Planting a tomato in open ground and a greenhouse. Tips for gardeners

Planting a tomato in open ground and a greenhouse. Tips for gardeners
Planting a tomato in open ground and a greenhouse. Tips for gardeners

Get a decent harvest of tomatoes is quite real. To do this, you need to grow strong seedlings and properly plant them in the ground. And, of course, it is necessary to take care of the plants throughout the summer. The answer to the question of how to properly plant a tomato in open ground or a greenhouse is in the article.

There is nothing complicated in caring for tomatoes, the main thing is to follow a few important rules. For example, for the prevention of late blight and brown spotting, plants are sprayed with copper sulfate (5 g per 3 l of water) immediately before planting.

planting tomatoes in open ground
planting tomatoes in open ground

Planting a tomato in open ground. Patterns

Tomatoes are usually planted in rows.

  • For undersized varieties: between rows leave from 40 to 50 cm, between tomatoes - 30-35 cm.
  • For tall people: between rows - up to 130 cm, in a row - from 70 to 90 cm.

Planting a tomato in open ground: watering and fertilizing

If after planting in the ground the bushes grow well, then the tomatoes can not be fed. Only after the first fruits are tied, potash fertilizers are applied to the soil, and the plants themselves are sprayed with a solution of trace elements. In the first half of summer, tomatoes are watered once every 10 days, and during fruit growth - twice a week. The main thing is that the soil is moist at the root level and dry in the top layer. For irrigation, they take only warm, settled water.

Planting a tomato in open ground and forming bushes

proper planting of tomatoes
proper planting of tomatoes

Low-growing varieties of tomatoes rarely form. Usually, by mid-July, their growth stops, and all fruits ripen. But in a cool and rainy summer, extra brushes and ovaries must be removed. Early and mid-early varieties are formed in 1-3 stems. In large-fruited ones, only one stem with 4-6 brushes is left. Above the last of them should be at least three leaves. All extra stepchildren are removed once a week. At the same time, they are carefully broken out, and not cut out. Toward the end of the growing season, all new inflorescences are removed. At the same time, large shoots on which they grew are left so as not to weaken the plant. If the bushes are not formed at all, then by autumn you can get a large number of stems and leaves, but not fruits.

Growing tomatoes indoors

Seedlings are planted in the greenhouse in early May. It should be sufficiently well ventilated and illuminated by the sun throughout the day. Ridges are located along long walls. The height of the ridges is from 35 to 45 cm, and the width is from 60-90 cm.

greenhouse planting plan for tomatoes
greenhouse planting plan for tomatoes

Scheme of planting tomatoes in a greenhouse. Plant care

Tall varieties are placed in one row, leaving 35 to 50 cm between bushes. Low-growing plants can be planted at a distance of 30 to 40 centimeters. When the bushes grow a little, they are tied to the trellis. Tomatoes are formed into one stem, leaving no more than 5-7 brushes on each. Stepchildren are removed in the morning when they break off easily. In warm weather, flowering bushes are shaken slightly to pollinate the flowers. The air in the greenhouse must be dry. With an excess of nitrogen and water, plants form a vegetative mass at the expense of flowering. In this case, watering is reduced, and tomatoes are fed with phosphate fertilizers.

Of course, these are not all the rules for planting tomatoes. But following even these few tricks will help you get an excellent harvest, even despite adverse weather conditions. And the correct planting of tomatoes will make it easy to care for plants and collect fruits.
