Chinese carnation belongs to the category of plants that you never get tired of admiring, which every owner wants to have in his flower garden. The variety of colors makes this flower desirable for any landscape designer. Already one name - Chinese terry carnation - makes it clear that this miracle of nature has a non-standard look and makes us carefully study the information about the features of its cultivation.
Today we will introduce you to the basic recommendations for planting and caring for this plant. This information is useful not only for a beginner grower, but also for those who want to learn more about this flower.
General information

This beautiful flower came to us from the East, namely from China, Mongolia and Korea. It is not known exactly where exactly the plant appeared, but it is these three countries that are considered its homeland. Despite the fact that the flower may only grow for a year or two, it is still regularly planted inflower gardens, as its beauty exceeds all expectations.
Chinese carnation gives short growth, no more than fifty centimeters in height. The stem is mostly quite thin, and the leaves are long and pointed.
The variety of varieties has led to the fact that at the moment there are many colors and structures of this flower at the disposal of flower growers. Simple, terry or semi-double - carnation is good in any case. There are buds of one color, and there are two-color buds with unique transitions of shades. Flowers reach three to four centimeters in diameter.
Origin of the name

By the way, the Chinese carnation has a similar name only in our country. At home, this flower is called nothing more than the "flower of the gods." There is a whole legend about this plant. The essence of the legend is that this flower fell in love with two gods: Zeus and Jupiter. And he appeared at the moment when the goddess Artemis decided to teach a shepherd a lesson because he sang. Drops of his blood turned into bright burgundy buds. But as a result of three hundred years of work of breeders, the burgundy color has turned into a palette of various shades.
Features of species

Speaking about the types of Chinese carnation, it is worth noting that they differ not only in the color of the buds, but also in the height of the stem and the shape of the petals. One variety has long leaves, the other has twisted leaves. One plant stretches up to half a meter in height, while the other does not grow above fifteen centimeters and is considered a dwarf variety.
Carnation blooms from the very beginning of summer and lasts until the end of the season. You can find white, pink, purple or scarlet buds. But they are all wonderful. Initially, the flower could grow for many years, but in cold climates, it gradually turned into an annual plant. Now specialists are working hard to return the flower to the opportunity to grow more than one or two years and increase the flowering period.
Due to the fact that the roots of the flower have a very compact shape, it is quite easy to transplant. A small height makes it attractive for home cultivation. Among the most common varieties of cloves are:
- "Diana",
- "shnebal",
- "gelstrat",
- "fireball",
- "charm".
Any of these varieties look great in a flower bed in combination with other plants.
Planting seeds

In order for you to have such a miracle in your garden, you need to properly plant and care for it. First, let's look at the process of planting Chinese carnation seeds.
Put a drainage layer into a special container (pot, box). On top we place pre-prepared soil, which includes garden soil, sand and vermiculite. Gently plant the seeds at a short distance from each other and sprinkle with soil. We create a greenhouse effect using oilcloth or film. We place the container in a place where there is enough light and the temperature fluctuates around twenty degrees. In a few days you will noticefirst sprouts. Remove the film and care for the sprouts by following these tips:
- temperature should not be below seventeen degrees;
- the ground should be moist but not too wet, so keep it moist with a sprayer;
- if there is little sunlight, use artificial lighting;
- after the appearance of the second leaf on the stem, you need to dive the seedlings, using, for example, plastic cups;
- after three weeks after the appearance of the first sprout, you need to start accustoming the flower to a lower temperature, gradually reducing it to twelve degrees.
So we look after and wait for the formation of the root system.
Planting seedlings

Proper cultivation of Chinese carnations largely depends on where the flower is planted. It is recommended to plant the plant in a place that is abundantly illuminated by the sun's rays. The procedure is best done at the end of the spring period, when the soil has warmed up enough after winter.
The selected place is dug up and fertilized well. Carefully inspect the proposed site for the presence of weed grasses. They will interfere with the flower to grow and develop properly. When planting seedlings, make sure that the sprouts are not closer to each other than twenty centimeters. Planting is recommended along with a clod of earth from the container where the seedlings grew. This will help the flower acclimatize faster in a new place. So that the plant does not break, the stem does not bend, stick a small stake next to each sprout, to which gentlytie the flower until the stem is strong.
If you plant a carnation in the shade, you risk never enjoying the beauty of its flowers, as it blooms only when there is abundant light. And the longer this light falls on the flower, the longer it will bloom.
Ground landing

There is another way to plant Chinese carnations. Cultivation from seeds can be done directly in an open area. This is a more troublesome process, but some growers use it, especially in warm areas. In this version, the seeds are also planted at the end of spring, when the earth has already completely receded from the winter cold. The most difficult thing is to maintain the temperature regime at night. Seeds do not tolerate cold, so it is imperative to cover the planting site with a film. The whole procedure is as follows:
- soak the seeds for twenty minutes in a solution of succinic acid;
- take out the seeds, let the napkin absorb excess moisture;
- we prepare the landing site in advance by digging up the ground, loosening it, removing all weeds;
- sow seeds in the ground at a distance, sprinkle with earth on top;
- we irrigate the landing site with water using a sprinkler;
- we cover the entire flower bed with a film to create a greenhouse effect and maintain the temperature at least fifteen degrees.
After waiting three weeks, you will be able to observe the first sprouts. Seedlings need to be thinned out if they have sprouted too thickly.
Caring for a flower
There are severalpoints to consider when growing Chinese cloves. Planting and caring for a flower does not cause any particular difficulties, but still requires your attention. Like any plant, this flower, which came to us from warm lands, needs elementary care. Here are some tips for the beginner grower:
- mulch the soil where the flower grows, this will prolong the flowering period;
- water the plant moderately, but don't let the soil dry out completely;
- increase watering when budding and flowering;
- remove dead flowers, this will speed up the appearance of new ones;
- do not use fertilizers containing ammonium;
- use fertilizer formulations containing potassium;
- three weeks after planting seedlings, apply stimulants to accelerate flower growth;
- prune the flower in autumn, leaving about eight centimeters of stem, and also cover the plant for the winter.
Following these simple tips, you will be able to grow a beautiful plant in your garden. Your reward will be the beauty of the flower bed and the envy of the neighbors.
Possible problems

Chinese carnation, the photo of which is presented in this article, is quite resistant to diseases and pest attacks. But with the wrong care, problems are possible. If you overdo it when watering or plant flowers too densely, this will lead to the appearance of pathogenic microbes and fungus. Do not plant cloves constantly in the same place. At least once every five yearsyou need to treat the soil with fungicides. If you still notice the appearance of spots or traces of decay on the flower, remove the diseased bushes and burn them, and treat the planting site with a special antifungal drug. The fight against aphids and mites is carried out in the standard way using special tools that can be found in stores.
Decorate the landscape
Often the planting of Chinese carnations is done precisely for the purpose of decorating a garden plot or park area. This is quite logical, since the plant blooms for a long time, it is easy to care for it, and it goes well with many flowers in the flower bed. Carnations also look great in a private house, where the owners strive to create coziness and comfort. Very often they are used to decorate an alpine slide. Lawns in parks and flower beds in squares are also full of variety in the color of this miracle. All in all, the benefits of the flower make it one of the most attractive options that landscape designers use.