The use of paint as a surface finish began a very long time ago. Over time, this material has changed many times, which is reflected in different ways in its characteristics and properties. This is what helped to achieve a high-quality application of the paint layer and a good surface structure.

Paint structural: characteristics
Structural paint is used to give the facade of the building and interior walls a relief decorative look, to obtain a beautiful shape and create a protective layer from negative environmental influences. This facade and wall coating has excellent adhesion to the surface.
Structural paint has a high vapor permeability, in other words, it can breathe. It has high weather resistance, resistance to industrial air pollution. Resistant to various mechanical influences. In addition, it is elastic and moisture resistant material.

- Structural paint dissolves with water or anyother solvent.
- Acrylic latex acts as a binder.
Material consumption - 1.5 kg/m².
- Duration of drying at +23°С - up to 2 hours.
- The material is stored in hermetically sealed packaging, at a temperature not exceeding +5°С.
Coating Benefits
Thanks to the ideal composition of the components, the structural paint has an ideal viscosity. It allows you to create deep and unique decorations, and with a spatula and flowers, it's easy to create variety.
Structural paint can be given any color. For your interior, everyone can choose the right shade. This finishing material is also convenient because tinting can be done even at home (with a color pigment and a mixer).
After applied to the surface, structural wall paint dries quickly enough, forming a durable film that protects against the effects of such destroyers as temperature extremes, snow, rain, wind. Of course, this protection is not the most durable, but for 5 years you can be completely calm.
Design Features
The process of applying paint to the surface is not too difficult, it is much harder to prepare the base for painting. After all, it is on how well this work is done that the appearance of the walls and, most importantly, the longevity of this coating will depend.

External applicationstructural paint
Brick, cement-sand plasters and concrete should be cleaned of dirt, dust and other substances that can reduce adhesion. Prime the surface, if necessary, level. The old painted base should be mechanically removed (to simplify the work, you can use an industrial hair dryer). For outdoor use, structural exterior paint.
Internal Processing
- Plaster, plaster, clean and primed.
- Plywood, chipboard surfaces and fiber boards should be cleaned of dust, primed.
- Surfaces painted with water-based paint should be cleaned, rinsed with water and primed. Adhesive-based paint, lime and chalk, wallpaper and glue, as well as everything that can dissolve in water, must be removed. Dry the surface and apply a primer.
Old lime plaster that has lost its strength should be removed. Prime, if necessary - align.
- Oil paint can be left on. Sand it thoroughly and apply a primer.
The base must be perfectly even, so that in the future there are no holes or bumps on the applied structural paint. To do this, treat the surface well with plaster and putty.