Losing a loved one is always a great grief. Therefore, the relatives of the deceased, of course, want to decorate the place of his burial as effectively as possible, so that the memory of him is preserved forever. Grave improvement is a service that many companies provide today. However, their prices, unfortunately, are quite high, not everyone can afford them. In addition, relatives often want to invest in the design of the burial place of a loved one a piece of their own soul, having done everything with their own hands. We will talk further about how to choose and how to install a monument for the deceased, as well as what types of grave improvement exist.
Basic rules
Of course, it is impossible to apply the recommendations of designers on the design, for example, of the territory adjacent to the house or the same terraces, loggias or balconies when arranging the grave. The burial place should look, first of all, not cheerfully and brightly, but solemnly and majestically, and all objects placed on it should correspond to the tragic and sadsituation.

The landscaping of the grave is carried out in such a way as to create an appropriately peaceful and mournful atmosphere around. The colors here are usually used muted, not too catchy, and the decor is quite modest and strict. But, of course, it is not at all necessary to make the design of the grave gray and mundane. On the contrary, using an original beautiful design, you can attract the attention of other people to the burial place and make it expressive and special.
Monument and plinth
Materials for registration should be solid enough. Monuments are usually made of natural heavy durable stone: marble, rubble, gabbro-diabase or granite. Both the plinth and the flower girl are made of the same material.
Of course, the memorial itself will have to be ordered from a funeral agency. The cheapest option for a monument (and a basement) is marble. Granite monuments are somewhat more expensive. The cheapest thing can be a monument made of ordinary rubble (sometimes even unprocessed) stone. Improvement of graves (photos in the article demonstrate such complexes) using all these durable materials has already become traditional in our country.
Of course, the cost of a memorial depends not only on the stone used to make it. Their design also has a great influence on the price of a monument and a plinth. Today you can buy both an inexpensive monument made in a classic, brutal or modern style, as well as an exclusive luxury item decorated withflowerpots, bas-reliefs or even sculptures. In this case, everything depends on the financial capabilities of the relatives of the deceased.

This element is considered mandatory in most cases. The fence, even low, marks the boundaries of the burial place and completes the overall composition of the memorial. Without it, for example, some animal or even people can walk along the grave. Which, of course, is very annoying. Improvement of graves (the photo below clearly demonstrates how impressive memorials with a beautiful fence can look) should be carried out with the obligatory installation of this element.

Expensive fences are made of natural stone. Metal products are somewhat cheaper. Just like monuments, fences can be decorated in different styles. The top of the stone is strict straight or curved. Balls, bowls of flowers or vases are often used to decorate such fences. Metal options are usually decorated with forged or cast ornaments.
Additional items
Of course, when performing such an operation as landscaping the grave, you should also think about what the table and benches will be like. Their use in Russian cemeteries is in most cases considered mandatory. Usually these are inexpensive wooden or metal products.
Improvement of the grave in the cemetery is a procedure, in most cases, including the installation of various kinds of decorative elements. Of course, when choosing them, you should pay attention to the symbolism of the design. So, for example, the arch means the transition of the deceased to a better world. The top of a monument or elements of a stone fence can have such a shape. Arches are often depicted in cast ornament. Birch, grapes or oak are traditional symbols of the tree of life, that is, the infinity of existence. The angel is the personification of sadness, grief and protection of the deceased in another world. An open book is a symbol of the Gospel or the Book of Life. Roses are considered the favorite flowers of the Virgin Mary, and, therefore, personify spiritual purity and purity. There are many other symbols, for detailed advice on which you can get from employees of firms involved in the manufacture of memorials.

If there is no special desire to use some original elements, you can order a complex decorated with an ordinary cross. This item is considered a symbol of all Christians, their faith in the imminent coming of the Savior and the general Resurrection. Of course, in Russian cemeteries, when decorating burial places, an Orthodox cross with an oblique crossbar is most often used. However, sometimes Celtic or Latin can also be seen.
Improvement of the grave in the cemetery with their own hands: green spaces
The most preferred way of decorating graves in our country, despite the emergence of newfangled modern artificial materials, is still planting flowers, shrubs and trees. Of course, for the burial place, one should choose spectacular, but at the same time quite unpretentiousplants. Perennials such as periwinkle, quarry or hosta are perfect for a flower girl.
To frame the burial, it is best to use ornamental shrubs such as barberry, juniper, lilac or dog rose. Trees are rarely planted near the graves. The fact is that their powerful root system can damage the plinth or monument of memorials located nearby. However, if there is a lot of space around the grave, you can plant, for example, a birch or spruce next to it.
When choosing plants for a burial place, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:
- Flowers shouldn't be too bright.
- It is better to choose slow growing perennials.
- The plants that cover the ground with a carpet look most attractive on the graves.
When performing such an operation as landscaping a grave in a cemetery, in particular its landscaping, it is imperative to adhere to these simple rules. In this case, the burial place will always look appropriate - solemn, neat and well-groomed.
Soil for perennials
In order for the flowers to grow well, you need to prepare a special soil mixture for them. It is best to pour fertile garden soil into the flower bed. To make the mixture light, leafy soil or peat is usually added to it. You can also use sand. Plants will develop better if a little rotted manure is added to the ground, as well as potash fertilizers.
It is very easy to prepare leafy ground. For this, they collect in the fallrotted leaves and pile them up, adding a little soil, lime and mineral fertilizers. All summer this mixture is kept moist and sometimes shoveled. Next year, the leafy land will be ready.
Artificial flowers
Of course, living plants can be the best decoration of the burial place. However, not everyone has the opportunity to take care of green spaces. Therefore, do-it-yourself landscaping of a grave in a cemetery, if it is located far away, is often done using artificial flowers. Decorative elements of this plan can have a variety of designs and be made from different materials.

Don't buy cheap fabric flowers for the grave. They lose their shape very quickly and fade in the sun. It is better to buy plastic ones. They look no less impressive and at the same time are able to maintain their attractive appearance much longer. The most durable option is considered to be artificial flowers made of polymeric materials, analogues of rubber.
Grave improvement with tiles
This material at the burial site is also used when relatives cannot visit the grave too often to take care of the plants.
Paving slabs have a rather spectacular appearance and durability. The improvement of the grave with its use is carried out approximately according to the same technology as the design of garden paths. Of course, to finish the burial place with tiles, it is better to invitespecialists. However, with a lack of funds, this procedure can be performed independently. The laying technology in this case includes several stages:
- The grave is carefully cleared of weeds. It is best to treat it with herbicides specially designed for this purpose.
- Next, the area is carefully leveled.
- Then a "trough" about 15 cm deep is dug out on the grave, into which a 5 cm thick concrete base is poured (with reinforcement).
- After the cement-sand mixture sets (approximately 1.5-2 weeks), you can start laying the tile itself.
- For its attachment to the base, a special glue is used. Apply it to both concrete and tile with a notched trowel.
Before laying the elements along the edges of the grave, it is worth installing a curb stone or a plinth under the fence. Do-it-yourself landscaping of graves using tiles allows you to create a properly solemn atmosphere around. This, as well as the cheapness of concrete colored finishes, explains the popularity of this design method. The only thing you should pay attention to when choosing a tile is its color. It should not be too bright.
How to install a monument on a tile
Choosing the most suitable tombstone, performing such an operation as landscaping the grave, is half the battle. The monument also needs to be properly installed. The procedure is actually not as simple as it might seem at first glance. A monument erected in violation of the established technology will surely warp, fall or completely collapse.
Rulesmonument settings are as follows:
- Two full-depth holes are drilled into the tile and concrete base.
- Metal pins are inserted into them (with special glue).
- The monument stand is put on the pins. You also need to drill holes in it. The lower surface of the stand is pre-lubricated with glue. The pins should protrude above the surface.
- A monument is put on the pins, the bottom sole of which is also pre-coated with glue.
Use of mineral powder
When performing such an operation as landscaping a grave, small gravel, which is white or colored, is often also used. Backfilling the burial place with mineral chips, if desired, can also be done independently. This is done like this:
- The soil is cut to a depth of about 10 cm.
- The curbs are being set up. For their manufacture, you can use natural stone, ready-made elements purchased at the store, or special metal or plastic strips.
- In the dug out “trough”, channels are first laid as a support for the monument, and then sand is poured on top with a layer of 5 cm, leveled and compacted.
- Permeable geotextile or polyethylene film with holes made in it is laid on top of it.
- Then another 2-3 cm of sand is poured in.
- Approximately 2-3 cm of colored or white marble chips are placed on it.

Improvement of graves with rubble -the procedure is not too complicated. If desired, you can make it yourself. The main thing is to do everything carefully and slowly.
Monument on earth
Improvement of the grave in the cemetery (a photo of such a complex is presented just above) using crumbs is an inexpensive operation. Therefore, this type of finish is usually chosen if the budget is somewhat limited. Next, let's look at how a monument is installed with this design. After all, there is no concrete foundation on such graves.
In order for the monument and the flower girl not to warp, a shallow strip foundation is usually arranged under them. You can also just put the channels. The main thing is that the supports go beyond the grave pit (by about 50 cm). You can define its boundaries with a crowbar. Within the pit, it will enter the ground with ease. At the first stage, a flower girl with a stand is installed on the supports. Next to the concrete mortar, glue and pins - the monument itself.
Of course, work on the installation of the monument should be carried out from spring to autumn. In winter, the soil on the grave freezes unevenly. And therefore, in the warm season, the monument installed on it will definitely warp.
Table and bench
These elements, if space permits, must be placed. The easiest way is to buy a ready-made table and bench. Samples of grave improvement using such an addition can be seen in the photo below. A table and a bench are usually set at the feet of the deceased. However, this rule is optional. In this case, everything depends on the design of the memorial itself.complex.

It is also better to cover the paths around the grave with colored crumbs or overlay paving slabs. In this case, the relatives of the deceased will not have to periodically weed out weeds on the territory adjacent to the memorial.
As you can see, do-it-yourself grave improvement is a rather troublesome operation. The installation of the monument, the fence and the flower girl, therefore, may be best left to the experts. The same goes for laying tiles. With a crumb, the burial place can be filled up on its own. The landscaping of the complex is usually done by relatives of the deceased on their own.