Metal siding is a material used for finishing the facades of buildings. It differs in durability, resistance to thermal and mechanical influences and durability. Among other things, this finish is aesthetically pleasing and easy to install. It is made of galvanized steel, coated for greater protection with a special polymer layer. You can install siding in any season. If desired, it is easy to do it yourself.

Before proceeding with installation, it is necessary to check the wall for evenness. To do this, use the level. In the event that the difference is more than 2 cm per 10 p / m, the wall will have to be leveled with a crate. The horizontality of the base is also checked. Metal siding can be mounted both on a metal crate and on a wooden one. In the first case, a bar 5050 is used. When choosing wood, you need to take into account the degree of its drying. The use of damp material can cause the entire siding facade to warp later. It is best to use a metal crate. It is much stronger and more stable.

Metal siding is mounted on a crate installed in steps that depend on the width of the insulation. It can vary from 40 cm to a meter. Initially, markings are applied to the walls. The profile is mounted using self-tapping screws. All openings, window and door, surround them around the perimeter. Profile racks must be installed at all corners and at the joints of the walls. All elements are carefully aligned both vertically and horizontally.
Installation of metal siding is carried out only after the insulation is fixed in the crate. Mineral bas alt wool is considered its most preferred type today. It perfectly retains heat, does not shrink and does not burn. In addition, mice do not eat it, and it is lightweight, which means that it is easy to install. The slabs begin to be installed into the crate from the bottom up.

Directly under the metal siding, a diffusion film is mounted on the insulation. It is attached to the crate with slats. At the same time, a ventilation layer is also formed between it and the siding sheets, the thickness of which will be equal to the thickness of the rail. In the event that the facade is finished without the use of insulation, the installation of the film is also required.
Installation of the actual panels begins with fixing the initial bar. It is placed 4 cm above the expected level of the plates. The next initial bar should be fixed at a distance of 6 mm from the first. This is the so-called temperature gap. Complicated finishing barfasten under the cornice, and then install complex corner ones. The fastening step of the slats is 20–40 cm. In order to install metal siding, then marks are applied to the wall, in the place where the panels will join. Here, then, the docking strips are mounted. The next stage is the installation of slats around the perimeter of windows and doors. Begin installation from the bottom. Then proceed to the actual fastening of the panels. The first panel is installed in the corner. Self-tapping screws are screwed from the center of the sheet to the edges in increments of 40 cm.
Currently produced a variety of types of this material. For example, metal siding "under a log" looks unusually impressive. And yes, the regular one looks really good. Considering the excellent performance of this finish, as well as the ease of installation, decorating the facade with it will certainly be a very good solution.