To create an original and unique interior, a lot of building materials are used, among which it is worth highlighting tiles. It is used both for wall cladding, and for finishing floors, as well as for landscaping a personal plot. Recently, metlakh tiles have become very popular.

What is this material
This is the hardest tile of all. It does not break even with a strong blow or after a fall. There are no dents or scratches on the material. Metlakh tiles themselves resemble stone in strength. They perfectly withstand extreme heat, frost-resistant. The material perfectly tolerates moisture, acid and alkali.
It should be noted that Metlakh tiles are able to withstand great pressure: from 3200 to 5550 kg/sq. see In addition, it is durable. In the manufacture of the material, it is not just impregnated with coloring pigments, but baked during firing. That is why tiles do not lose their color for a long time.
A bit of history
For the first time such a finishing material appeared inmiddle Ages. This tile was produced in one of the German cities, which was called Metlach. Hence the name. In our country, this finishing material appeared only in the XIX century. At that time, metlakh floor tiles were used for surface finishing in the foyer, entrance lobbies and front halls. In some historical buildings of our country, fragments with beautiful ornaments made from metlakh tiles have still been preserved.

How it is made
To make such a finishing material, special clay is used. After applying a thick layer of glaze, metlakh tiles are fired in a kiln. At the same time, the temperature is maintained above 1200 °C. Due to this, the mixture sinters well and forms a dense coating. As a result, the finished finishing material acquires excellent qualities.
Scope of application
Increasingly, metlakh tiles are used for flooring. The photo of the facing surfaces is simply striking in its beauty. In addition, the tile has excellent qualities that guarantee its long service life. Even after decades, you will not find damage on the material. It is for this reason that the products are used in the improvement of a personal plot - for paths, as well as in public buildings, where there is a sufficiently large abrasive load on the floor covering. Products are also used for finishing verandas, porches and terraces in country houses. After all, the material is not afraid of snow, rain or wind. At the same time, the lined surfaces look spectacular.

It should be noted that metlakh tiles are also used to create a unique interior in any room. The price of such facing material is not too high, so many can afford it. Everything will depend on your preferences: you can choose tiles of different sizes, colors, purposes, and different prices: from 500 rubles to 5000. At the same time, any tile perfectly copes with the basic requirements. In the hallway, it protects the house from dirt, in the bathroom - from moisture and temperature changes.
Metlakh tiles are also widely used for surface finishing in cafes, restaurants and offices, as the material lasts long enough and does not require annual replacement.
How to properly lay metlakh tiles
Before you start laying such flooring, you must carefully prepare the surface. Otherwise, the tile will not last long. The base must be level. To do this, you can use a special composition that simply fills all the bumps. After that, you can proceed to the preliminary layout of the facing material. This stage is carried out dry and without the use of adhesive strictly vertically and horizontally. Before laying, the tiles should be soaked in water for several hours and only after this time, proceed to the finishing work. It is necessary to start laying exactly from the center of the room, slowly moving towards its edges along pre-drawn lines. Using a notched trowel, an adhesive is applied to the back of the tile. If the surfacewill have a pattern, then you first need to lay out larger elements, and only then fill in the remaining space with small details. After the metlakh tiles are laid, the joints should be grouted to the full depth and length. For this, a special mastic is used. After finishing the facing work, it is worth thoroughly cleaning the material from the remnants of the grout and adhesive composition.

Metlakh tile care and protection
As for care, it is enough to periodically wash or clean such a tile. In this case, almost any chemical substance can be used. If we take into account that this finishing material is quite durable and moisture resistant, then we can say with confidence that it does not need additional protection. However, matte products become very dirty over time. Therefore, after cleaning the tiles, it is still better to apply special "chemistry".