In the modern world, furniture prices are rising before our eyes, ordinary kitchen nooks can be very expensive. But is it necessary to spend money and buy them in a store when you can make a kitchen corner with your own hands?

The materials required to build the corner are cheap, so the cost of the product will drop several times, and the appearance will become even more interesting than the store. After all, when fantasy works, a person does miracles.
Make a kitchen corner with your own hands
A fairly light composition, consisting of a pair of soft sofas and one table, will not require much free time, and the corner will be ready in a couple of days. If you decide to make a kitchen corner with your own hands, you will need the following materials and tools:
- circular saw and grinder;
- screwdriver or screwdriver;
- building level and soft tape measure;
- boards and plywood;
- grooved panels;
- sealant and glue;
- screws and finishing nails.

Assembling the kitchen corner
Starting to collect furniture. The kitchen corner is well suited for family gatherings, it is roomy and comfortable. What kind of corner to make, you can choose for yourself. The main part of the product is a sofa, which only looks like a complex structure, but in fact it consists of 2 side boards on which the seat and back are fixed. You can think over the dimensions of the kitchen table yourself, but we will give an example of the average corner, which is so often found in stores. Of course, you can buy a kitchen corner in Moscow or any other city, but a hand-made one will always delight you with a unique look.
The standard dimensions of the kitchen corners are as follows: width - 1.20 m, height from the rear back - 0.85 m, distance from the landing bar to the bottom - 0.45 m. The side back of the kitchen corner must be made as strong as possible, since all other components will be held on it. Sidewalls choose from the most beautiful details, the design of the corner will depend on this.

Make a kitchen corner with your own hands - step by step description
We make sidewalls from wooden bars, put them on special spikes. If there are no bars at hand, you can replace them with any other materials, for example, laminated chipboard. We take a wooden block, we make the lower support. We make the frame for the kitchen corner from bars, they are fastened with spikes. We cut out stiffening ribs 20 cm long from edged boards. For structural rigidity, we attach seat supports to the inside of the sidewall, nailboards to them. The frame is almost ready, we screw the seat and back with screws. We process the frame with a polished machine, fill the gaps with sealant and prime all the elements. After complete drying, paint the entire surface with varnish.
If a kitchen corner is made with love, it will always look unique. And if you pay special attention to the material for its upholstery, then you will create a true furniture masterpiece. Velor and flock are among the most popular kitchen nook upholstery, they are durable and easy to clean. You can also choose faux leather. We make elements from the selected material, glue the seat with them. Congratulations - your DIY kitchen corner is ready!