How to prolong the beautiful and bright flowering of the Phalaenopsis orchid in order to enjoy its splendor as long as possible? This is probably the most common question of anyone who has this exotic plant in the house. It would seem that everything is simple - water it correctly, and long and abundant flowering is guaranteed. Actually this is not true. Care for the Phalaenopsis orchid should be special, and it consists not only in the timely and competent moistening of the substrate.

Phalaenopsis Orchid: Care, maintenance
These are quite heat-loving plants, so the air temperature around them should not be below 18 degrees, except for the autumn period, when flower buds are laid.
In these 1-2 months, the allowable rate is 16 degrees, and the rest of the time, the temperature comfortable for the plant ranges from 22 to 24 degrees.
Orchid loves diffused light, but feels good enough in the back of the room with artificial light.
Despite the fact that it comes from the tropics, it is better not to put it on the windowsill under the scorching summer sun, otherwise the plant may get burned.
That is the zonecomfort is moderate lighting and no drafts.

One of the main aspects of the proper maintenance of phalaenopsis orchids - caring for them - is to constantly maintain humidity around the plant, since excessively dry and hot air is harmful (for example, on the windowsill above the battery in winter) and threatens the appearance of pests.
Spraying should be very fine so that water falls on the leaves (not flowers) in the form of dust, and not drops that can roll into the core of the orchid, causing decay. You can regularly wipe the leaves with a clean damp cloth.
Despite the fact that the flower loves constant external humidity, the situation is somewhat different with the roots. There are two ways to water an orchid: arrange a warm shower for 5-10 minutes, like tropical rains, or immerse the pot halfway in water for the same time so that the substrate is completely saturated with water. This should be done as soon as the moisture completely evaporates and the roots dry out, since waterlogging causes rotting of the roots and the appearance of fungus on the Phalaenopsis orchid, the care of which provides for another principle: it is better to overdry than overmoisten.
Phalaenopsis orchid: diseases and pests
Just like other plants, orchids are susceptible to various diseases and pests, including scale insects, thrips, nematodes, mites, worms, etc. To prevent their occurrence, it is necessary to regularly wipe the leaves with a clean swab and take a shower once a month.

Quite often, the cause of plant diseases is excessive moisture in the pot, as it is a favorable environment for pests.
If a particular disease is found, it is necessary to treat it with a special solution (Fitoverm helps in many cases).
Sometimes it may be necessary to transplant the plant with the removal of roots and diseased leaves.
A mandatory condition for keeping a Phalaenopsis orchid is caring for it, love and respect. And then, be sure, she will reciprocate, abundant and long flowering.