Static electricity is not dangerous, but unpleasant. We meet with him throughout our lives. Literally everything that is made of metal beats with current. Sometimes the "spark" slips when touching another person. What is it connected with and how to deal with it? In order to understand how to remove static electricity from your own body and various objects that accumulate it, you should take a closer look at the nature of its occurrence.
The nature of static electricity

It is known from school textbooks that a discharge can only jump between a positively charged object and a negatively charged one. And in most cases, we ourselves are the carriers of a positive charge. When in contact with a voluminous metal object or another person (because our body80% consists of water, the tissues of the human body are a priori excellent conductors of electricity) a discharge occurs, that is, a phenomenon when your body is discharged, otherwise it is freed from its positive charge. But how to remove static electricity without harmful effects and discomfort? Let us first analyze the background of its occurrence.
Where does the positive charge in our body come from?
Let's explain in an accessible and understandable language for everyone, even those who are not proficient in physics. Material objects accumulate any charge in themselves through friction. Each atom that makes up any material body (including a human one) has electrons revolving around its nucleus. Here is a simple example.
When we take off our clothes over our heads and throw a sweater on the sofa, a large number of electrons are, as it were, erased from their orbits through friction and go to the blouse that we took off. It is well known that electrons are negatively charged particles, and therefore our blouse becomes negatively charged, since an excess of electrons from our body is now felt in its tissues, while we ourselves become positively charged, since a deficit of negatively charged particles is now felt in the tissues.
If after that we decide to touch a metal object or another person, we will feel a current discharge. A microscopic lightning discharge will appear between the fingertips of the hand and the object, during which a discharge will occur in the literal sense of the word. Our body through this discharge will absorbthe missing number of electrons from this object, and the energy in it will again become balanced. Plus and minus will balance again.
How does static electricity accumulate in our body?

But in order for an imbalance of charged particles to arise in your body, it is not necessary to remove something from yourself. Sitting in a car, we rub against the seat. In the process of walking, clothes can erase some of the electrons from our body. Any friction contributes to the transfer of a certain amount of electrons from somewhere to something. And now you have already turned into a charged material body, which, upon contact with any conductor (metal and other fairly massive conductive object), will definitely be discharged, that is, it will absorb the missing electrons from this object by means of a spark that has slipped between you and this object. But how to remove static electricity from yourself and surrounding objects?
First and foremost rule
A sufficiently grounded object will never accumulate static electricity. What does "grounded" mean? This means constantly in contact with the earth's surface. But in order to "contact with the earth's surface", it is necessary that the shoes have conductive soles. At the present time, this is hardly possible, since all modern shoes are made with soles made of synthetic polymers, rubber, rubber, etc.
"But how to remove static electricity from a person in this case?" - you ask. How else can you "ground"?The answer is simple, and it lies in the increased humidity of the air. If the level of humidity in the room is even slightly higher than usual, the air itself, saturated with moisture, will become an excellent “discharger” for your body. That is why static electricity does not occur with high humidity, just as it does not occur if, say, you get wet in the rain.
How to get rid of static painlessly?
The spark during discharge is not so painful as it is unpleasant. How to remove static electricity from your body or, to be more precise, how to discharge yourself without getting an unpleasant electric shock? To do this, you need to take any small steel product, such as a nail file, a teaspoon or tweezers, as a result of which the positive potential of your body will spread to them. Next, touch the edge of the tweezers to the radiator, car or other massive metal object.
Then the spark will not jump between your fingers and the tweezers, but between the tweezers and the object you touch. In this case, you will not experience any negative feelings. Only you will have to do this over and over again at some intervals, otherwise sooner or later the charge will accumulate in you again, and you will still get an electric shock.
What clothes are prone to static buildup?
Many people are wondering how to remove static electricity from clothes. The fact is that clothing itself cannot accumulate either a positive or a negative charge. In order for it to accumulate, it is necessaryso that friction occurs between the details of clothing. And friction occurs while wearing clothes, taking them off, etc.
And in these cases, the charge is accumulated not in the clothes themselves, but in your body. Only at the moment of parting with clothes between you and a wardrobe detail can a spark slip through. This is especially true for clothing made from synthetic fibers. Taking off a synthetic sweater over your head, you can see with your own eyes the discharges flickering between its fabric, the fabrics of the clothes remaining on you, your hair and your body. This is especially noticeable when the lights are off. Even the air is filled with the smell of ozone, which occurs only during moments of electrical discharges, and the hairs on the head stand on end as they begin to repel each other.
But the piece of clothing that shocked you goodbye does not fully return to your body all the electrons taken from it, and therefore after such undressing procedures you always turn into an object with a plus sign, which sooner or later will be discharged by minus.”
In order to prevent the accumulation of static charge in you while wearing synthetic clothes, you need to wash them with special conditioners that prevent the wardrobe item from collecting electrons from your body. There are many such air conditioners, and they are all sold in any household chemical stores.
Evil car

Very often, a spark of static discharge slips between a car and a motorist (passenger). What to do if your car constantly rewards you with an electric shock? How to remove static electricity fromcar, so that every time she gets out of the car, she does not “bite” you goodbye?
Here, again, the problem lies with you, that is, in your driving behavior and in the materials from which the car seat covers or the seat itself are made. While driving, you are still moving, creating friction. A charge accumulates in you, and the rubber mats of the car prevent discharge, and the voltage remains in you all the time you are in the car, until you, getting out of it, touch a part of your body to the metal body of the car. At this point, the discharge occurs. There is little pleasant, and therefore you should stock up on special tools for processing car seats. These antistatic agents are in the form of aerosols. By spraying this product on chair covers, you will prevent them from accumulating a positive charge in you during friction.

But a car is a thing that can accumulate static in itself, especially in dry weather. In order to prevent this from happening and your car does not beat you with current for nothing, buy a special strip (strap) at the auto parts store, which is attached under the rear bumper and is powered to the car body. The current varieties of antistatic straps are completely attached to the exhaust pipe. The tip of such a strip, constantly in contact with the ground, will prevent the accumulation of static in the body.
Evil Computer

The computer itself will not be able to accumulate a static discharge, since its entire body is powered by ground, that is, by minusfrom the socket. Therefore, the question of how to remove static electricity from a computer does not make sense in itself. Static electricity in the event that any household appliance plugged into the outlet hits you with a discharge, you need to remove it not from it, but from you. This is done in the ways described above.
Evil phone

Many phone models have metal parts in their body, from contact with which a small spark can also slip between the gadget and you. The question of how to remove static electricity from the phone has the same explanation, namely, the “plus” accumulates in you, and not in the gadget. Get rid of the accumulated positive charge in your body, and the phone will not "snarl" at you.

In conclusion, I would like to return to the accumulation of static in our body. Most often, static accumulates in the hair during combing. This makes this procedure very difficult, since the hair bristles and is attracted to the comb, stands on end and interferes with our manipulations in every possible way. How to remove static electricity from hair to finally comb normally? Here, replacing a synthetic comb with a wooden one or, again, special cosmetics - antistatic air conditioners, can help. Or comb through damp hair. As already mentioned, moisture is an excellent conductor of electricity, and static will not accumulate in your hair while combing.