Getting into a room that does not have a high level of illumination, we immediately turn on the light. To carry out this manipulation, there is a special device - a switch. It would seem, what could be easier? But upon careful study of this issue, it turns out that it also has its secrets.
This article provides detailed information about switches of various types, their scope is indicated. You are also given the opportunity to familiarize yourself with the scheme of their connection. Having studied in detail all the material below, you can easily install a switch of any type at home, the main thing is to follow all the precautions.

What are switches
Switches (switches) are different: depending on the functionality, design, installation method, etc. This device must be made of impact-resistant material (usually plastic is used) of highquality with a smooth surface. Switches should be installed in places that will be easily accessible. This device operates in hidden as well as open wiring circuits.
As for the design of switches, it is diverse. There are classical devices. There are models that will give the interior of a certain room originality, zest. The color range of switches can satisfy the most demanding customer, so there should be no problems with the combination of furniture, wallpaper and other interior items and the switch. Some companies also make switches that have decorative removable panels. After the device is mounted, various overlays can be installed on it.
Switches can be conventional and pass-through; singles, doubles and triples. In this article, we will talk about walk-through switches designed to be able to turn on one light group from two or more places. The following important topic will also be considered: "Through-through switch - wiring diagram for this device".

In conventional switches, there is an interruption of the current circuit. In contrast, transitional models have three contacts with a device that provides a switching process between them. A double pass switch has six such contacts.
The main advantage of the transfer switch is that you have the ability to turn onand turn off lights from multiple locations.
Pass-through switches are also called toggle, or duplicating.
Field of application of walk-through switches

There are four main areas where walk-through switches are used.
- Stairs. At the same time, they must be on the first and second floors: you can turn on the light on one of these floors, and then go up / down the stairs and turn off the same lighting, but with another switch.
- Bedrooms. In this case, one device is placed immediately at the entrance to the room, and the others - near the bed. This is very convenient, because to turn on the light before going to bed, you no longer have to get out of bed and walk across the room.
- Corridors. At the same time, the passage switch can be turned on at the beginning of the corridor and at its end.
- Dachi. Transition switches are used to light the yard and paths without any problems.
Thru switch: wiring diagram
The scheme of operation of the pass-through device resembles the switching of railroad track switches, since it can be activated in any position of the keys, because they switch from one line to another.

So, a pass-through switch: the connection diagram of this device is explained as follows. Two pass-through switches, one of which receives the phase, and from the second moves to the lamp, must be combined usingspecial wire or cable. But, as a rule, they are not directly connected, instead placing three wires from each in a junction box, and connecting two of them to each other.
The circuit of the pass-through switch, to which, if necessary, a certain number of cables can additionally be connected, in fact, does not change. The only difference is that the first two cables have only one input pin, and the output ones have two. And if you increase the number of cables, then, accordingly, you will have to increase the number of input and output contacts: two for each. This will ensure that they are used between the two lines in a cross fashion.
Third pass switch
As for the third pass switch, first of all you need to make sure that it has the ability to perform the functions of a cross - this should be checked at the time of purchase. The operation scheme of such a switch can be described as follows: switching occurs, the third switch at the input connects the first contact to the second one at the output, and vice versa, the second contact at the input connects to the first at the output. To connect this pass-through device, you can simply connect it with a two-wire cable to two other feed-through switches. But most often, instead, they take a four-core cable, lead it into a junction box, and already there they make a switch.

By the same principle, you can addfourth. Then it will be placed between the first/second and third switches.
Two-gang pass-through switch
So, the through switch, the connection diagram of this device, the principles of its operation - this issue was considered. Now let's focus on one of the types of transitional switch - a double one, which can also be called a two-button switch.
Usually, two-gang switches are placed in rooms where separate switching will be used, directed from different places of two lighting lines. In the corridors, as well as in the area of stairs, a single pass-through device will be quite enough.

In a double switch, the keys should have arrows: they serve as an indication of the direction of the key to turn off or turn on the lighting.
The structure of a two-gang pass-through switch includes two single-gang devices. They are combined in a single housing and work by flipping contacts.
Two-gang pass-through switch: wiring diagram
The device of a two-gang pass-through switch implies two independent groups of contacts. When you press the keys, they switch from the upper lines, which are not interconnected in any way, to the lower ones, which, in turn, follow the same second switch.
So, we have two groups of contacts: right (contacts No. 1 and 2) and left (contacts No. 1 and 2). Then the circuit of a two-key through switch can be explained as follows. Phase cyour house's junction box goes to pin 2 on the right switch. Further, the contacts of the same group are connected by a jumper, and from the left group they are moved to two lamps independent of each other. It should be noted that these two contacts should not intersect with each other. Now these four cross contacts should be connected to each other in pairs.
Cross connection type
So, a two-gang pass-through switch - the scheme of such a device is quite understandable. It gets a little more difficult if you decide to implement a cross connection.
To connect a cross pass switch, you will need to combine it with four wires with each of the limit switches. Usually, for this, eight wires are connected from the cross and six from each pass-through switch to one junction box. At the same time, we must not forget that it is also necessary to place a power cable there - this is necessary in order to connect chandeliers or small lamps.
When making such a connection of two-button walk-through switches, you need to carefully monitor all your actions so as not to confuse pairs and not connect wires from different lines to the same switch. So the scheme will not work. It is advised to mentally imagine that two independent one-button pass-through switches are connected, which are combined with each other in one housing.
Legrand feed-through switch
Legrand is a company that occupies one of the leading positions in the global marketproduction of electrical accessories. Switches are mandatory components of each product series of this French company. Legrand is famous for the variety of its devices that come in different shapes and colors. It should also be noted that there is no doubt about the reliability and quality of the switches of this company.

To have an idea of what a walk-through model is in general, let's give a description of such a device as a Legrand Valena single-key walk-through switch:
- Current consumption is 16A.
- Wire section - 2.5 mm2.
- Screwless terminals.
- Degree of moisture protection - IP 20.
Precautions for Switches
Whatever the switch is - single-key or two-key, white or black, Legrand or not, but working with it is manipulation, first of all, with electricity, and it is known to be very dangerous. Therefore, one should not forget about the elementary safety rule: it is necessary to turn off the power supply in the room in which the process of their installation will be carried out. And it’s better to completely de-energize the whole house - it will be more reliable.