Flowers marigolds from many diseases

Flowers marigolds from many diseases
Flowers marigolds from many diseases

Calendula (marigold) is a herbaceous annual plant that grows in many suburban areas. True, the people call these flowers - marigolds. Calendula is valued not for its appearance, but rather for those beneficial medicinal properties that are used in traditional medicine.

marigold flowers
marigold flowers

The calendula belongs to the aster family (composites). It is unpretentious, grows in a bush, the height of which is from 30 to 75 centimeters, depending on the composition of the soil and care. It has a strongly recognizable smell that occurs when touched. The color of the inflorescences is from yellow to rich orange with a red tint. There are ordinary and double forms of inflorescences (photo of marigold flowers).

Fancy seeds, quite large and similar to small sickles, have a very good germination. They can propagate by self-sowing, often growing far from their intended places.

Very fond of marigold flowers, sunlit, flower beds. It is better to use them in group plantings along with cornflowers, poppies, chamomile and other field annuals. To get a strong and he althy plant, marigold flowers are sown in spring (early May) immediately in a permanent place, lightly sprinkledloose soil. Be sure to water the plantings and make sure that the soil does not dry out. Young seedlings appear after about a week. They are usually dived right there, in the garden, but with a large number of seedlings, you can simply thin out. Leave a distance of about 25 centimeters between them.

photo of marigold flowers
photo of marigold flowers

Calendula grows very fast. The first buds may appear in about a month. In order for flowering to be continuous until the first autumn frosts, it is not recommended that marigold flowers set seeds. You need to cut them off constantly.

Care of the plant consists in weeding, loosening the soil and watering. You can fertilize them several times during the season with complex fertilizers.

As a rule, more valuable terry varieties are grown in seedlings. Marigold flowers, whose use in folk medicine is widely known, are harvested by hand. Choose the most saturated in color - they have a higher content of nutrients. Dry in dryers (air) at a temperature of 45 degrees for 4 hours. If the inflorescence falls apart when pressed, drying is over.

marigold flowers application
marigold flowers application

Calendula is used in the form of decoctions, infusions, tinctures or oils.

The spectrum of action of these drugs is so wide that they can be used to heal almost all organs of the human body, namely: - relieve inflammation;

- quickly heal wounds;

- achieve a diuretic and diaphoretic effect;

- producedisinfection;

- relieve pain;

- lower blood pressure;

- calm the central nervous system, etc.

Calendula flowers have a lot of carotene, phytoncides, organic acids and vitamin C. They also contain trace elements (copper, zinc, selenium and molybdenum). Due to the presence of the above substances, immunity is increased, a positive effect on the teeth, cardiovascular and reproductive systems, and oncological diseases are prevented.
