How to properly transplant tomato seedlings so that they grow he althy and give a bountiful harvest is one of the main questions for beginner gardeners. Growing tomatoes yourself from seeds, you should be aware of one important point in their growth - picking seedlings, in other words, planting sprouts in a larger container containing new soil.

Auspicious time to land
When to transplant seedlings into the ground? For a less painful process, seedlings are transplanted at an early stage of growth, when it has already acquired two or three true leaves. The new soil has enough space for the development of a strong seedling root system, which is an important element for he althy crop growth and abundant yields.
When do you need a pick?
In some cases, to enhance the growth of seedlings, save them from diseases, or, conversely, inhibit too active growth, it may be necessary to transplant. How to transplant tomato seedlings, and in what cases?
- Transplant sprouts individually into a larger pot should bein order for the root system to become strong and stable.
- If the seeds were planted not in separate pots, but in a common container, planting seedlings in individual containers will protect the roots from intertwining and make it easier to plant the plant in the main place - in open ground or a greenhouse.
- If there were a lot of shoots from seeds, when picking, you can select the highest quality and he althy seedlings, and discard the extra ones.
- If the plants are sick, picking can save still untouched shoots from fungal diseases, the causative agents of which could be contained in the soil.
- To slow down the growth of seedlings, you can dive and adult seedlings, this is if there is a danger of overgrowing. In the event of a transplant, the plant may be slightly delayed in development.

How to transplant tomato seedlings: ways
There are two ways to pick seedlings:
1. By transplant. A few hours before picking, the plants are abundantly watered with room temperature water so that the plants can be easily removed from the pot. A large container for transplantation is prepared by filling it with prepared soil by ¾, and compacting it a little. In the finished soil, you need to make small indentations the size of the length of the root of the transplanted seedling. Having taken out an earthen clod from the pot along with seedlings, you need to free the roots from excess earth, place the sprout in the hole and sprinkle with earth, lightly crushing it with your fingers around the seedlings themselves. After transplanting, the plants need to be watered and placed inshaded place for a couple of days.
2. Transshipment way. The advantages of this method are that the roots of the plant are practically not affected during picking, after transplantation, the plants do not need time to adapt, they also grow quickly, without slowing down. How to transplant tomato seedlings with this picking method? A few days before transplanting, watering the plants should be stopped so that the earthen ball with seedlings can be easily removed from the pot or cup. The large container being prepared should be 1/3 filled with earth, then the small containers with seedlings are turned upside down, holding the ground part of the plants between the fingers, so the seedlings, together with the earthy clod, will be in the palm of your hand. The plant, along with the earth, is transplanted into a new pot. These manipulations are done with all the sprouts, after which the formed voids are filled with soil, watered abundantly, and the container with the culture is placed in a shady place.

When to transplant seedlings into the greenhouse?
Seedlings ready for transplanting should have buds and a thick stem, the optimal height of which depends on the variety to which it belongs. Also, seedlings should have large leaves and strong roots. The period of planting tomatoes in the greenhouse largely depends on the weather. Under favorable conditions, seedlings can be planted in protected ground as early as the end of April. In case of unexpected frosts, the greenhouse should be covered with additional layers of film.
Soil preparation
Before transplanting finished seedlings into the ground in eachprepared hole should be added 1 tbsp. spoon of superphosphate, pour a full well of water, and after it is completely absorbed, plant the plant. The place for seedlings should be slightly higher than a clod of earth in a pot. When planting, tomatoes are deepened and hilled for a more active development of the root system. Transplanted tomatoes should be moistened abundantly, then do not water them during the first week. This will stimulate the roots to grow in search of moisture and nutrients. It is easiest for seedlings to transplant in the afternoon. After carrying out all the manipulations for several days, the plant must be protected from direct sunlight. After the seedlings have taken root and began to give new leaves, you can begin to feed them with fertilizers.

Tomato transplantation in open ground
How to properly transplant tomato seedlings into the ground? To do this, you need to know a few things:
1. An important condition for he althy plant growth and rich yields is the correct choice of planting site on the site. Tomatoes need plenty of sunlight to grow he althy, so choose the right location.
2. Watering plants should be carried out twice a week, provided that the soil is moisture-intensive and can immediately accommodate a large amount of water. Tomatoes love a lot of moisture, so they should be watered abundantly.
3. It is not enough to know how to transplant tomato seedlings, you need to know when and how to fertilize them. Organic and mineral additives are used already in the initial periodgrowth, then you should wait a while until the ovaries are found on the tomato bushes.
4. Soil preparation is also important. Soddy land, humus and peat are most suitable for transplanting tomatoes. If there is loamy soil in the area, sand can be added to it.

As a tomato grows, it is important to constantly loosen the soil so that moisture and oxygen can more easily reach the roots, especially after rains, when a crust can form on the ground.