Parquet is considered a popular type of floor decor. It is created from natural materials. During the laying of the coating, a special putty for parquet is used, which is needed for an even coating and hiding small imperfections. The time of operation of the material depends on its choice. The article presents the types of solutions and the rules for its application.

Putty for parquet has many types. Solutions have different composition, efficiency. Products of all manufacturers have the same rules of use. Read more about popular types of formulations in the article.
Tool requirements
There are several requirements that putties must meet:
- Good elasticity. This property allows the product to be qualitatively distributed and fill the gaps.
- Increased adhesion to wood ensures long life without blistering or flaking.
- Due to the homogeneous composition, the presence of third-party impurities or coarse particles is excludedparticles that can cause mechanical damage.

If a mixture is chosen for leveling the floor outside the room, for example, on the terrace, then the putty must meet the following requirements:
- Resistance to temperature changes and frost resistance. The preservation of the quality of the coating in any period depends on this factor.
- Moisture resistance keeps wood flooring protected from direct penetration of precipitation.
- High speed drying mixture.
If putty is intended for interior use, it should have the following characteristics:
- Environmental friendly and safe.
- Antiseptic and bacterial properties to keep the coating from the multiplication of various bacteria and fungus.
- Highly resistant to sparks from open flames.
The modifiers present in the composition are needed to ensure that the necessary requirements are met, depending on the operation of the construction tool.
Solvent based
For these funds, wood chips are considered the main component. It is considered a quality finish for any material created from wood.
The advantage of this putty for parquet is ease of processing and quick drying of the solution. These factors complete the laying of the coating noticeably faster.
This putty mixture has its advantages. It perfectly eliminates defects on the parquet. The tool is used for the treatment of seamsbetween planks of parquet, as it is considered environmentally friendly and does not emit harmful components when the temperature rises.

A plus is considered high elasticity and good protection against mechanical stress. Acrylic improves moisture protection and significantly increases the life of the material.
The basis of oil putty for parquet is oil, water and chalk. It is used for processing different types of wood. The service life of the solution is long, but drying takes a long time. This increases the processing time of the material. When working with such a mixture, you must follow the recommendations presented on the packaging with the product.
This is a quality parquet putty for wide gaps. The mixture is environmentally friendly and is used in rooms where there are high requirements for sanitation. It is used for different woods, excluding cork products. The advantages of such putty include the following properties:
- Empty spaces, cracks and other imperfections are processed.
- The parquet is leveling.
- The end edges of the tree are protected.
- The mixture does not settle after drying.
- After processing, there will be little dust and dirt accumulation on the surface.

Gypsum putty for parquet is a universal remedy. The advantages are high-quality adhesion to the floor surface and low price. The composition is used both for rough work and for the finalparquet leveling.
Gel putty
This is a white, which becomes transparent, mass. It is used to fill small irregularities. Often, after varnishing, the coating is uneven. The varnish flows into the cracks, there are “craters” and pits, which is especially visible on large areas and in bright light. This is due to the fact that the varnish repeats the unevenness of the floor and its structure.

Gel putty for parquet allows you to get a monolithic surface. But this tool provides a decorative function, it cannot be considered as an additional layer. It does not have any function to increase wear resistance.
Which putty to choose for parquet depends on the desired result. Often the surface is treated with mixtures created independently. This will help save money and make a solution that will suit all properties.
There are 2 methods of self-preparation putty. 1st will require preparation:
- drying oils - 0.5 kg;
- glue (concentration 10%) - 100 g;
- liquid soap;
- plain chalk in powder form;
- liquid desiccant - 25 g;
- turpentine - 125 g.
You will need to heat the glue in a metal container, while the solution must be mixed. When heating occurs, add the remaining ingredients and mix until the consistency of thick sour cream is obtained.
This finish can be used on parquet made from various types of wood. Thisputty should be used only when warm. The temperature must be maintained until the end of work.
The second method is considered simple, but no less effective. Requires PVA glue, the addition of wood dust, which remained after the installation of the parquet. The dust is mixed with adhesive to form a thick mass.
Apply it to the coating only with a spatula. This treatment will help to get a natural color for parquet joints, but there are also disadvantages. Glue after drying settles and hardens. If the coating is strongly affected, the putty falls out of the seams. This results in an empty space where dust accumulates.
Before work, the surface must be cleaned of dust and other contaminants. For this procedure, use a vacuum cleaner or a damp cloth.
If the old material is restored, then the parquet is scraped. This procedure involves the removal of the top layer of wood, after which grinding and finishing with varnish mixtures are performed. Depending on the thickness of the coating, the floor can withstand 2-8 restoration cycles. Parquet scraping is performed after the defects have been eliminated.

Puttying is performed both when installing a new parquet, and when restoring the old coating. Apply the mixture with a metal spatula. It is important that the movements are circular or semi-circular, this ensures maximum processing efficiency. When the solution hardens, polishing is performed.
Features of choice
When choosingputty must be considered for several points:
- The finished product should be plastic for convenient work and high-quality results.
- Material should lay down evenly, without lumps and streaks, not drip off the spatula.
- The putty layer must be as strong as the base.
- The floor after treatment should be smooth and without cracks.
- Material should not dry very quickly as it is easier to sand when semi-cured.
- Putty must be combined with top coat.
Now putties of both Russian and foreign manufacturers are on sale. Any parquet putty has its own advantages and disadvantages. When you go to the store, you should analyze the types of products that are in demand.
Tikkurila has long been a leader in the creation of putty materials. The brand's products have good adhesion and performance properties. The Swedish company BONA produces high-quality water-dispersion products.
German putty Loba, in addition to high-quality performance, also has an acceptable cost. Universal means Uzin can be applied to any parquet. Kiilto Gap compounds are solvent based and therefore stronger than water based formulations.

Among Russian products, mixtures of "Extra" and "Rainbow" are in demand. Grouting materials from Lakra companies and budget products from EUROTEX are popular with craftsmen.
These are the most common formulations, butthere are others. In any case, when choosing, you should pay attention to several important nuances. Products must not be expired, otherwise they will not perform their main function. It is important that the mixture has a complete package. And you must use it according to the instructions provided by the manufacturer.
Putty is considered an important procedure, because it affects the life of the coating. There are many solutions for finishing, when choosing, material possibilities and personal preferences should be taken into account. The work can be done even by a beginner in the construction business.