As a result of numerous studies, it became known that with insufficient ventilation intensity or with its complete absence, the content of substances that pollute the air in the apartment exceeds the permissible norms by dozens of times. In addition to the person himself, who emits carbon dioxide, furniture made of chipboard, paint, plastic, wallpaper, wax, flooring, aerosol cans become sources of harmful substances. The gas stove contributes to the deterioration of the indoor atmosphere. Mold spores can be found in stagnant air. As well as the waste products of microscopic mites. Polluted air has a negative impact on human he alth and causes damage to the structure of the building. And here the filtration systems are powerless, which will purify the air that once filled the room. Maintaining the air hygiene of the rooms is ensured by their ventilation. I.eregular replacement of polluted air with fresh air coming from the street.

The core of the problem
The issue related to the ventilation of the premises of an apartment building is quite relevant. Most modern buildings are equipped with natural ventilation. Mostly fresh air is in the premises due to the gaps in the windows. From there, he enters the corridor through the undercuts of interior doors, and then he is met by a ventilation grill with a check valve. From the apartments, such air enters the natural ventilation channels installed in houses under construction. They are usually made from special concrete blocks. One or two of these channels are used for each apartment vertical.
Reliable barrier
Most typical high-rise buildings have only one ventilation duct in the kitchen. Its geometric dimensions are defined by standards, and they determine its performance. Do not connect kitchen hoods to it. Some people ignore this rule, which is why it turns out that air is supplied to the residents of the upper floors, which is “expelled” from the apartment with an exhaust hood. If you have a similar phenomenon, then you can recommend that you install a special valve. The non-return ventilation valve is normally open due to the fact that the air in the ventilation duct is slightly rarefied. This allows air to leave the room. In the event of a reverse thrust, the channel section is blocked by a valve. Therefore, polluted air cannot enter the apartment. Some ventilation equipment is alreadyequipped with built-in check valves.

The main problem of the natural ventilation system is that its performance depends on random climatic factors: wind direction and speed, indoor and outdoor air temperature, and others. For example, in winter, when the temperature difference is quite large, the ventilation system works very efficiently, and in summer this figure drops to zero. In the most common cases, you can simply solve this problem by installing a ventilation valve with a fan in the bathroom and kitchen. Today, the most widely used devices are those that operate from a conventional home electrical network, and they are controlled by a rope switch on the device itself or the main one located next to the light switch in the room. For the bathroom there is a special device equipped with a humidity sensor. It switches itself on when it senses an increase in air humidity. It also turns itself off when the parameters in the room reach normal values.

Installation locations
The toilet vent valve can be equipped with a motion sensor, a delay timer and a fan, then it will turn on when a person enters, and then turn off some time after he leaves. One can cite as an example such a model as 100/125 MATR (Vents, Ukraine).
A good kitchen option is a fan that turns on after receiving a signal from a remote indoor air quality sensor. As soon as its condition becomes worse, the sensor transmits an activation signal for the fan. After normalization of indicators, the device turns off with a certain time delay, which depends on the configured parameters. An example is the Vario wall fan model (Vortice, Italy) with a C Smoke sensor mounted on the ventilation valve.
Subtleties of choice
In the process of choosing a particular model, it should be understood that cheap options are "consumables", that is, after 2-3 months of operation they will need to be changed. Only high-quality devices, in which the motor rotors are mounted on ball bearings, are able to work out for about 4.5 years. The ventilation equipment will work much more efficiently if the fan motor is powerful enough, but this figure should not be too high.

Unusual vents
If, before installing new metal-plastic windows, you were quite satisfied with the efficiency of ventilation provided by old wooden structures, then you should set the bolts to the winter ventilation mode. Micro-slits will form in the window porches, which are quite enough to ensure the influx of the required amount of fresh air. You do not need any additional devices or devices. However, with this option of opening windows into the roomstreet noise begins to penetrate. Drafts may also form. If such a problem has become urgent for you, it is worth using a supply ventilation valve, which provides access to fresh air without unnecessary noise.
Installation of such devices is possible anywhere in the home. Their operation does not require electricity, and their throughput is 2-50 cubic meters of air per hour. The flow rate is adjusted automatically or manually. The location and number of valves is determined as a result of the calculations. An apartment usually requires at least two. The ventilation valve in this case provides the required level of fresh air penetration.

How it works
The greater the draft in the ventilation duct and the higher the wind pressure on the facades, the greater the volume of air will flow through the ventilation valve. Sometimes the inflow is too strong, which is why it has to be limited. Therefore, it is not recommended to place it at the head of the bed, especially for children, since in winter the flow of cold from it can be quite strong. A ventilation grill with a check valve is also not a very effective solution to the problem of fresh air intake. Since in the summer the temperature difference does not allow for the natural movement of air masses. That is why it is recommended to equip such devices with fans.

Stagnation in the ventilation system
There are times when polluted air does not go into the air ducts, and if you bring a candle flame to the hole, it will not even move. There may be a number of reasons for this. For example, the banal clogging of the ventilation duct, redevelopment carried out by a neighbor, and other factors. The easiest way to solve such a problem would be to contact the housing office, so that the specialists of this organization would help determine the causes of this phenomenon. However, often you can not wait for help from the state at all. You should not endure stale air in the room for a long time, it would be best to organize the exhaust ventilation of the apartment, which will remove the exhaust air directly to the street, and you can simply insert plugs into the holes provided according to the plan. For these purposes, you can use a wall vent valve that operates in a constant mode or only on demand. Such installations suffer from only one factor - the exhaust openings freeze on the street if the cold is too strong. But they function without problems for most of the year.
Objectives and scope
Ventilation valve, the price of which can be from 200 rubles, depending on the size and functionality, takes on many tasks. When it is used, it is important to resolve some issues. To prevent cold air, dust and poplar fluff from entering the room, the system is equipped with such a device as a ventilation grill with a valve. It is often used in systems that have a domestic purpose. Sometimes it happens that the hood in the bathroom or in the kitchen lets odors insidepremises. It is in this situation that the right solution would be to install an exhaust fan. Included with it must be a non-return vent valve. It will not allow air from the mine to enter the room if the device is not started. And when the fan is running, forced air is released into the mine.

The non-return vent valve can be round or rectangular. The most common option is the "butterfly" variety. A pair of petals is attached to an axis that bisects the cross section of the valve. The springs on them are set so that air can flow in only one direction. The ventilation grill with a check valve has a similar design, but here a number of petals are used, arranged in parallel. When the air flow is reversed, the valve seals tightly. When designing ventilation, be sure to take into account any factors that can jam the leaf springs.
Reviews and conclusions
Vent valve is a convenient solution for a dwelling located in a high apartment building. Since it allows you to provide the proper level of ventilation of the room when the fan is on. And when it is not working, the penetration of air from the ventilation system into the interior is excluded. Judging by the reviews, we can say that there are the highest quality representatives in the middle price segment, although you can also find quite cheap models that meet all the requirements.users.