
- Bulgarian and a stone circle for her.
- Stone drill.
"Making pancakes" is easy here:
- In the middle of each brick, make a hole with a drill slightly larger than the fingerboard.
- Use a grinder to shape each brick into a circle.
- Weigh your pancakes. You can adjust them further by one weight or sign with a marker on each of its weight.

"Pancakes" - cans of paint with cement
Probably the most aesthetic shell of all described. You need two identical paint cans. In the middle of each of them, install a metal pipe with a diameter slightly larger than the neck. Fix it with a wire - but in such a way that after the mixture has set, the pipes can be removed.
Place the jars on a flat surface, pour cement into them. Wait until it seizes, then remove the pipes. Sports equipment can be operated!

Make a barbell really out of different materials at hand, adding a drop of ingenuity. You can also use our ways, invented by resourceful athletes.