Spring and early summer are the most troublesome periods for rural residents or city dwellers with summer cottages. At this time, the main planting work takes place, and there is enough work in the gardens from dawn to dusk. Especially a lot of fuss with crops that require manual planting, such as tomatoes.

Seedlings in the open field
Seeds for seedlings should be prepared ahead of time, and they begin to grow them back in late February - early March, of course, at home on windowsills or in greenhouses, under a film. Planting tomato seedlings in the ground is carried out in April - May, depending on weather conditions. Tomatoes are thermophilic plants. Therefore, it is important that not only the air, but also the soil warms up well. And the threat of frost must be over. Otherwise, all seedlings will die.
The place where you plan to plant tomato seedlings in the ground, be sure to choose sunny, open, and if there is shading, then light, scattered, and not all day. But it is in a sunny place that tomatoes are best.gain strength, ripen well and give a very solid harvest. True, a draft of tomatoes is also harmful. Therefore, try to pick up a piece of land so that it is not blown by all the winds. Further, in order for the planting of tomato seedlings into the ground to be successful, the garden should not be located in a damp, swampy area. Of course, tomatoes love moisture, they need it. But an excess of it will lead to decay of the root system, and the tomatoes will simply disappear.

As for the composition of the soil, chernozem and loamy rocks are perfect. As top dressing, organic and mineral fertilizers are needed. Of course, it is not always that tomato seedlings are planted in the ground in a place where nothing has grown before. But, when choosing plots, it’s better to develop for tomatoes those where beans, peas, other legumes or root crops, greens have grown before. Only now it is better not to plant tomatoes after potatoes - the earth is already depleted. And the last nuance: the soil can be infected with various kinds of pests, for example, a bear. To protect young plants from her raids, plant garlic and onions between the rows. Their smell will repel pests.
Transfer Conditions

Planting tomato seedlings in open ground is done when young plants have the beginnings of buds. They should be strong, juicy, with a strong stem and several branches with leaves. Seedlings need to be prepared in advance. About 10 days before transplanting, you need to reduce watering, and stop watering completely 2 days before. Onlyon the eve of disembarkation, 6 hours before, water generously. It is also necessary to transplant into moist soil and then be sure to “drink” it well. Planting tomato seedlings in open ground should be carried out either on a cloudy day, or in the early morning, or already at sunset, when solar activity is running out and will not damage the plants. The evening is even preferable: a cool night will allow the seedlings to acclimatize, recover before a long daylight hours.
Landing should not be done close, but at a distance of about 50-70 cm. And between the rows, leave a space of half a meter. The earth, of course, should be soft, dug up and "fluffy". For a seedling, a small hole is dug out, where the root is placed, and part of the stem is dug up to the first leaves. The earth should be lightly pressed for tamping. Water each seedling well. Near each bush, drive in pegs 80 cm high - they will soon be needed for a garter. Care for seedlings carefully, and you will have a good harvest!