Chinese juniper - coniferous favorite in the garden

Chinese juniper - coniferous favorite in the garden
Chinese juniper - coniferous favorite in the garden

When landscaping a personal plot, it is important to choose the right plants. If this problem is thoughtfully resolved and a good choice of composition is made, the decorative look of greenery will delight all year round. In order for the estate not to be gray and drooping in the autumn and winter periods, evergreen coniferous corners should be planned. Of the many forms, you can always (even for a very limited space) choose those that will complement flower arrangements in spring and summer, as well as in winter and autumn, they can decorate the estate while other plants are resting.

Chinese juniper
Chinese juniper

Coniferous forms are long-lived plants that increase in size rather quickly. When choosing a site for planting, you should study well the origin, methods of growing and caring for a tree or bush in order to avoid mistakes.

Among coniferous plants, junipers are very popular for decorating the site. A variety of varieties both in shape and color will be a great addition to creating a single composition.

Chinese juniper in naturalnatural conditions grows in the countries of the East, such as China, Mongolia, Japan, Korea. Plants of this group are quite frost-resistant. They are undemanding to soil fertility and develop normally in arid steppe conditions.

Chinese wild juniper is a fairly tall tree that can reach 25 meters in height. The crown of the plant is pyramidal or columnar, with thin horizontally and vertically arranged branches. On the lower branches, the needles are needle-shaped, and on the upper ones it is scaly and pointed. Small cones of this coniferous tree are variable in shape and color. They are spherical or oval.

Juniper Chinese Stricta
Juniper Chinese Stricta

When unripe, they are green or white, which changes after ripening to dark blue, almost black. Seeds in the amount of 4-5 pieces ripen in each cone, starting from the first year of life.

Chinese juniper has uneven growth intensity. Care for him does not provide for any special events. This is what attracts many gardeners. Chinese juniper is planted in the spring from April to May. Autumn plantings are best planned for the third week of August-early September. For several weeks, closely monitor the moisture of the plant. The soil should not be allowed to dry out. After the plant has taken root, watering should be moderate. Chinese juniper in the spring should be sheltered from intense solar radiation. Hot ultraviolet baths leave burns on the branchesjuniper. In the same period, plants are fed with complex fertilizer for conifers. In the autumn, they form a crown. Cut out all dry branches. Junipers tolerate winter frosts without additional shelter. Plants of this group are propagated by cuttings.

Juniper Chinese. Care
Juniper Chinese. Care

Chinese juniper is very beautiful and quite in demand. Especially popular varieties with a columnar crown. Such plants include Chinese juniper "stricta", the appearance of which is simply irresistible. The magnificent crown of this conical conifer reaches 2.5 meters in height. Soft needles have a bluish tint. It can often be seen in garden plots, as well as in city parks. Planting and caring for this representative of Chinese junipers are the same as for other plants of this group.
