Do-it-yourself double-glazed window replacement

Do-it-yourself double-glazed window replacement
Do-it-yourself double-glazed window replacement

Installation of metal-plastic windows is gaining more and more popularity every year. Such structures are used in all modern institutions and premises. Also, many put these windows in apartments and houses. The advantages of these structures can hardly be overestimated. These are really high-quality windows that protect the room from noise and do not allow heat to leak out.

What is double glazing?

This is the most fragile part of the structure, which is installed on the window pillars. A double-glazed window may consist of several chambers.

double-glazed window replacement
double-glazed window replacement

Today, there are one-, two- and three-chamber models. Thus, the number of glasses in one package may vary. However, if at least one of them is damaged, a complete replacement of the double-glazed window in a plastic window is required.

Why might I need to replace a double-glazed window?

PVC windows are a very reliable construction. However, even such elements can be subject to mechanical damage. It is this nature of destruction that is the main reason for replacing double-glazed windows in windows. This may be the ingress of foreign objects or the action of vandals (most often from the side of the street).

plastic window glass replacement
plastic window glass replacement

But also the replacement of a double-glazed window in a plastic window is due to obsolescence of the structure. These windows have been installed for two decades. And the first models did not differ in high heat saving, as well as sound insulation. In view of this, people are replacing double-glazed windows in windows. As a rule, three-chamber solutions are installed instead of single-chamber ones. Such repairs will improve the performance of the window structure.

Can I replace double glazing without replacing the window?

This question torments many owners of houses and apartments. The double-glazed window is the main part of the window structure, and it is quite difficult to disassemble it. Some people think that it is easier to install a new window than to change this component in it. But it's not. You can repair windows (replacement of double-glazed windows) yourself. But there is one important nuance here. The dimensions of the new package must be identical. This is the width and height of the window. It is very difficult to make such a design on your own. Therefore, in order to save time and eliminate risks, you should order the manufacture of double-glazed windows.

Pay attention

When ordering a new double-glazed window, it is important to clarify not only the length, width, but also the thickness of the structure. After all, each manufacturer has a line of windows in which the thickness of the frame in the profile system is significantly different. It is necessary to make an accurate measurement so that the new designstood on its original foundation. By the way, rubber glazing beads can be left the same when replacing a double-glazed window.

The window opening can have a different shape - curvilinear, triangle, rhombus or arch. When ordering, please specify this point. After receiving the order, the company will deliver the finished package by transport. When inspecting the glass, it is important to make sure there are no bubbles or scratches. They can subsequently cause the destruction of the structure and the appearance of cracks.

Preparing materials and tools

In order to successfully replace the double-glazed window in a plastic window with your own hands, you need to prepare:

  • Rubber hammer.
  • Chisel (preferably wide).
  • Glass suction cup.
  • Plastic spatula.
  • Shoe knife.
  • Thick gloves.
  • Wood ruler 1-1.5 meters.
  • Space rails and pads.


Before replacing a double-glazed window in a wooden window, it is necessary to remove the old structure. It's easy to do. We need a sharp chisel. This tool is installed in the center of the vertical side of the package in the gap between the frame and the glazing bead. After that, it is necessary to make several blows with a rubber hammer on the handle of the chisel. When the glazing bead moves 5-8 millimeters from the frame, it can be further removed by hand. To remove the double-glazed window from the frame, you need to stock up on tight gloves. The edges of these windows are very sharp, and you can easily injure your hand when removing them.

pvc window replacement
pvc window replacement

In case the brokenglass, use a special vacuum suction cup. It is better to install it in the center of the surviving part. After fixing the suction cup tightly, gently pull the glass towards you and pull the bag out of the frame.


So, when the design is completely freed from the old package, you can start installing the new one. Please note: the glass must not come into contact with the rigid part of the frame. Therefore, before installation, it is necessary to install a rubber seal in the groove on one side. It should be around the entire perimeter of the structure. No glue or other components are needed. You can install the seal by hand, and it will hold tightly in the grooves.

The next step is to install rubber pads on the horizontal and vertical base of the frame. What is it for? These linings will soften the points of contact between the end of the glass and the plastic of the window profile. After that, we attach the vacuum suction cup to the bag. We install the finished structure in the frame, carefully leveling it. After that, we press the glass with glazing beads, having previously installed a rubber seal in them. How is the replacement of double-glazed windows in windows? At the next stage, using a rubber mallet, hammer the glazing bead into the corresponding groove.

pvc windows glass replacement
pvc windows glass replacement

Be careful, the hammer can damage the plastic surface. Don't hit hard.

Wooden frame

How is a double-glazed window replaced in a wooden window? Here the procedure is carried out in a similar way, with the exception of some points. So,the area where the glazing bead adjoins the double-glazed window from the inside is reinforced with silicone. To remove the old structure, you must first remove the glazing beads using the same hammer and chisel.

double-glazed window replacement
double-glazed window replacement

Then the silicone protection is removed. Please note: this seal may not come out completely. Part of the silicone will remain in the groove of the wooden frame. Therefore, we clean the excess material with special means. For this, white spirit dipped in a clean rag is suitable. It is also important to keep the area free of dust. Then, before installation, we coat the grooves with new silicone (both from the outside and from the inside). After that, we install our double-glazed window on the suction cups and clog the glazing beads.


An important procedure after replacing a double-glazed window is the adjustment of the window structure. This operation will eliminate problems such as:

  • Breach of package seal.
  • Sag sash.
  • Violation of the clamping function of the sash.

The first step is to adjust the structure vertically. To do this, remove the plastic decorative trim from the bottom lash. Then install the hex wrench into the adjusting groove. If the sash needs to be raised to the left, turn the screw to the right. And vice versa, if you need to tilt to the right, turn the key to the left. You need to adjust gradually. After each turn of the screw, we check how the sash closes and opens.

At the next step, set the horizontal position. Usually thisis done if the lower corner (right or left - does not matter) of the structure sags. To adjust, insert the hex wrench into the side screw. We make turns left and right, depending on which angle we need to set on the structure.

do-it-yourself double-glazed window replacement in a plastic window
do-it-yourself double-glazed window replacement in a plastic window

If the sash is sagging and the previous settings do not help, use the adjustment groove located on top of the frame. We install the key and turn it clockwise or counterclockwise (until the sash is properly tightened).

You also need to adjust the pressure. The sash pressure is adjusted every season (winter - summer), as well as during any repair operations (for example, replacing a double-glazed window). The pressure is adjusted using a rotary eccentric pin. Where to find it? It is located at the end of the window. To set up, we need the same hexagon.

window glass replacement
window glass replacement

In the window structure, you can set the sash with a shift to the left or right. This is done through a groove on the inside of the canopy. If you turn the screw to the left, the sash will move to the right, and vice versa. But it also happens that the sash hangs in the swivel and tilt position at the same time. To exclude this, after replacing the double-glazed window, you need to install the sash in a vertical position and press the upper part of the frame against the canopy. We put the handle horizontally, without completely closing the window. If the blocker does not allow the mechanism to turn, it can be corrected with a finger. Next, close the sash by scrolling the handle down. Afterseveral openings and closings, the part should snap into place and function normally.


So, we figured out how to replace a double-glazed window. Repair of plastic windows, as you can see, you can do it yourself. The operation will take about two hours. However, the very manufacture of double-glazed windows for metal-plastic, as well as wooden windows, must be entrusted to professionals. Remember that the energy intensity and thermal conductivity of the structure depends on the quality of its manufacture. Also, after installation, the sashes should be properly adjusted. This is the only way to guarantee the quality of the window mechanism.
