Flowers in August: photo and description

Flowers in August: photo and description
Flowers in August: photo and description

August is the time of flowering of many plants. At this time, they delight those around them with their splendor, unique bright colors and fragrant aroma.

What flowers bloom in August? These are modest asters, luxurious gladioli, sunny goldenrod, cheerful marigolds and many other plants. Many of them, such as dahlias and gladioli, are very thermophilic. But chrysanthemums and asters can delight with their flowering almost until frost, as they are able to withstand night cooling well.

august flowers
august flowers

Annuals blooming in August

There is a huge variety of delightful annuals that bloom in late summer. August flowers are luxurious and beautiful in their own way. At this time, it is customary to prepare the garden for autumn, caring for the delightful asters, marigolds and other flowers. With proper care, they will decorate the flower beds with their beautiful buds for a long time.

august flowers
august flowers


More than 500 species of these flowers are known, with a variety of petals that differ in shape and color. The plant has a long stem and a fairly large double flower. Despite the fact that the aster is unpretentious, it still prefers fertilized and moist soil. Plants bloom until late autumn, even when the first frosts appear.


There are more than 30 types of these flowers, differing in height and shape. Plants grow in a bush, have pinnate leaves and many inflorescences of orange, yellow and brown shades. Marigolds bloom especially luxuriantly on the sunny side of the plot, but shading and high humidity have a negative effect on this flower.


These are also the flowers that bloom in August. The plant has a straight stem, pointed leaves and basket-shaped inflorescences. Flowers come in yellow, orange, red, white and purple. Zinnia loves sunny places with well-fertilized soil. The plant does not differ in frost resistance, therefore flowering continues only until the start of frost.

what flowers to plant in august
what flowers to plant in august

Calendula, or marigolds

The plant is known as a medicinal plant that helps with many diseases. The flower is light-loving. Flowering - from July to the deepest autumn.

Perennial flowers in August

what flowers can be planted in august
what flowers can be planted in august


Graceful plants look very impressive in a bouquet. The flower loves well-lit and calm places. This is a corm plant with narrow leaves, a straight stem and spike-shaped inflorescences. The color of the flower can be any color of the rainbow. In ancient times, the gladiolus was considered a symbol of invulnerability and joy. Currently, there are many different varieties of these flowers - from early to late.


what flowers in august
what flowers in august

This perennial with large spherical flowers came to our country from Mexico. The landing site should be sunny, not swampy. These beautiful and lush August flowers come in white, yellow, red, purple, orange and more. There are more than 20 different varieties that have an unusual shape of petals and their own unique color.

Dahlias are very unpretentious in their care, so even a novice gardener can grow them. Plants are quite enough well-lit area and moderate watering. In August, flowers need to be formed by cutting off young shoots growing from the root. To obtain beautiful inflorescences, it is recommended to remove excess buds, leaving 1-2 on each shoot. However, this only applies to varieties with large flowers. In addition, the lower leaves on the shoots should be removed so that any disease does not appear on them. Cut flowers can stand in a flowerpot with water for almost two weeks. Dahlia is a thermophilic plant that should be protected from frost.


These are herbaceous plants with rather large leaves and very lush inflorescences. For flowers, you should choose a sunny area with loose soil. Before flowering cannammoderate watering is required. Then the plant will release large bright flowers. Depending on the variety, they are white, pink, yellow, red or orange.


perennial flowers in august
perennial flowers in august

These very cute August flowers are loved by many gardeners. And how wonderful chrysanthemums look in bouquets! Colorful flowers can please with their bloom from August to October. Today there are about 150 species of this plant. Each of them is beautiful and interesting in its own way. Inflorescences are white, yellow, purple and pink. Chrysanthemums need good soil and direct sunlight. The plant is quite moisture-loving, but it should be watered carefully so that the roots do not rot. Chrysanthemum can grow equally well not only in the garden, but also at home in a pot.


Tall August plant. The flowers are quite large, the leaves are long serrated. Inflorescences are used to make many medicines. The plant is especially effective in inflammatory and infectious diseases, depression and overwork.


Perennial plant with long stems and small yellow inflorescences. Lush flowering occurs in August and lasts until the end of October. You can plant goldenrod both in sunny areas and in partial shade.

What flowers can be planted in August

In summer, they usually either plant flowers that have a short growing period and have time to bloom before the onset of frost, or transplant perennials that will bloom first in early spring. To perennialplants bloomed this autumn, it is advisable to plant them in seedlings. Consider what flowers can be planted in August.


This plant is a worthy decoration of any flower garden. In the country, chamomile is planted to decorate borders, it looks good near fences and walls. The weather in August is excellent - the heat is on the decline, and the cold has not yet come. This is a great time to transplant, but remember that chamomile is transplanted after flowering.

Phlox flowers

Plants have large bright inflorescences, so they look great in any flower garden. There are many varieties, but it is worth choosing those that bloom from early spring to late autumn. The height of phloxes is from 40 cm to 1 m. Flowers look good on alpine slides.


These are biennial and perennial plants that have a bright color (most often yellow). If planted in August, flowers will appear in July. Rudbeckia is planted in an open sunny area with well-drained soil. In late summer, both biennial and perennial varieties can be planted.

Chinese carnation

Considering the topic "What flowers to plant in August", one cannot fail to mention the beautiful Chinese carnation, which is a pearl in the country. Basically, it is planted to decorate borders - they cover them like carpets. When choosing a plant, you need to see if this variety is frost-resistant, since most of them are thermophilic. For the northern regions, this is not very good. As a rule, the plant has strong stems. To the weather Chinese carnationunpretentious.


If you plant bluebell flowers in August, they will begin to bloom the next year at the end of May. This biennial plant needs careful care, as slugs often gather near it, which must be removed. To prolong the flowering period, cut off faded plants.

White Daisies

These are very popular flowers in summer cottages. They are not capricious, they bloom very beautifully, and in a favorable year they can even bloom twice.

Garden mallow

Among summer residents and landscape designers, this plant is in great demand. Growing it will not be difficult. Mallow is planted most often to decorate border compositions, often seated near fences. The plant is tall, reaching a height of up to 2-3 m. As a rule, it blooms a year after sowing the seeds, forming semi-double or double flowers growing on a long stem. The plant is quite unpretentious, loving sunny places or partial shade. Mallow flowers have a fairly wide range of colors - these are pink, white, burgundy, lilac, purple and yellow shades. Since this is a tall plant, it must be tied up. Flowers are great for creating a backdrop for a flower garden.

In addition to biennial flowers, in August you can start planting existing perennials - irises, lilies, primroses, peonies.

Other perennial flowers to plant in August

If you still have not decided which flowers to plant in August at your summer cottage, then you can opt for perennialplants. They do not require an annual transplant. They only need to be rooted once, and the flowers will delight for more than one year. The recognized leaders among perennials are luxurious dahlias and peonies, which create a huge white-red-pink cloud from the flower garden when flowering.

Peonies have been decorating the garden for 10 years or more. Peonies are not capricious plants: in autumn, you can only remove their above-ground part. Bushes do not need to be covered from frost. Peonies are perfect for individual and group plantings, the formation of lush flower beds. Plants love lit and sun-warmed areas with drained and fertile soil. Despite the fact that these plants bloom in June, it is still worth considering planting flowers in August. So they have time to take root and prepare for the winter period.

flowers blooming in august
flowers blooming in august

How to plant flowers in August

So, we have considered what flowers to plant in August. Now let's find out how to plant them. Biennial plants are best sown in June or July. August is the most suitable time for planting seedlings that have grown stronger in greenhouses in a permanent place. As a rule, small bulbous and bulbous plants are planted at the end of August.

In addition, those perennials are sown, in which the seeds during storage may lose their germination capacity, for example, backache or bathing suit. Before planting, it is necessary to thoroughly shed a pre-prepared bed. Small seeds should be pre-mixed with dry peat or sand and sown to a depth of approximately 2-2.5 cm, and sprinkled on top with light soil, whichmixed with manure. Before germination, the crop must be covered with a film, thereby protecting it from the rapid drying of the soil and birds.
