Induction boiler: prices and reviews. Is it possible to make an induction heating boiler with your own hands?

Induction boiler: prices and reviews. Is it possible to make an induction heating boiler with your own hands?
Induction boiler: prices and reviews. Is it possible to make an induction heating boiler with your own hands?

One of the urgent problems in home heating for quite a long time was the search for suitable sources of heat. Natural resources are not always suitable for this purpose for a variety of reasons, in particular due to inaccessibility and economic impracticality. However, the induction boiler, which uses energy-saving technology, has given consumers a chance to take a fresh look at the capabilities of heating devices, not only in terms of functionality, but also in terms of operation.

induction boiler
induction boiler

Main Features

Induction boiler works on the basis of electromagnetic induction. The role of the generator is assigned to the inductive coil, and the intensity of heat transfer becomes much higher due to the use of a labyrinth of pipes in a multilayer boiler design. Inside the case there is a core, which looks like a pair of ferromagnetic into the other steel pipes with fairly thick walls. In the space between them is water, which enters through the nozzles located at the bottom of the boiler. A toroidal winding is located in the inner tube, which, under the influence of an electric current, creates a high-frequency magnetic field. As a result of the increase in resistance, eddy currents arise that heat the pipe body and the water surrounding it. The outer pipe serves as a heating element, and water is used as a heat carrier.

Induction heating features


Induction boiler for home heating first appeared on the market at the end of the last century. Despite the fact that not too much time has passed since then, such equipment is becoming more and more popular among consumers, displacing all others capable of electric heating. This is due, first of all, to the special effect that the use of such equipment gives. And the point here is not only that the coolant heats up almost instantly, but also the highest efficiency of such devices, since the additional power received from the oscillatory circuit reduces the required amount of energy by several times compared to alternative modern heating methods.

That is why the induction boiler is good for use in residential premises, as well as in industrial and administrative buildings, in the areas of facilities where there are increased requirements for environmental safety, as well as in technological systems whereintermediate heat transfer fluid.

DIY induction boiler
DIY induction boiler


Despite the fact that the modern heating equipment market currently has a huge variety of technological solutions operating on different types of energy carriers, it is worth exploring the described devices from a consumer point of view, that is, from the standpoint of the relevance of their use. To begin with, consider the reasons why we can recommend induction heating boilers for purchase.

The very first argument is the complete absence of scale and other deposits. The magnetic field creates a high frequency vibration, which displaces the inductive energy to the inner surface of the boiler walls, where it interacts with the coolant. It turns out that, regardless of the period of operation, a stable level of heat transfer is ensured. The induction boiler is characterized by an efficiency of 98-99% throughout the entire period of operation. This device is usually classified as an energy-saving equipment. The device is economical due to the high level of power factor, characterized by the frequency of the current used. All this reduces operating costs by 30%.

Induction type heaters are characterized by minimal sensitivity to voltage indicators, so they are able to work stably in a DC or AC network. Structurally, the induction boiler is a completely sealed case, so that leakage is completely excluded.

induction boiler price
induction boiler price

Operating Benefits

There are no heating or moving elements in the boiler device that are in direct contact with the coolant, which eliminates the need for repair and maintenance work, both in the off-season and during heating operation. Namely, this cost item is quite significant for owners of other types of heating devices. Induction equipment belongs to the second class of fire and electrical safety, so it can be installed in any room. Manufacturers set the service life of such devices at least 25 years.

An induction boiler, the price of which is from 30 thousand rubles or more, depending on the required power, can use any liquid as a heat carrier, that is, not only water, but also antifreeze, oil or other substance, if required by operational conditions at a certain temperature. The liquid does not need preliminary preparation, and it can be replaced every 10 years. Such equipment can be connected to any heating systems, while there are no restrictions.

The induction boiler is characterized by absolutely silent operation and a high level of environmental safety. Installation and subsequent operation of the device is not particularly difficult and does not require special skills or any re-equipment.

induction boiler reviews
induction boiler reviews


While this is a unique and versatile piece of equipment, it cannot be consideredperfect, as it also has certain shortcomings. As the most important minus, the solid weight of the boiler and its considerable dimensions can be noted. Depending on the model and device of the boiler, its weight can vary between 20-80 kilograms. On the other hand, it is unlikely that the consumer who installed this equipment will be interested in its weight, because it will not need to be moved. Modern models of boilers are characterized by compact dimensions and the possibility of mounting into the wall, which contributes to considerable space savings during installation. All this makes this disadvantage not so big.

Contra factors

There is another negative characteristic that an induction boiler has. The price of such equipment is relatively high. Among all alternative electric heating devices, induction equipment can be categorized as the most expensive. However, there is another side of the coin here. While the purchase of such equipment can be a significant financial investment, it will be a one-time investment. Indeed, when purchasing some other devices, the spending does not end there, because their further maintenance will be required. In the case of the equipment in question, there is no need to worry about additional investments.

Another disadvantage of induction boilers is their ability to create wave interference. Despite the fact that their range is several meters, this factor may be too significant for people who are prone to perceive magnetic waves. In this case, the solution to the problem is quite simple: you needinstall the appliance in a separate room.

Diagram of an induction boiler
Diagram of an induction boiler

Boiler selection

Induction boiler can be single-phase and three-phase. In the first case, we are talking about a power of 2.5-7 kW, and in the second - 7-60 kW. For induction equipment, the required power indicator can be calculated according to the following principle: for each square meter of heated space, 60 watts of device power is required. In addition, you need to know about some rules for installing such devices.

Equipment of this type is intended for installation only in closed heating systems, which are equipped with a pump that provides forced circulation. An obligatory element in the installation of such equipment is grounding. The boiler is attached to the wall strictly vertically.

Induction heaters make heating any space simple, reliable and affordable. And minor shortcomings of such devices are compensated by the highest consumer characteristics: ease of maintenance, work efficiency, minimum material costs and maximum safety.

Homemade induction boiler
Homemade induction boiler

Typical device

Similar to equipment equipped with heating elements, induction boilers convert electrical energy into heat needed for space heating. And the design features of the device allow you to heat the coolant many times faster in comparison with analogues. The simplest design of the device is a transformer, including primary and secondary short-circuitedwinding. The task of the internal component is to convert electricity into eddy currents, after which the electromagnetic field is directed to the secondary short-circuited coil, which serves as a housing and a heating element at the same time. From the secondary winding, energy is transferred to the coolant, which can be not only untreated water, but also antifreeze, oil, and other media that conduct electricity. This is the simplest scheme of an induction boiler.

Features of operation

The operation of the device is carried out without the release of negative products of fuel decomposition, which ensures its complete safety. Two branch pipes extending from the boiler are designed to drain the heated liquid and enter the cold one. If you want to make an induction boiler with your own hands, then you need to know that the lower pipe must be mounted on the inlet section of the main, and the upper one on the supply section of the pipeline. The device converts electrical energy into heat, which is transferred to water, oil or antifreeze of any degree of purification. When the eddy currents created by the winding hit the core, its outer surface is heated, and then the entire element as a whole. A homemade induction boiler generates heat, which is transferred to the coolant circulating in the system. Due to the pressure created by the pump, the coolant is supplied to the heating network.

Induction boiler for home heating
Induction boiler for home heating

DIY induction boiler

The scheme of the device is such that the heated liquid is constantly removed from the pipe to the heating network, whichcompletely eliminates the possibility of overheating of the equipment. The induction system constantly vibrates, which completely eliminates the formation of scale on the inner walls of the device.

Structurally, it is quite easy to build an induction boiler with your own hands. To begin with, you can purchase a high-frequency welding inverter equipped with a device for smooth current adjustment. As a material that will be heated in a magnetic field, pieces of steel wire or wire rod can serve. The body can be made from a thick-walled plastic pipe. To connect to the heating network, adapters are used, through which the induction boiler is connected.


Most of the happy owners of these devices talk about their extreme efficiency, ease of use and other positive aspects. In cases where the installation of a gas boiler is completely impossible, such a solution becomes the best option.
