Currently, gas is the most economical type of fuel for heating systems of houses and cottages. Equipment for these purposes exists in a huge variety.

Heating with a gas boiler is the most popular option for organizing systems for private homes. There are many reasons:
- in this case, the cheapest energy carrier, gas, is used as fuel;
- gas boiler heating is characterized by high efficiency rates;
- devices of this type are simple and reliable in operation;
- powerful appliances are used to heat large areas;
- this type of heating does not require any effort in terms of fuel delivery to the end user;
- fuel is supplied to the system continuously, while there is no need for control by the consumer.

Heating with a gas boiler should be chosen in cases where in the immediate vicinityFrom the dwelling there is a main with natural gas. At the moment, gasification is increasingly being carried out in rural areas and suburban settlements, which allows the consumer to use this type of fuel to heat a home. It is important to note: in order to install a wall-mounted or floor-standing gas heating boiler, you must obtain permission from the relevant authority. When installing such a system, there are other special requirements: it is necessary to equip the device with an exhaust pipe, to ensure free access of oxygen for the operation of the wick. On sale are models of boilers with natural or forced draft. Thanks to the forced ventilation device, it is possible to ensure the removal of combustion products to the street through a coaxial chimney, as well as at the same time air supply to the burner.

According to the installation method, boilers can be floor and wall. In any case, modern models are distinguished by their compact dimensions, but at the same time they can accommodate a burner, a control unit, a thermometer, a circulation pump, a pressure gauge, an expansion tank, and a security system. Heating with a gas boiler with an automatic leak response system allows you to ensure safety, as well as stop the gas supply in time.
It should be borne in mind that gas pressure in domestic pipelines is unstable. If the house uses heating with a boiler that requires a pressure of 13 Mbar, then a drop in indicators to 6-8 will cause the burner to work only at half power. BUTa small flame can burn through the burner itself. Too intense a flame often causes the boiler to overheat or even burn through the body. Installing a remote burner can solve this problem.
If you are interested in a gas heating boiler, the price of which is quite affordable, then you should know that its installation and maintenance should be approached with the utmost responsibility, since the appearance of various problems in the system can become a threat to life. Long-term operation of the system is only possible if the equipment is installed by qualified specialists.