The miniature phalaenopsis orchid attracts the attention of not only connoisseurs of this species. Very often it is purchased as a wonderful living gift that can bring true joy. Also, this plant is able to decorate a children's room, desktop or living room. It all depends on your imagination. And caring for phalaenopsis is not at all difficult, you just need to know some of the nuances.
Plant selection
Mini phalaenopsis orchids can be purchased at any flower shop. They are provided to the buyer in most cases in pots with a diameter of 7-10 cm. A pleasant surprise is that the price of this variety is much lower than ordinary orchids. But it fascinates at first sight.

Phalaenopsis mini orchids, which are very easy to care for, you need to be able to choose the right one. Basically, these plants are grown in transparent pots. Do it beforejust for the convenience of controlling the root system. In a he althy plant, the roots are green in color, they are juicy and elastic. There should be quite a lot of roots in the pot. This indicates that the plant has developed sufficiently and can please you with its flowering for a long period.
Appearance of the plant
If your Phalaenopsis mini orchid dries out, then this may only indicate that the pet has serious problems. In a he althy and strong plant, the leaves have a green and fresh appearance, they are quite hard. In no case should you allow the surface of the flower leaf to become wrinkled and turn yellow. Falling and yellowing of only the lower leaves are allowed, the upper ones should always be in excellent condition.
Outward signs of disease
The Phalaenopsis mini orchid, which is very easy to care for at home and does not require much effort and expense, can sometimes be subject to diseases and pests. If you have begun to notice black dots or yellow leaves on your pet, then you should pay attention to this. First of all, it may be the effect of a thermal burn.

Also, some types of pests and infections have similar symptoms. Also, yellowing and spots may be due to the fact that the plant was not taken out of the plastic packaging in the store. There must be good air circulation around the orchids, otherwise they will get sick.
Rules of care
After you become the proud ownerbeautiful plant, do not rush to transplant it. If it is completely he althy, then it is better to wait until the end of flowering. Phalaenopsis mini orchids, varieties of which, without exception, are lovers of diffused light, should in no case be placed under open sunlight. This will negatively affect her condition. In case of insufficient lighting of the room, it is better to use a special lamp. The most ordinary fluorescent lamp can also work just fine.

With a lack of light, the orchid may not only not bloom, but also completely stop growing. This does not lead to the death of the plant, but it significantly affects the external data. Among other things, the room must be provided with a high level of humidity. It is best to place your pet on the aquarium or on the window in the kitchen. The use of a humidifier will also be relevant.
Water the plants
Phalaenopsis mini orchids are very supportive of frequent and abundant watering. It can be carried out in several ways. First, you can arrange a warm shower for the flower. You can use both a standard spray shower and a kettle for this. This method is similar to watering the plant in its natural habitat. However, tap water should not be used. With all this, the water should not stagnate in the pot, but flow freely into the pan.
The second method is used only if the root system of the plant is sufficiently developed. To do this, the pot with it is half immersed in a container withwater and kept there for 2-3 hours. If the root system is not yet very developed, then it simply may not reach the water.

You can also water from an ordinary watering can, but before that you need to examine the flower well and inspect its root system. The roots should not be allowed to turn silvery - this is evidence of an insufficient amount of moisture. To prevent the root system from drying out, it is covered with coconut fiber, which can be purchased at flower shops. Phalaenopsis mini orchids require constant humidification of the air around them. You also need to wipe the dust off them daily with a damp cotton cloth, which contributes to additional moisture.
Phelanopsis orchid mini Mark
Now a huge number of varieties of mini-orchids have appeared on the market. However, amateurs still prefer the most proven and beloved. These include the Mark variety. Orchid phalaenopsis mini Mark, the care of which is no different from all other orchids of this species, has a beautiful appearance. This baby is able to win the heart of not only an avid connoisseur of orchids, but also any person who is not indifferent to flowers.
Flower transplant
Despite all the advice of flower shop sellers, after purchasing your treasured orchid, you must definitely wait until it has completed its flowering period, and then immediately transplant it. If you need to make an effort when removing a flower from a pot, then this willevidence that your pet needs a larger bowl.

Before being sold, mini varieties of orchids are often planted in a bed of moss. If the flower is not transplanted in time, it may begin to rot. If for some reason you cannot yet transplant, then you should at least try to water the plant more often, but little by little. Watering with a shower or immersion in water is completely contraindicated.
For transplanting orchids, special soil is used, and a good drainage layer is placed on the bottom, which will prevent excess moisture from being retained. From above, you can lay coconut fiber or any mulch layer that protects the earth from drying out.
Pests and diseases
Phalaenopsis mini orchids are most often affected by thrips. Most often, this pest hides in the soil, where it is quite difficult to detect them. They are dangerous because they suck out all the juice from the plant.
Bacterial leaf spot is also quite common now. When affected by it, the leaf first turns yellow, then darkens and eventually becomes covered with ulcers. To combat this disease, you must first get rid of the damaged leaves, and then treat the cut points with activated charcoal. If necessary, repeat this procedure.

If you notice on your orchid the first signs that something is wrong with it, you should not put off examining the plant. The first thing to do is to establish the reason whythat the plant began to change its appearance, and after that make a decision on how to deal with this or that trouble. Many pests and diseases develop quite quickly and can infect a plant in a few days. In this case, preventive and preventive measures should be urgent.