What is the diameter of the sewer pipes?

What is the diameter of the sewer pipes?
What is the diameter of the sewer pipes?

In a suburban area, which is located away from the city limits, there should be a sewerage system. It can be created not only to meet household needs, but also to perform other functions.

pvc sewer pipe diameter
pvc sewer pipe diameter

Varieties of sewers

Today there are several types of sewerage:

  • stock;
  • rainstorm;
  • drainage and so on.

The sewer is also divided into:

  • internal;
  • external.

The diameter of the sewer pipes and their choice depends precisely on these technical characteristics.

Varieties of pipes

In order to make a sewer in a suburban area, you must first decide on the choice of pipes for it. There are several varieties:

  • plastic;
  • metal;
  • ceramic;
  • cast iron.
sewer pipe diameter 100
sewer pipe diameter 100

Each of these species has its own specifications and properties. Their classifications and methods of use are also different. The diameter of sewer pipes of all types is also different, but in some product modifications it may be the same. Their surface may also be different:

  • smooth;
  • corrugated.

Characteristics of plastic sewer pipes

sewer pipes diameter 100 mm
sewer pipes diameter 100 mm

Plastic sewer pipes are made from various materials:

  • polyvinyl chloride;
  • polypropylene;
  • polyethylene.

Polyethylene pipes are made from raw materials with a fairly dense structure. They can be used for external and internal sewerage.

Advantages of plastic pipes

To date, this type of pipe for the construction of sewerage is used most often. The popularity of such products is due not only to low cost, but also to excellent properties and characteristics.

plastic sewer pipe diameter
plastic sewer pipe diameter

Plastic pipes:

  • does not corrode;
  • durable;
  • reliable;
  • durable;
  • wear resistant;
  • frost-resistant;
  • flame retardant;
  • easy to install.

The main advantage of plastic pipes is that they do not rust and cannot be affected by weather and climatic conditions. They withstand quite significant loads. For this reason, they can be mounted underground at great depths.

In some cases, experts recommend using sleeve technology when installing plastic sewer pipes into the ground. It involves placing one pipe in another, which is larger in its own way.diameter. By the same principle, any pipe can be insulated.

Mounting plastic pipes and fastening them together is quite simple. For this, special equipment and fittings are used. It is also worth considering that the inner diameter of PVC sewer pipes is different from the outer one. For this reason, it is worth choosing fittings based on the outside volume of the pipe.

If plastic pipes go deep into the ground, then you must first check them for leaks.

The long life of such products is ensured by the dense structure of the plastic. Pipes do not burn and are not exposed to high temperatures. Due to frost, they will not deform, but the water in them may freeze. For this reason, it is worth considering the insulation of sewer pipes, which are located above the level of soil freezing.

The diameter of PVC sewer pipes is selected based on what type of sewerage is being built in a suburban area. If these are simple drains, then you can choose a small one. If it is a storm sewer, then the diameter of the pipe must be significant so that the passage of water is not delayed.

Diameter of plastic elements

The diameters of sewer plastic pipes are quite diverse. Their choice depends on the type of sewerage, which can be external and internal.

For the arrangement of internal sewerage, pipes with a diameter of 32 to 110 mm are used. For the outside, pipes are used, the diameter of which is 110 and 160 mm.

sewer pipe diameter
sewer pipe diameter

For externalSewerage is best suited plastic sewer pipe. 110 is the diameter that will be the best option.

Characteristics of metal sewer pipes

This type is not often used for arranging sewer waste. This is due to the fact that the metal is subject to corrosion, especially if it is in the ground. Also, plaque will form inside the pipe over time, which reduces its internal diameter and thereby makes it difficult to pass through.

According to their technical characteristics, metal pipes:

  • durable;
  • resistant to any load.

At the same time, they warm up and freeze perfectly.

Ceramic pipes in the construction of sewerage

These sewer pipes are mainly used for the construction of outdoor sewerage. The diameter of ceramic sewer pipes can be from 150 to 600 mm.

sewer pipe 110 diameter
sewer pipe 110 diameter

Product specifications:

  • groundwater resistant;
  • frost resistance;
  • fire resistance;
  • practicality;
  • durability;
  • strength;
  • reliability.

The principle of their installation and fastening together is similar to the installation and connection of cast-iron pipes.

Cast iron sewer pipes

Cast iron is a material that has been used to make water and sewer pipes for many years. He managed to prove himself in the production of these products as the most practical and reliable raw materials. Cast ironpipes can be used for arranging any type of sewerage. This is their main advantage.

Specifications of cast iron pipes

Although this type of product is not used very often in sewer construction, cast iron pipes have their own characteristics. These include:

  • corrosion resistance;
  • fire resistance;
  • frost resistance;
  • wear resistant;
  • strength;
  • service life.

It is also worth considering that the diameter of the cast-iron sewer pipe can be any. It is used for the construction of both internal and external sewage. The service life of a cast iron pipe is at least 80 years.

Quite often, a cast-iron sewer pipe diameter of 150 or 200 mm is chosen for the sewerage of a private house.

cast iron sewer pipe diameter
cast iron sewer pipe diameter

In addition to the well-known advantages, there is one drawback. The surface of such structures, both outside and inside, is rough. Over time, it can cause clogged drains.

Less popular sewer pipes

In addition to the standard types, there are others that are not yet so popular in use, but also have good technical properties.

These include pipes:

  • reinforced concrete:
  • fiberglass;
  • asbestos-cement.

Reinforced concrete is most often used for arranging central sewerage. Although cases of their use on a suburban area in the centrala pipe that combines several sewers. They are strong and reliable. Despite this, they are able to break down over time under the influence of a humid environment. In addition, reinforced concrete pipes have a large mass, which greatly complicates their installation by hand.

Reinforced concrete sewer pipe with a diameter of 100 mm and weighs about 50-60 kg. For this reason, its installation is carried out with special equipment.

Fiberglass pipes are also not very popular. They are not very durable, but at the same time they are not able to be exposed to moisture. They can also be used in the construction of internal and external sewers, but you should not immerse them in the ground. Although their structure is strong, it is freely deformed under heavy loads. The diameter of sewer pipes of this type can be different, but the most popular is 200 mm.

Asbestos-cement pipes for sewerage are also not used often. They are lighter than reinforced concrete. They have similar technical properties and characteristics. These are fragile sewer pipes. A diameter of 100 mm is considered the smallest in them. The wall thickness is from 2 to 3 cm. They are difficult to install. For work, special equipment is used. Although in some cases, the installation of a sewer system from asbestos-cement pipes is carried out independently.
