Cloudberry - a berry from many diseases

Cloudberry - a berry from many diseases
Cloudberry - a berry from many diseases

Cloudberry is a plant with snow-white flowers and sour amber berries. It is very resistant to frost, and almost everyone knows about the beneficial properties of its berries.

cloudberry berry
cloudberry berry

Cloudberry is a berry that in its effect on the body resembles blackberries and raspberries. In the production of medicinal decoctions and various preparations, not only its fruits are used, but also flowers, and leaves, and even roots. Cloudberries are very rich in vitamin C, a lack of which many of us suffer from. The daily dose of this vitamin is contained in only one hundred grams of berries, and their beneficial properties do not suffer at all when frozen. In addition to ascorbic acid, cloudberries also contain many other substances necessary for the body, such as pectin, fiber, s alts of various trace elements and others.

Cloudberry is a berry that is ideal for the preparation of various complex therapy preparations (decoctions, infusions or extracts). This is recognized even by many medical practitioners. Such drugs are used as diaphoretic, diuretic, anti-inflammatory and restorative agents, as well as to improve the functioning of the human immune system and increase the reserves of vitamins in the body. Doctors often recommend their patients the use of cloudberries in case of diseases such as cystitis, pyelonephritis, ascites, atherosclerosis, ischemia, gout, ulcers, gastritis, acute respiratory infections and many others. It also helps with beriberi and loss of appetite.

cloudberry useful properties
cloudberry useful properties

Cloudberry is a berry that can definitely be called a real "cleaner" of the human body. Its ripe berries are often used for violations of the metabolic process. Cloudberry (photo can be seen on the right) contributes to the normal functioning of the stomach and intestines, increased secretion of gastric juice and the removal from the body of all toxic substances that are formed as a result of digestion of food. In addition, this wonderful northern berry allows you to get rid of excess fluid due to its diaphoretic and diuretic properties. Cloudberry is a truly versatile berry. In addition, there are practically no contraindications for its use (except for chronic enterocolitis).

cloudberry photo
cloudberry photo

Cloudberry, whose beneficial properties have been known since ancient times, is widely used in folk medicine. Healing decoctions of cloudberries can be easily prepared at home. For example, for a decoction for a cold, you should brew one tablespoon of cloudberry leaves with one glass of boiling water, insist,cool and strain. The resulting mixture should be taken three times a day, 50 ml until complete recovery. To prepare a restorative infusion, you will also need cloudberry leaves (about 40 grams) and about 60 grams of wild rose (fruits and leaves). The ingredients must be crushed, pour boiling water and leave to brew overnight. Then the mixture should be filtered and taken twice a day, 100 ml. Such a decoction will help strengthen the immune system, increase tone and improve the overall well-being of a person.
