Tile adhesive - a reliable tool for laying tiles

Tile adhesive - a reliable tool for laying tiles
Tile adhesive - a reliable tool for laying tiles

Tile adhesive, which is currently on the building materials market, is usually distinguished both by type and by scope. Let's talk about it in more detail.

tile adhesive
tile adhesive

Tile adhesive is usually sold as a dry mix, packaged in 5, 10 or 25 kilogram bags. The composition must be diluted with water to obtain a solution of the desired consistency. Ready-made tile solutions are not so common due to the fact that they are much more expensive, and also because of the very limited and rather short shelf life after opening. But with a small amount of work, they are much more convenient to use. Among the advantages of ready-made solutions can be called the fact that they are produced according to factory conditions. However, experienced craftsmen prefer to use tile adhesive made from dry mixes. It is much cheaper, which is very important for large volumes of work, and also more economical in use, since usually only the amount of glue that will be used immediately is diluted.

Consumption of tile adhesive
Consumption of tile adhesive

Tile adhesive in terms of application can be universal and specialized. The second option is forlaying tiles where special resistance to water is required, for example, in the bowl of the pool, but it can also be used in the bathroom or shower. There are mixtures with greater elasticity, designed for rooms where a certain mobility of the base is required. Heat-resistant dry mixes are another type of specialized adhesive. After hardening, such an adhesive is able to withstand fairly high temperatures without damage, which is why it is widely used for lining fireplaces and stoves.

Glue tile plus
Glue tile plus

The consumption of tile adhesive is approximately the same in all cases, however, it is more influenced by the degree of preparedness of the base. If there are significant irregularities, then, of course, a much larger amount of the composition will go away. When self-diluting the glue, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the established norms: the solution should turn out not too liquid, but not too thick. For kneading, it would be best to use a special nozzle for a drill, otherwise it will be difficult to obtain the composition of the required consistency. The required amount of water is poured into a plastic container, the “mixer” is turned on, and then dry tile adhesive is gradually poured in, kneading it all until a uniform mass is obtained.

The composition must be evenly applied to the surface in thickness, leveled with a notched trowel, holding it almost perpendicular to the surface. Do not apply too much area until you have sufficient experience. It is worth remembering that glue hardens on the wall muchfaster than in a container, since the porous surface of the wall and tiles instantly draws all the water out of it. On the wall, the solution hardens in 10 minutes or even faster. Glue tile "Plus" differs in excellent characteristics, allowing to lay a tile quickly and qualitatively. All surfaces after the next stage of work should be wiped with a rag moistened with water.
