Liquid latex is very popular in the modern industry. This material is sold in various containers, it is a white translucent mixture from which anything can be made. Most often it is used in the production of condoms, elastic clothing, characterized by the complete absence of seams. Often this substance is also used in the food industry, for example, for the manufacture of chewing gum. Its properties are very similar to those of soft rubber, it is easy to model, so it is an excellent raw material for the production of all kinds of daily household items, toys, and so on.

Liquid latex consists of the natural juice of a plant called hivea, which is common in the southern regions of our planet, as well as ammonia. That is why the finished substance has the smell of ammonia even after complete solidification. Of course, after some time, due to the treatment with various oils and dyes, any latex product loses this sharp aroma and in no way irritates the human olfactory receptors. However, if you are engaged in the manufacture of various itemsfrom this substance with your own hands, then you should take this moment into account, be more careful and vigilant. It is desirable to work with latex in protective gloves and a medical respirator.

An important feature is that liquid latex, although it has many similarities with standard rubber, differs from it to a large extent. It does not contain harmful volcanic mixtures, sulfur and other components, direct contact with which is undesirable for people. The maximum chemistry that lies in this substance is ammonia, which evaporates over time and does not cause any harm to others. Therefore, it is often liquid latex that is used for the production of seamless costumes for dances and various stages, underwear, children's toys and many other things. Also, this component in a small percentage is part of the knitwear, from which seamless things are made.
It is worth noting that the price of natural liquid latex is always higher than that of a similar synthetic product. But the fact is that natural components can quickly lose their properties, as a result, the substance becomes unsuitable for further use. In order to maximize the service life of latex, it was decided to add a proportion of synthetic substances to it, which allow it to be stored longer and not lose its qualities.

If liquid latex is used at home for the manufacture of any toys or crafts, it is necessary to prepare forms in advance. It is on them that the material in liquid form will beapply and cure until completely dry. The smoother and smoother the surface of the mold, the more beautiful and neater the latex products will look. A competent approach to work provides an excellent result, but if there is any doubt about this, it is advisable to contact a professional who will do the job quickly and efficiently.