Chrysanthemum is one of the amazing and beloved by many flower, which is found in almost any garden. At the end of the 19th century, he came to Russia and gained immense popularity. Chrysanthemum is native to China. The Chinese believed that the white petals of the flower gave longevity and therefore ate them.

The plant is undemanding to care for. Timely watering, a bush formed in time - this is the minimum work that needs to be done so that the bright colors of chrysanthemum flowers please you for a long time. Reproduction of chrysanthemums – is a simple process that even a novice flower lover can handle. Flower propagation methods: seeds, bush division, cuttings.
Seed propagation
From seeds you can grow both perennial and annual flowers. In the second decade of May, holes or grooves are made, which are well spilled with warm water. Orchid seeds, 2-3 pieces each, are laid out in a hole, sprinkled with earth and watered again. Before the emergence of seedlings, the flower bed is covered with a film or covering material. After 10 days, the plants are fed with fertilizerIdeal.
When the first sprouts appear and reach a height of about 10 cm, they are thinned out. Only one strongest plant is left in the groove. Chrysanthemums will start to bloom only in the first half of August.
Reproduction through seedlings
It is possible to reproduce chrysanthemums through seedlings. To do this, the seeds are sown in small boxes, on the bottom of which a drainage layer of sand is placed.

Covered containers are stored at an air temperature of 25 °C. In two weeks, the first shoots will appear, which must be gradually hardened, removing the film, first for one, and then for two hours, and so on. The strongest seedlings dive after the formation of 3-4 leaves on them. Young plants grow very slowly and reach 20 cm in height only after a month and a half at a temperature of 18 ° C.
Planting plants in a permanent place is done at the end of May. The landing site should be protected from the wind and well lit. From fertilizers it is best to make humus. Clay or sandy soil should be improved with organic fertilizers.
Dividing the bush
Reproduction of chrysanthemums by dividing the bush is carried out in spring after frost. They choose the he althiest and strongest bush and divide it with a pruner. The resulting seedlings are immediately planted in a flower garden in a permanent place. It is desirable to divide the bush every two years. If this procedure is performed less frequently, then the bush will be weak, and the flowers will be small.
Propagation of chrysanthemums, step-by-step cutting instructions
During the periodflowering of chrysanthemums, preparatory work for cuttings begins. Choose a strong and he althy plant and mark it. Just before the frosts, these bushes are again carefully examined, cut, dug up and transplanted into pots. Store in a cold room at a temperature not exceeding +6 °C.
The choice of time for cutting chrysanthemums depends on the period of their flowering:
- early-February;
- mid-March;
- late - early April.
20 days before cuttings, the plant is watered abundantly and transferred to a warmer room. To enhance the growth of green mass and the rapid growth of cuttings, the plant must be fed with nitrogen and organic fertilizers.
When five or six leaves have formed on the plant, cuttings can begin. Lignified and very soft cuttings are immediately rejected. Cut a stalk 10 cm long with a sharp knife. Before planting, the lower leaves are cut off.
Plant cuttings in flower containers or small greenhouses. The width between plants should be no more than 2 cm. Favorable temperature for rooting cuttings is from 18 to 20 °C.

In early May, the plants are ready for planting in a flower garden in a permanent place.
Propagation of chrysanthemums, features of cuttings
Features are that you can cut chrysanthemums for three seasons: summer, spring and autumn.
The summer cutting method is the simplest and does not require special skills. Choose the strongest upper sprouts no more than 15 cm long. The plant is planted in a place protected from light and watered abundantly. After 14-16 days, chrysanthemums begin to grow.
In the spring, the rooting of cuttings comes very quickly. This is the most fertile period when you can start breeding chrysanthemums.

With late autumn cuttings of plants, flowers can be obtained in spring. Having chosen a mother bush, from which almost the entire ground part must be cut, it is left in the soil for another two weeks. Further, he digs out and transplants into a pot. It is necessary to store the plant in a cool place at a temperature of +7 ° C and make sure that the earth does not dry out.
If the plant is transferred to the greenhouse after digging, shoots will appear after a short time interval. Reproduction of chrysanthemums in autumn should be carried out when their height reaches 8 cm.
Reproduction from bouquets
Propagate chrysanthemums from bouquets is very simple. To do this, the flowers in the vase need to bloom. Next, they remove all the leaves and pinch the top. They change the water in the vase and wait for the roots to appear for transplanting into a pot or flower bed.

Seeds can also be collected from dry chrysanthemums with small flowers. They will make good seedlings in the spring.
Propagation of chrysanthemums, the methods and features of which are described above, is not difficult to perform, and in the future it is necessary to focus on the following points:
- for educationbud bushes need a short day and a long night;
- for the growth of plants and the formation of leaves need a long daylight hours;
- plants with thin and large leaves need highly moistened soil;
- bushes should be weeded and loosen the soil under them once every ten to twelve days;
- apply mineral fertilizers several times a season.
Familiarizing yourself with the features of each method of plant propagation and putting them into practice, you can decorate your gardens with lush and bright chrysanthemum bushes that will delight the eye until late autumn.