Wine is an alcoholic drink made from fruit juice as a result of fermentation. It does not include other drinks made from fruits or berries. Wines vary in color, flavor, strength and characteristics.
Specialists note that suitable wine grapes have a specific structure - clusters and berries are small, and the juice content in the berry is about 80%. Grapes should have a pronounced tart taste, and the aroma should be rich.

Wine grape varieties for central Russia
Wine varieties are distinguished early and mid-ripening, with high or low acidity and sugar content. Clusters - dense or rare. Fruits come in different shapes, textures, juiciness, color, smell, taste, benefits, have different properties of pulp and peel. Wine grape seedlings are planted in open ground, usually in early autumn or early spring. Most often, gardeners start planting sprouts around the beginning of September, which allows seedlings to take root better. Furtherwe will look at which wine grapes are considered the best.

Classification of grape species
Grapes are classified by purpose:
- Industrial grape varieties exist to make wine and juices. They have a mediocre taste, and these varieties also have small berries, quite juicy, dense clusters, little pulp.
- Table grape varieties. Cultivated for consumption in unchanged form. They have a good taste, pulp rich in juice.
- Generic species are also suitable for eating and making wine.
- Kishmish types are used to obtain raisins, which are used to add to confectionery products.

Early grape varieties
Which are the best wine grapes? The most eminent is considered Pearl Sabo. Fruits appear 80 days after bud opening. The characteristic features also include a delicate musky flavor and high yield. The only downside is the small berries, which makes the Clog Pearl a little outperformed by other species that ripen quite early.
Excluding Sabo Pearls, the concept of early varieties includes Ekaro-35, ripening on the 88th day, Galahard - on the 89th day, and Serafimovsky - on the 89th day. At the same time, experts are working on breeding the fastest growing species. The issue of obtaining a species immune to cold also remains acute. Also in the middle lane, an early wine grape variety is grown. Donskoy agate, ripens well under less favorable conditions and gives a large bunch, consisting of rather big round dark-colored berries. Arcadia is considered an early species - a variety with a small size of bushes, giving a good harvest. The clusters stand out for their size and density, and the berries are white.
Uncovered varieties
Grapes are the plant most susceptible to fungus, so obtaining species resistant to diseases is important. Uncovered wine grapes have a type of vine that has become resistant to pests and cold climates as a result of crosses. A certain time ago, it was impossible to grow grapes in the north, because the plant could not stand the conditions of a cold climate. Now this problem is irrelevant, long work on crossing different types of plants made it possible to obtain frost-resistant species. There are more than 10 such options, grown in areas with a less favorable climate. Consider wine grape varieties for the middle band.
For many years, varieties and modifications based on grapes from America Foxberry have been famous. Strawberry aroma and taste of this grape in Russia was nicknamed "Isabella". Attitudes towards this variety are different, but in terms of sugar content in fruits, these modifications exceed covering varieties. They are also immune to fungus, able to withstand cold down to -35 ° C, stand out for their high yield and the ability to quickly recover.
At the end of the 19th century, the creation of complex interspecific Euro-American hybrids began. The main goal was to give them immunityAmerican grapes and retain the rich flavor. Since high cold resistance was not needed for Europe, these characteristics are worse for Euro-American hybrids. Only in the 50s of the twentieth century in France, the first modifications of Seive Villars were received, the most resistant to cold climates and diseases, and at the same time not inferior in taste to the best European species. There is almost no special Isabella taste left. Currently, America and Canada are hard at work with Euro-American and American hybrids, getting other versatile and strong varieties, including those with seedless berries inside.
Amur grapes are winter-hardy like wine grapes. They are similar in taste and smell. Specialists in the selection process were able to breed other non-covering and early mixed forms with large appetizing berries from the small-fruited Amur liana.

Cover varieties
Codryanka, Arcadia, Kishmish, Kesha, Moldova, Laura are considered to be covering. They have great taste and look. Such varieties do not tolerate frost, for them it is necessary to build a shelter for the winter period. For reliable protection, you need the correct design of the bush.
The most famous design technique is the fanless stampless. It consists in forcing sleeves with one fruit pair, which are very close to the soil. It is fully formed only in the 4th year of growing up. A mature bush has four arms and therefore has 4 fruit pairs. In certain cases, up to 6 fruit links are allowed.
Horizontal two-armthe near-Earth barrier has a small trunk, which makes it possible to use this method for covering species. The main principle is 2 sleeves on a horizontal trellis, aimed in different directions. The height of the trunk above the ground is 15 cm.
Slanting screen. This design method will make it possible to simply cover the bush for the winter. There is no trunk, but only a single prone inclined sleeve with fruit links. With all the simplicity of design, there is a clear minus - if the only sleeve freezes, then for some time the harvest will not have to wait.

Grape varieties white
Some people believe that white wine can only be made from green berries, but these drinks are also made from rosé and red grapes. Inside any fruit is a transparent juice, it does not depend on the color of the shell of the berries. White wine is less strong than red wine and is sweeter and lighter. A significant difference in manufacturing is that only berry juice is used. Consider wine varieties of white grapes.
Many believe that the best white grape varieties are grown exclusively in France. The most famous white variety is Chardonnay. But white wines from Chardonnay are currently made in California, Australia, Italy, Argentina, Germany, South Africa, Austria, Chile and New Zealand. The drink is stored in special barrels made of oak to get a peculiar oak taste. So it is possible to get a valuable elite wine. If the drink is mass-produced, then ordinaryoak barrels or add oak chips or a special essence to the wine. With such production, of course, a quality product cannot be obtained.
A wonderful wine grape variety. It has been noted that the most appetizing wines come from fruits grown near the Moselle River in Germany. This species is found in France, Hungary, Austria, Argentina and the USA. Riesling wines have pear and apple flavors and a floral and fruity bouquet.
This wine grape has been around for centuries. Muscat is grown on all continents. There are many varieties of these grapes and wines made from them. More often such wines are weak, dry, with a low alcohol content, but there are sparkling, sugary-sweet and quite strong.

Black grapes
Currently black grape varieties such as Black Beak or Kishmish Black Sultan are in high demand. Admirers of dark grapes appreciate its excellent taste, delicious aroma, rare healing properties.
Today, luxurious vines with dark berries are symbols of beauty and longevity.
For a long time, Kodryanka was considered the earliest among black grape varieties. It is still used when planting a vineyard. The disadvantage of this variety is that the berry becomes small with poor care. Wasps can encroach on the crop. Despite this, it is considered one of the best early varieties.
Athos has the same berry shape, hematures 10 days earlier and does not become small. Its flesh is of good taste, crispy, with a pleasant combination of acid and sugar. Athos was obtained as a result of crossing Kodryanka and Talisman. The cluster is loose in shape, medium-sized in size. This wine black grape variety is highly disease resistant.
Similar berries to Arcadia, only larger - this is Nadezhda AZOS. Good yield and frost resistance are, of course, an advantage. It ripens a little later than Kodryanka.
Kuban variety is also similar to Nadezhda AZOS. Kuban is distinguished by richer clusters, therefore it has a good view. Low resistance to diseases - it is necessary to carry out processing more often. Requires careful shelter for the winter.
Ekaro-35 is the earliest variety of chokeberry grapes. The berries are small in size, weighing 3-4 g, clusters weighing 350-400 g. These parameters are compensated by rapid ripening. The variety is high-yielding, ripens much faster than the appearance of diseases.
Odessa Souvenir - a late variety with a great aftertaste when fully ripe. Not the sweetest and not too sour. It can be considered a plus that the Odessa souvenir is immune to diseases.

Medium varieties
In order to get a good harvest of grapes in Russia or Ukraine at least by the end of summer, for a long time it was necessary to grow exclusively early varieties. Today, due to climate change, mid-season varieties have also begun to be grown, ripening approximately 145 days after bud opening. Alsomid-late varieties are used, including the French table grape Alphonse Lavalle and the recognized American wine grape Isabella.
Kesha grapes, also called Talisman, is one of the best varieties. Its version of Kesha-1 with female flowers is also common. This variety stands out for a good harvest, and the bushes grow high. Kesha has strong, large clusters, while Kesha-1 has loose clusters. Their fruits are juicy, large, white, oblong in shape, with a pronounced flavor.
And also give a sufficient harvest in the middle lane:
- American Valiant. It grows high, frost-resistant, its fruits are cornflower blue. The sugar content in berries is about 20%. Valiant is ideal for garden decoration, fences and gazebos.
- Augustin is an early ripe grape variety. It is distinguished by unpretentiousness and high productivity. Clusters are stored without tearing from the bushes for 20 days. The cluster of Augustine grows in the shape of a cone, large, consists of large oblong white berries. Berries are translucent, harmonious taste. Suitable for garden decoration, fences and gazebos.