In past centuries, the window looked elementary and simple, but today everything has changed. A window block is fixed in the opening, which is made of various materials, has several elements and design features. But not every person has full information about this.
Besides this, you need to know that the window also has a different size, color. This should be combined with common architectural elements. If we talk about the task of the window unit, then this is the need to maintain the desired microclimate in the room. Each design copes with this task. But do not forget that the protective function is not in last place.
But, going shopping, everyone is faced with a huge assortment, this raises many questions, mainly about how to choose a window unit. Before starting, it is better to arm yourself with useful information, and then you will get a good option.
What you need to know?
Window block is a structure through whichnatural light and the ability to ventilate the room. Some call this design just a window. To understand exactly why the structure is called a block, you have to understand the structure itself.
Before starting, you should understand what a window block consists of:
- Rama. It is located around the perimeter. Acts as a frame structure.
- Sashes. They are fixed at the base. There may be a different number.
- Availability of fittings. This is all that allows you to make the design convenient - handles, hinges. It is thanks to them that the room is ventilated. But a lot also depends on which glass is installed.
- Impost. This is already a reinforcing structure. Thanks to it, even with the doors open, the upper part will be stable.
- Double-glazed windows. Through them, the outside world is clearly visible and the sun's rays come in, but at the same time, the design provides maximum protection. When the overall structure faces south, additional darkening of the entire surface may be required. This will allow the rays of the sun not to spoil the overall stay indoors.
- Beads. These are small strips that allow you to hold the double-glazed windows in place.

This is the main thing that is present in the design of each window. In addition, there are also slopes, window sills, but they are not always mounted. Today, such a definition as a window block can be found in technical documents. When choosing a design, you need to consider:
- What optionscovers allowed.
- Glass performance.
- The strength level of fittings.
- Method of determining heat transfer resistance.
- Noise isolation level.
- Light transmittance.
In addition to these data, you can also find out the size indicators acceptable according to GOST. It is easy to get useful information from such official documentation. Sources can be anything - their status matters. So finding answers to each question will not be a problem.
Market assortment
Installation of window blocks begins with an understanding of the entire range with its own characteristics. Conventionally, it is better to combine them into elementary subgroups. We will consider each of them in detail.
According to the presence of wings
There are several basic options here - single-leaf (these are elementary structures, because they do not have reinforcement and are used in small buildings) and double-leaf. These are the most common types. They are found in almost all rooms of residential buildings and in offices. Multi-leaf - these are most often window blocks made of PVC profiles, where one of the wings acts as an entrance door, for example, from a balcony.

It is clear that when the window increases in size, the number of sashes also increases. To do this, it is necessary to strengthen the structure - the imposts are fixed. They help support the upper frame profile, which withstands different pressures on the window opening. The choice is made depending on external data and the size of thepremises.
By sash design
From this it becomes clear that these components have a diverse structure. What does this include:
- Lightweight. This is a casement profile of the window block and a double-glazed window. Nothing extra here.
- Double - the presence of two parts. The sashes open, and then they can be assembled into a single stable structure.
- Separate. There are two components in this assembly, but they no longer have a connection. There are fittings that allow you to open in any direction.
- Separate-double. These are the two options described above, collected in one design. One is installed from the inside, and the other - from the outside. At the same time, the window unit becomes durable and multifunctional. For the price, this option is more expensive.
Number of glasses in one sash
It is easy to understand that an air pocket is formed between the glass. It allows you to increase the level of protection from the cold and the entry of unwanted sounds into the room. From this we can conclude that the more of them, the more expensive the design and safer. Things to note:
- One glass is an inexpensive option. It is suitable for non-residential areas where there is no heat supply.
- Two glasses. This design was used many years ago, and is no less popular now.
- Three packages - a high level of protection. Good heat saving.
- Four glasses are already three-chamber blocks that do not let the cold through. The cost is the highest of all.
How the doors open
Most often people are used toobserve swing structures, although today there are more of them:
- Turning to your side is an easy option, and everyone has seen such designs.
- Reverse turning - for outer doors.
- Double-sided - also rotates, but is used in windows with one sash and has a quick wear.
- Hanging - used in attics when it is difficult to create a standard level due to location.
- Folding - can be seen on the windows. The installation of window blocks of this type is made of durable materials.
- Tilt-and-turn - everyone knows this option, as it is installed on plastic windows. It is possible to open the structure in several positions.
- Sliding - the main feature is that there are no loops. Instead, there is another mechanism - rollers. The advantage is compactness, because it opens parallel to the structure and does not require much space. But in case of any violations, it will not be possible to open.

Also, many pay attention to other indicators. But the choice should be built depending on the general appearance of the building. Masters say that the natural conditions in the region also matter.
How to choose according to the material?
It is not necessary to take into account many factors. There are two main directions here:
- Window blocks made of PVC profiles. Simply put, these are plastic structures that are distinguished by reliability and low cost. But oftenthey say that such structures do not breathe and many began to switch to a wooden window block.
- Tree. This is a high-quality material, breathes and is environmentally friendly. But it is expensive, quickly deforms and requires additional care during operation.
Today, many prefer plastic window blocks, as they look beautiful, and at the same time the price is low. At the same time, the range of designs is diverse, and everyone can choose an individual design for their building.
Manufacturing and installation
PVC samples must be purchased from the manufacturer and then installed. But everyone can assemble wooden structures themselves. Although any of the options are not so simple - you need to have a little experience with the tools.

Can I install the window myself? There are simple guidelines to help you succeed. Don't miss a single point:
- Required to make a drawing. They create it themselves or find a ready-made version. This includes the frame profile and the sash profile.
- According to available data, the structure is cut and the profiles are processed.
- Next it's time for lock systems. They are worth gluing. After the design is combined into a single component. In the process of work, you need to use the necessary tools (in particular, the building level).
- The glass is put in place, after which it is fixed with glazing beads.
- If necessary, the old construction is removed, and the resulting window block is placed inyour niche. Everything must be done carefully so as not to damage the opening.
- To make the design last longer, experts recommend treating the tree with an antiseptic. After installation in the opening, you need to fix the element with wedges.
- It is necessary to correctly calculate the weight of the entire structure so that the window looks neat and it is possible to open transoms, if any.
- Next, permanent fixation is performed, if the house is wooden, then self-tapping screws are enough. But anchors will have to be driven into the concrete.
- Once again, it is worth checking the installation for errors and irregularities. At the final stage, the sashes are fixed.

It turns out that the process of working with a tree is not complicated by anything. But if a person does not have experience in construction, then creating wooden blocks will definitely not work. In such a situation, you will have to purchase a finished design. The dimensions of the window blocks that are in the implementation can be different (usually 1460 x 1420 or 2100 x 1800 millimeters). Not so long ago, working with plastic windows, namely installing them yourself, was unacceptable, but today anyone can handle it.
What do you need to know about modern designs?
Plastic windows began to conquer the main market several decades ago. People understood that these designs have their own characteristics and are convenient in the process of operation. In addition, they have a long shelf life, which is of great importance to many.
But such structures do not breathe and cannot create the desired microclimate in the room. Here is how to install themnot as difficult as it seems. To begin with, it is worth making accurate measurements, and then ordering a window unit from the manufacturer.
When the element is ready, you can start installation work. Initially, the frame is attached, after which double-glazed windows are inserted. And then proceed to the accessories. You need to purchase a sufficient amount of mounting foam and reliable fasteners. Plastic window blocks have good sound insulation and do not release heat. That is why their popularity has become so big.
When purchasing components, you should not do this from unfamiliar manufacturers who have a dubious reputation. It is clear that the modern market is overflowing with offers, and these are unlimited opportunities for the owner of the house and architects. Everyone has a chance to purchase ready-made designs or place an individual order. Of this, it is worth noting that window blocks, selected and installed correctly, allow you to create an attractive appearance for the entire building, as well as protect it from natural influences and sounds.

When making a choice, pay attention to many things:
- Material for making. This is wood, aluminum window blocks and PVC.
- Glazing - glass or double-glazed windows.
- Availability of shutters - one, two, etc.
- Opening process - yes or no.
- The shape is rectangular, round, arched and curvilinear.
- Opening elements - hinged, folding, turning, tilt-and-turn, sliding, deaf.
It is clear that the mostreliable design - these are double-glazed windows. If you live in the house permanently, you should pay attention to such options. In private houses, and even in apartments, it is better to have swing structures with several wings. This makes it easier to get fresh air in. If the room is non-residential, then there is no need to spend a lot of money - standard glazing is quite suitable. Do not forget what the window block consists of. This is:
- Rama.
- Glass.
- Fittings.
- Seals.
- Fastening to load-bearing structures.
- Ebbs, window sills and flashings (to hide the mounting seams of window units).
Summing up
The window for the building must be reliable, durable and create a microclimate. Builders strive for this, and the owner must understand what is at stake, so as not to be mistaken. Installing a window block according to the rules gives: a lot of lighting, fresh air flows, a beautiful view, as well as protection from insects. Today, everyone can not only purchase a finished structure, but also install it on their own. One has only to have on hand the instructions and the necessary materials with tools.
If the window after installation does not cope with its tasks, then it is worth dismantling it. When there is doubt that the installation can be done without errors, it is not worth the risk. There are many masters, and everyone easily, in a short time, does the tasks.

When making repairs, you need not only to purchase a high-quality window unit, but also to prepare an opening for it. When the installation of the window block is completed, it is worthinstall window sill and plums. The surface must be subjected to protective compounds, as well as waterproofing. Before you start work, you should make sure that all the tools used in the work are available. This is the only way to get a quality result.