It is impossible to imagine any country house without a stove or a fireplace and, accordingly, a chimney too. This device was developed many years ago, and throughout the history of its existence, it has practically not changed in design and design. Therefore, like all old fixtures, installing a chimney with your own hands is one of the simplest and most uncomplicated types of construction work, and absolutely everyone can handle it. And you don’t have to be a professional builder - just prepare the right set of tools and follow the installation steps below in our article.

Where should I start?
When installing a chimney with your own hands, please note that installation is easiest to do from the bottom up, that is, from the boiler to the roof. The links of the pipe are assembled sequentially - each of its segments is inserted into the previous one, and so on until the length of the device reaches the required values. Also, in order to protect the instrument from moisture as much as possible, some use a special heat-resistant sealant that can not lose itsproperties even at temperatures of the order of 800-1000 degrees Celsius. This design will be the most reliable and resistant to external factors.

Making a chimney with our own hands: fixing the device and installation
It is worth noting that the working joints in the heating system must be fixed with special clamps. And along the laying line, with a frequency of 150-1200 centimeters, additional brackets are mounted that fasten the device to the building elements. When installing the chimney with your own hands, remember that the installation should be carried out away from its contact with electrical cables or gas pipes. The minimum distance between these communications should be at least 100 centimeters.
Do not forget that this device needs to be cleaned periodically, so when you mount a steel or brick chimney with your own hands, install some kind of door in its lower part in order to conveniently remove soot from there. At the same time, the materials of the working channels installed along the internal walls and partitions must be made of non-combustible materials. If you are unable to perform installation according to this algorithm, use special tubes. It is worth noting that the installation of a removable part for cleaning soot should be done only for those whose boilers run on solid fuel or diesel fuel (the so-called "combined"). Gas devices do not form soot, so make holes and a door for cleaningoptional.

The part of the chimney that protrudes outside must be additionally protected from the wind. Usually in such cases, weathercocks, deflectors or special nets are used.
Thus, a properly installed and designed chimney allows efficient removal of the smoke that occurs due to the combustion of materials in the boiler to the outside.