Garden tradescantia perennial: planting and care, photo

Garden tradescantia perennial: planting and care, photo
Garden tradescantia perennial: planting and care, photo

Garden tradescantia is not only a wonderful decoration of any garden plot. It is also a plant with many beneficial properties. In order to grow perennial garden tradescantia in your garden, you need to know some of the nuances of planting and care. They are not particularly difficult, but still require study. After all, any flower needs care and attention, and our plant is no exception.

General Description

tradescantia garden planting and care
tradescantia garden planting and care

Let's start by introducing you to garden tradescantia in all its glory. It is a shrub of marvelous beauty that can decorate any flower bed. The plant came to us from America, from its southern part. It is believed that this happened around the seventeenth century. By the way, the very name of the shrub was given to it in honor of the people who brought it to us on the continent, the Transcant brothers. It belongs to the Cammelin family. Considering all the featurescare, we can safely say that this shrub is suitable for people who have just started gardening. As the name suggests, this is not an annual plant. By planting it, you get beauty for many years. Of course, if care is appropriate.

Feature tradescantia is its flowering. Although each bud individually does not bloom for very long, they succeed one another, and as a result, it seems that the bush blooms constantly.


planting tradescantia garden
planting tradescantia garden

Garden tradescantia, the photo of which can be seen here, has many varieties, but only some of them are popular with gardeners. Basically, the bush blooms with blue and purple buds, but breeders have also brought out other colors: white, pink, blue. There are three main types of plants:

  • "Virginskaya";
  • Anderson;
  • "Blue".

The first species loves forests, meadows and roads. Grows well in loose nutrient soil with moderate moisture. The height of this species is up to eighty centimeters with bright green leaves. Such a bush does not grow in breadth, which is very convenient for growing in a flower bed. Varieties belong to this species:

  • Corula;
  • Rubra;
  • "Atrorubra";
  • Rose.

They differ in the shape of the leaves and the color of the buds, from blue and white to pink, depending on the species.

The second type of shrub can also reach eighty centimeters in height, and was bred on the basis of the first. It is to this type that all the mainplant varieties grown in the garden by beauty lovers:

  • "Vegulin";
  • "Iris";
  • Bilbury Ice;
  • Blue and Gold:
  • Blue Stone;
  • "Concord Grape";
  • Osprey;
  • Pink Chabbles;
  • "Ash Profusion";
  • "Anyuta".

In these varieties, the flowers also have a different shade, the plant has a different height, and the leaves have a different shape. But today we are primarily interested in planting and care, so we will not delve into the features of each variety. Each one is beautiful in its own way.

As for the third species, it is an annual plant. Blue Tradescantia does not grow very tall, no more than fifty centimeters, but blooms in late summer or early autumn with beautiful blue inflorescences.


tradescantia garden photo
tradescantia garden photo

Planting tradescantia garden is not particularly difficult. First you need to choose a place where you want to see this miracle of nature. Here you need to remember that the bush does not like drafts and strong winds. Find a place where there will be enough light, but at the same time there is no direct sunlight. Also keep in mind that sometimes, in case of a very cold winter period, the bush will need to be covered.

After choosing a place, we proceed to prepare the soil. Like any plant, tradescantia needs nutritious soil, and for this it is recommended to remove the earthen layer by a few centimeters, mix it with fertilizers, and evenly distribute the finished soil in the selected flower bed. Ideal groundfor a bush is a mixture of soddy land, sand and humus. It passes water and air flows well. Do not choose heavy soil for planting. A plant in such a land will die.


tradescantia garden perennial
tradescantia garden perennial

It is impossible not to talk about the features of reproduction, describing tradescantia garden, planting and care. Photos of the plants that flaunt here cannot convey the beauty of this shrub. There are 3 ways to plant shrubs:

  • cutting;
  • root;
  • seed.

The choice of method depends on the grower. We will consider all options.

The cutting method comes down to using a young shoot with three buds. It is best to plant in late spring, when the soil has already warmed up. Before the start of the winter period, the shoots will take root and endure the winter well. You need to plant cuttings in prepared soil, creating the effect of a greenhouse. This will continue for about three weeks. During this time, the stalk releases its roots and strengthens. Keep the temperature around 23 degrees. Water regularly, but don't overwater.

The root method comes down to dividing the rhizome of an adult plant. This is the fastest and easiest way to reproduce. You need to do this in the spring. The shrub must be dug up and divided into parts. Do not damage the roots so that the plant does not die in the future. We dry parts of the bush for several days, and plant them in the chosen place. Regular watering will help the plant quickly take root in a new flower bed.

The seed method is also used, butless often, due to longevity and low percentage of germination. Most often, breeders use this method. The seeds of the bush are planted in special boxes, where there should be drainage soy at the bottom, and soil on top. You need to plant, retreating two centimeters, skipping ten centimeters between the rows. Sprinkling the seeds with earth, you need to create a greenhouse effect. Regular watering and a warm climate will allow seeds to sprout in about a couple of months. When the sprouts acquire three leaves, they need to be transplanted outside, into pre-fertilized soil. Such a bush will begin to bloom only after three years.

Features of care

tradescantia garden care
tradescantia garden care

As already mentioned about garden tradescantia, caring for it is not difficult. In terms of watering, you need to remember that the plant loves moisture. You need to water regularly and a lot, especially during the dry season. As it gets colder, watering is reduced. In winter, it is not necessary to water the bush, except in places where the climate is warm and dry throughout the season. If the plant is allowed to stay in dry soil for a long time, it will certainly die. In addition to watering, the bush needs irrigation of the entire surface. This should be done after the sun has set. Using a sprayer, you need to moisten all the branches and leaves. To do this, the water must be either rainwater or purified from lime. Otherwise, the green on the leaves will fade, and the beauty of the bush will fade.


tradescantia garden planting and care photo
tradescantia garden planting and care photo

There is one more item that tradescantia garden needs. Landing andcaring for it includes fertilizing the soil. The shrub prefers complex mixtures for this purpose. Those designed for flowering shrubs are well suited. Every year at the beginning of the spring period, you need to fertilize the soil. Once again, it is necessary to repeat the procedure at the very beginning of budding. In winter, it is better to let the plant rest and do not need to fertilize.


A very important point is the fact that garden tradescantia is very resistant to attacks by diseases and pests. As a rule, with proper care, there are no problems. If care is violated, then insects or pathogenic bacteria may appear.

Useful properties

photo of garden tradescantia
photo of garden tradescantia

Garden Tradescantia has very useful properties that make it even more attractive to gardeners. It helps in the treatment of colds, pneumonia, bronchitis, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Also, the bush perfectly disinfects the air. There are many recipes using this plant, which are used in traditional medicine. Here are some of them:

  • Problems with a runny nose. Prepare a decoction of two tablespoons of shrub leaves and a liter of water. Boil the leaves and let stand for about half an hour. After straining, gargle three to four times daily.
  • For the treatment of periodontal disease, it is enough to chew the leaves for ten minutes each time before eating.
  • For furunculosis, you need to make a porridge from fresh leaves of a shrub, and place it on the affected area all night, wrapping it with a bandage.

Thisfar from the whole list of tradescantia possibilities that will help you in the treatment of various diseases. Take care of her properly, and you will grow both beauty and medicine in your garden.
