Delphinium diseases: types, signs and methods of dealing with the disease

Delphinium diseases: types, signs and methods of dealing with the disease
Delphinium diseases: types, signs and methods of dealing with the disease

Delphinium is a fairly common annual herbaceous garden culture, which is widely used in the design of flower beds and flower beds. Lush bright green foliage, spike-shaped inflorescences of small flowers of the original form, many varieties and hybrids with a variety of shades of flowers - a real beauty! However, like other outdoor ornamental garden crops, this plant has its own problems: delphinium diseases, like pests, can significantly spoil the appearance of the planting and even lead to the death of flowers. But, being armed with the necessary knowledge, it is always possible to prevent the disease or, if it is already present, to fight successfully. Let's talk about the main ailments and pests that most often affect the delphinium.

Fungal diseases of delphinium

delphinium disease
delphinium disease

Diseases caused by pathogenic fungi and bacteria most often affect the stems and leaves of plants. This is usually due to excessiveair humidity in cool weather conditions, as well as when the delphinium is planted too densely and there is a lack of air circulation in the thick of vegetation.

Powdery mildew

A clear sign of this delphinium disease is the appearance of a grayish-white coating on the leaves, their petioles, stems, and then the flowers of the plant, as a result of which the affected areas curl up, turn brown and die. If measures are not taken, then one plant will die first, and then the whole planting. Powdery mildew can be prevented by thinning out areas planted with delphinium, removing excess shoots. If the disease has already appeared, spraying the bushes with foundationazole or the Topaz antifungal agent will help. From folk remedies, spraying with a copper-soap solution and pollinating bushes pre-moistened with water with crushed sulfur are quite effective.

delphinium disease
delphinium disease


Evidence of the appearance of this fungal disease of the delphinium is the spread of brown spots on the leaves of the plant - lighter in the center and with a dark rim around the edges. With an increase in the number of lesions, the leaves dry up and die. Treatment is carried out by treating diseased plants with any antifungal drug. The causative agent of the disease is also preserved in dead plant residues, so they must be collected and destroyed.

We treat delphinium: bacterial and viral diseases

Black spotting

This delphinium ailment manifests itself in the spread of dark spots throughout the plant from the bottom up, as a result of which the affectedleaves, stems and flowers die and break off. If the disease is not started, then the delphiniums can still be saved by spraying them several times with a solution of tetracycline at the rate of 1 tablet per 1 liter of water. As in the case of fungal diseases, it is imperative to destroy the dead remains of the affected plants.


When these diseases are affected, concentric yellow spots quickly spread through delphinium bushes. The most effective method of treatment is the culling and destruction of infected bushes, as well as the treatment of the rest of the planting with karbofos, aktara, spark and other similar compounds.

delphinium perennial photo
delphinium perennial photo


The most dangerous pests for the delphinium are flies, aphids, mites and caterpillars. They settle on the leaves and flowers of plants, feed on their parts, preventing them from developing normally. You can fight them. And even necessary, spraying delphinium bushes with insecticides, regularly inspecting the plantings and collecting larger pests, setting traps for certain types (for example, containers with bleach against slugs).

These ailments most often affect both the annual delphinium and the perennial delphinium. The photos illustrating this article clearly show how strikingly the appearance of he althy and diseased plants differs. And what will be more on your personal plot, it depends on you!
