What types of putties exist? Putties for interior work. Finishing, decorative putties

What types of putties exist? Putties for interior work. Finishing, decorative putties
What types of putties exist? Putties for interior work. Finishing, decorative putties

Putty is today a universal building material, with which you can effectively remove defects, smooth surface irregularities and even improve the appearance of furniture. However, in the latter case, we are talking about a decorative composition. By visiting the market of related products, you can find a huge range of mixtures used for puttying, each of them has its own purpose.

In general, putty is used to level walls and ceilings. After the base layer has dried, it will be possible to paint or paste over it with any wallpaper. Quite often, putty walls are decorated with ceramic tiles. Depending on the composition, putty can be classified into several types, this will be discussed below.

It is worth distinguishing mixtures also by purpose, they are:

  • universal;
  • start;
  • finish.

Starting putty is applied in a thick layer or several layers, which allows you to save the walls from impressive defects. howonly the layer of starting putty dries, you can start applying the finish coat. Universal types of putties are designed for finishing surfaces with a starting or finishing layer. Putties can also be divided by consistency, they are ready-made or dry. The latter variety is the most common, because such compositions have an acceptable cost and are easy to use. You can buy dry putty in a package, the volume of which varies from 3 to 25 kg.

types of putties
types of putties

Description of dry putties

When considering the types of putties, you should pay special attention to dry formulations, because they have many advantages, including:

  • possibility to change the density of the mixture;
  • prostate preparation solution;
  • convenience of storage and transportation;
  • long shelf life of dry putty.

You can change the density of the solution by adding a certain volume of water. Preparation is simple - it will be enough to add the dry composition to the water for mixing and mix. To store the dry mix, it is important to ensure a low level of humidity, but as for the temperature, it can be any.

However, dry types of putties have some disadvantages, they are as follows:

  • need to follow instructions;
  • dilution of the mixture should be done in small portions;
  • the need for additional time to prepare the solution.

It is important to remember what to work outthe composition will have to be done fairly quickly, because after a while it will begin to harden. If you are not ready to follow strict recommendations, then you should purchase ready-made putty, which is sold in buckets. It can be used immediately after purchase. Such mixtures are great for novice craftsmen, because among the ingredients there are substances that prevent the solution from quickly setting. However, you will have to pay a little more for it.

Varieties of putties depending on the composition: latex putty

types of putty for walls
types of putty for walls

Considering the types of putties, you should pay attention to their composition. Latex mortar is usually supplied as a ready-mix, since it is latex that allows substances to remain in liquid form, making them more plastic. These putties are easy to use and can be stored for quite a long time.

Cement putty

If you are thinking about the question of what types of putty are, then you should take a closer look at the cement composition, the ingredients of which contain cement, which acts as an astringent. Among other things, a solvent and a filler are used in the production process. The filler can be fine-grained river sand, pebbles, and other inclusions. If there are more than 5% of such keys in the sand, then it is not suitable for the preparation of putty.

Dilution of such a composition should be carried out exclusively with clean water, the temperature of which does not exceed 20 ° C. When mixing, use the proportion:

  • 4 pieces of sand;
  • 1 piece cement;
  • water.

Cement putty is resistant to moisture, so it can be used in the kitchen or bathroom.

what types of putty
what types of putty

Among the disadvantages, one should highlight the fact that after drying the mixture shrinks, and the mortar is not characterized by elasticity, so it will be difficult to work with it on concrete walls. It is better not to apply cement putty on a concrete surface, because over time the layer may become cracked.

Gypsum putty

Quite often, home craftsmen wonder what types of putty exist. Among others, a gypsum variety should be distinguished, which adapts to the microclimate in the premises and allows air to circulate. If you want to get a perfectly flat surface, then you should use a gypsum mixture, after which you can apply paint, wallpaper or do art painting.

Composition dries fairly quickly and does not emit odor. Gypsum putty is hypoallergenic, inexpensive and fire resistant. But you can not use such a mixture everywhere, the coating will not last long if the operating conditions differ in frequent changes in humidity and temperature. Gypsum can be easily scratched or chipped, so it is not recommended to use this putty on playrooms or children's rooms.

Polymer putty

When considering types of putty for walls, you should pay attention to the polymer variety.

kindsputty for interior work
kindsputty for interior work

Among the ingredients of this mixture are substances that provide high elasticity, so the cost of the material is quite high. Using polymer putty, you will ensure the durability of the coating and be able to get the perfect result. When choosing a composition, pay attention to the manufacturer's certificates, because when choosing this type of putty, there is a risk of acquiring a fake.

Acrylic putty

This mortar can be used for exterior and interior decoration, it is characterized by high weather resistance and excellent contact with all surfaces. If you need a finishing composition, then you should purchase an acrylic putty, which allows you to achieve perfect smoothness and evenness. Its application is carried out in a thin layer, the thickness of which does not exceed 1 mm. Durable wood can act as a base. This solution is also different in that it does not crumble over time, has no toxic impurities and odor.

types of decorative putty
types of decorative putty

Finish putty classification

Considering the types of finishing putty, you can understand that this material is classified according to the principle that was described above. Depending on the purpose, finishing putty can be divided into mixtures for external or internal work. Facade putties, which are applied at the final stage, mainly have a cement base, with its help it is possible to achieve resistance to external influences, strength and durability.

types of finishingputties
types of finishingputties

For living rooms, gypsum finishing putties are usually used, which have high plasticity and adhesion, after drying they give the walls a white color and are easy to sand. Recently, polymeric types of putties for interior work, which are applied with a finishing layer, have been quite popular lately. With the help of them you can create the perfect surface. Such formulations have the disadvantage of high cost.

what types of putty are there
what types of putty are there

Additional classification of decorative putty

Considering the types of decorative putty, you should pay attention to additional types of mortar. For example, an oil-adhesive mixture is used to level the following types of surfaces:

  • wooden;
  • concrete;
  • covered with plaster.

Subsequently, oil-adhesive putty can be coated with water-dispersion and oil paints, as well as enamels. Water-dispersion putty is a solution for partial leveling and elimination of flaws in aerated concrete, brick, wood, plaster and stone walls. The surface before drawing this structure can be painted. Sometimes water-dispersion putty is applied to fibreboard.


Before purchasing putty, you need to decide under what conditions the coating will be used. This depends on the type of mixture. For rooms with low or moderate levels of humidity, gypsum mortar is excellent. This includes living rooms andhallways. In the kitchen and in the bathroom, it is better to finish the surface with acrylic or cement putty, because these compounds are not afraid of exposure to water.
